RadioBOSS 5.8 [beta]

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djsoft said:
Quote from: celso on September 30, 2018, 10:39:56 AM
I would like to raise the question of probability on the tabs again, if it is possible to add in this version would be very useful, since the way it is is very loaded since it is not intended to insert a separator for each commercial as well as that it has protection of repetition .
Can you please provide more information?,5029.msg25818.html#msg25818
nelson c said:
djsoft said:
Are there any error messages? The file names look OK and shouldn't be a problem...
There is no error message.
Only that the metadata is not imported into the database, and the playcount is always at zero (It does not increase when playing the track)
OK, thank you - we'll check if it's a bug.
Even when I am have the "stop after current track" option enables, RB shows up the next track in the upper right corner. RB doesn't play it after end, but is showing the countdown for intro on current track section.

Also I'd like have RB's Track Tool to save changes by default... maybe with an option to disable that confirmation window at all? I want to save time when preparing my songs.

Another thing is, that title bar and menu bar hasn't the font selected for "main window"... it seems to be Tahoma?!Also track infos cut off, when font size is >10.


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Playlist Refresh rather than just a Repeat
I have a small playlist of circa 20 items, and everyday I manually add tracks and manually delete tracks. The length of the Playlist varies from day to day and just repeats roughly every 3/4/5 hours. After any changes I make, I click on SAVE.
The repeat button is turned on.
I am trying to figure out a way to add into the bottom of the Playlist a command to totally reload it in "brand new mode" with the "not yet played" look/layout/colour. Refreshed in other words, not just totally recycled as is, with no changes whatsoever, which is what repeat is currently doing.

Now a scheduled event fits doing this perfectly excepting it needs a time/date to work and I just want the event to happen on a "cycle" basis, without any time/date being involved.
If somehow I could get it (the event) to activate and then just sit at the bottom of the Playlist and when the time for it comes to do its thing, to "clear the Playlist firstly" (in the ticked box) and next reload the updated Playlist (which will include the event itself for the next cycle).

I need an event that doesn't need a date and time. Just create it firstly, and then dump the event in the Playlist where I want it located.

Any thoughts on how I could achieve this ?
Or alternatively other means to achieve the object I am aiming for. Something that will insert a Playlist and clear out the old one.

I have tried Commands and have tried "Clear Playlist" but once that happens, repeat doesn't reload the Playlist, its only recycling what is already there, which at that point is nothing because of the "clearing" having taken place.
Playlist Track Names
Is there a way of importing just the file name (Artist - Title) into the Playlist
without importing any additional database information at all (such as APEv2) ?
I am not wanting the additional database information to take over from a simple Artist - Title naming.
The "error" label on an invalid cartwall element should be shown at RadioBOSS startup. That prevents ugly error prompts. :)


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Why don't you order the settings tree more by relevance (1) or rearrange the style properties (2), that it makes more sense? =)


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I wondering about, that I am not able to choose "Charcoal Dark Slate" for Track Tool, and "Amethyst Kamri" not for main window.

Woulnd't it be better to move the "Amethyst Kamri" to general RadioBOSS Settings, apply UI design to TrackTool / Music libary and delete the "style button" in track tool?

And why does Track Tool using another font family?


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In addition to my post before I made some minds about the track tool.The arrangement of the items at this point is a bit narrowly and confusing.
That's why I have some improvements.

  • Moving "volume" to left sidebar- Moving "start and end date"  to left sidebar
  • Moving "deactivate title" to left sidebar
  • Remove "style" Button due to my last posting (apply style from global RB settings)
  • Increase width of labels for Marker fields a bit
  • Increase width of "set" buttons a bit
  • Decrease height of markers area- Increase height of wave form (or decrease height of Track Tool to save space at all)
Row 1:
  • Column 1:
  • Marker for "start" and "end" points among themselves
  • Column 2:
  • Marker for "Fade in" and "Fade out" points among themselves
  • Column 3:
  • Marker for "Hook in" and "Hook out" points among themselves
Row 2:
  • Column 1:
  • Marker for "Intro" and "Outro" points among themselves (called "Ramp" in Germany)
  • Column 2:
  • Marker for "Mix" point
  • Column 3:
  • Marker for "Voicetrack insert" and BPM analysis among themselves
Finally that cleans up the Track Tool a bit, and the new arrangement would make more sense (because it's "logic").What do you think about that? =)


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vk1337 // Basti said:
In addition to my post before I made some minds about the track tool.The arrangement of the items at this point is a bit narrowly and confusing.
That's why I have some improvements.

I like your suggested improvements Basti.  :)
Some good ideas there. And you have done some excellent work in the graphics too, which look really good.
Please add a vu meter for the encoder, but allow it to open in a separate window or somewhere, so we can monitor input levels. Not hiding in the encoder.
nelson c said:
This can be very useful for these cases, but for terrestrial stations it is very dangerous. We have disabled the volume control of RadioBOSS to avoid accidents and this is more prone to accidents.
I think we'll add this to the "Controls" in the settings so you can disable this feature.

nelson c said:
Recently restart the PC. (It was not frozen) and when starting RB I do not charge the last profile.
I loaded it manually and everything worked ok (indicating that the profile was not damaged)
Is it possible to improve this?
If the restart was graceful (e.g. using the Start menu) then the profile will be saved. If it was restarted forcefully, like using the Reset button, the last profile may not be saved due to caching and other reasons. There's no easy way to improve it, other that avoiding forceful reboots.

nelson c said:
Off topic: Format one of the main PCs and restarting Windows does not reconnect the shared folder.
I remember that we discussed it before and there were some steps to solve it, but I can not find it in the forum.
Dmitry remember what those steps were?
I don't recall this was discussed before so I can't help you with this, I'm sorry. Usually you need to mount the shared folder as a drive and it should be kept between restarts.
DJSTU said:
Stream 4 uses the built in streaming from RadioBoss BUT is NOT reflecting all the information from within nowplaying.txt.
Please note that RadioBOSS never reads the "nowplaying" file. It only writes to it. It sends the titles to the server according to the rules (broadcasting title format etc). If it's playing a network stream, it reads the title information from the stream - then it will write this title to the nowplaying file (if enabled) and will send the same title to streaming servers it broadcadts to (according to broadcast title format and other settings).

DJSTU said:
Righto. Then lets compromise. Maybe reword it so it says "Start playback (of Playlist)" or " Start playback (of Playlist 1)" so as it takes away any impression of Playback meaning streaming, and thus is very clear.
Playback means playback. And it's not always "Playlist 1" as tabs are often renamed. This should be left as it is, renaming anything in the UI means updating all language files and user manual, so it has to be a really good reason to do so :)

celso said:
djsoft said:
Quote from: celso on September 30, 2018, 10:39:56 AM
I would like to raise the question of probability on the tabs again, if it is possible to add in this version would be very useful, since the way it is is very loaded since it is not intended to insert a separator for each commercial as well as that it has protection of repetition .
Can you please provide more information?,5029.msg25818.html#msg25818
This is planned for the future versions (but not for 5.8, I'm sorry).

vk1337 // Basti said:
Even when I am have the "stop after current track" option enables, RB shows up the next track in the upper right corner. RB doesn't play it after end, but is showing the countdown for intro on current track section.
Yes, it should be empty - will be fixed.

vk1337 // Basti said:
Also I'd like have RB's Track Tool to save changes by default... maybe with an option to disable that confirmation window at all? I want to save time when preparing my songs.
Noted - I think an option will be added to make it work this way.

vk1337 // Basti said:
Another thing is, that title bar and menu bar hasn't the font selected for "main window"... it seems to be Tahoma?!Also track infos cut off, when font size is >10.
The track info tab will resize to fit the large font. As for title and menu fonts, there are technical reasons for those to stay at default fonts (custom fonts doesn't work properly).

DJSTU said:
I am trying to figure out a way to add into the bottom of the Playlist a command to totally reload it in "brand new mode" with the "not yet played" look/layout/colour. Refreshed in other words, not just totally recycled as is, with no changes whatsoever, which is what repeat is currently doing.
Do you mean reset the "played" state for the tracks and do nothing else?

DJSTU said:
Is there a way of importing just the file name (Artist - Title) into the Playlist
without importing any additional database information at all (such as APEv2) ?
I am not wanting the additional database information to take over from a simple Artist - Title naming.
Additional information contain a different type of information (playcount, last played etc) and does not override the artist/title information that is read from the tag.

vk1337 // Basti said:
The "error" label on an invalid cartwall element should be shown at RadioBOSS startup. That prevents ugly error prompts. :)
This is a question, as cart wall can be invalid when RadioBOSS was started, but is actually valid when it's played. Please note that checking cart walls on startup when there are many pages of them is a time consuming operation.

vk1337 // Basti said:
Why don't you order the settings tree more by relevance (1) or rearrange the style properties (2), that it makes more sense? =)
That looks better, no doubt. But the problem here is that the software exists for some time (15+ years), and people have habits. Rearranging the settings will require re-learning and searching for things that are now moved to different places. This can be annoying so we delay major UI changes as long as possible :)
vk1337 // Basti said:
Woulnd't it be better to move the "Amethyst Kamri" to general RadioBOSS Settings, apply UI design to TrackTool / Music libary and delete the "style button" in track tool?
Track Tool has its own styling options, and currently it uses the default system font for its window (the font setting is actually only available in RadioBOSS as it's the windows that is on the screen most of the time). The thing with TT is that the song waveform and other controls there doesn't look good with many styles, so the style set is limited.

vk1337 // Basti said:
Remove "style" Button due to my last posting (apply style from global RB settings)
The styles are different on purpose, some users have different styles for Track Tool, Ads Scheduler to easily distinguish between windows.

vk1337 // Basti said:
In addition to my post before I made some minds about the track tool.The arrangement of the items at this point is a bit narrowly and confusing.
That's why I have some improvements.
This looks interesting and thanks for the demo window. Please note that there could be up to 5 more user defined fields on the left and this will make window tall. The window as it is now indeed has lots of controls and it requires deeper changes, like going away from concept of "[ ] Name N.NN Set Play" for markers to something else...
Ssd97k said:
Please add a vu meter for the encoder, but allow it to open in a separate window or somewhere, so we can monitor input levels. Not hiding in the encoder.
You can click "View"->"Mic and VU meter in the center" menu command to make the VU meter always visible.
Another track with problems using the MySql database: I guess by the file name.

M:\...\Axwell ? Ingrosso - Something New.mp3
nelson c said:
I guess by the file name.
Yes, / and \ are invalid characters for the file system. You should rename this file. E. g. I am using MP3Tag and MusicBee for sorting and filtering such characters.
If it is true that / and \ are not valid but here the character is ? (It is not "/\"
This file is being played since 2015 with this name. The problem is that the MySql database has a problem with some characters
djsoft said:
Do you mean reset the "played" state for the tracks and do nothing else?

YES. When it reaches the end of the Playlist and then repeats, nothing is changing excepting the Start Time. You no longer have the new playlist look (un-played) but instead have the stale played look recycling. The list should look like new every time it repeats.
And I am looking for some way to achieve this.

djsoft said:
Additional information contain a different type of information (playcount, last played etc) and does not override the artist/title information that is read from the tag.
For me, the Playlist is short (circa 15 to 20 items) and changes every day. I just don't need any additional information such as play counts etc. In fact the play counts are driving me nutz. I have my folder listed in descending date time showing the latest imported file/s. So I know whats new, the latest, to be added into the playlist.
I can simply take the latest entry or entry's from the folder and place it manually where I want in the playlist. Every time play count etc rewrites the file, old files get placed at the top in the folder. Now I have to go hunting for whats new. I may spend an hour or more downloading files before manually placing them, but in the meantime play count is busy re-arranging things by the time I get there.
The options at the moment are APEv2, MySQL and SQLite.
I don't want any of those. All I want is the track name only without any additional database information.
But I cannot see anyway of achieving that.
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