RadioBOSS 5.9 [beta]

djsoft said:
As for the Delphi code, I'm not sure what happens there as code is not complete, it looks likle that one of the functions you call modify the XML data, removing the "#&9;" character and changing it to something else (space).
Here the rest of the code. It's weird how tabs are removed..Any ideas?
Function TPrincipal.ReadTag(Ruta: String; Var ANode: IXMLNode): Boolean;
	ADPLocalFile : TFileName;
  conexionservidor: String;
	conexionservidor:= URLParaLlamarAAPI('&action=readtag&fn=') + EncodeURIComponent(Ruta);
	ADPLocalFile := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(_carpetatemp + '\') + 'temp.' + FormatDateTime('',now()) + '.xml';

	if not DownloadURLFile(conexionservidor, ADPLocalFile)  then
	  Raise Exception.CreateFmt('Atencion, se perdio la conexion!',[]);

	if not FileExists(ADPLocalFile) then
	  raise exception.Create('Error al escribir archivo temporal');

	XMLDoc.FileName := ADPLocalFile;

	ANode := XMLDoc.DocumentElement; //get root node - "Info" in case of RB's XML

<File FN="M:\Mi musica\13 - fabiana cantilo - profugos(2).mp3" Duration="278949" Artist="Fabiana Cantilo" Title="Profugos" Album="Inconsciente Colectivo" Year="2005" Genre="Rock/Pop" Comment="" BPM="" Rating="10" Playcount="90" LastPlayed="2019-11-18 12:40:21" UserField1="Nacionales" UserField2="" UserField3="" UserField4="" UserField5="" TypeIdentifier="" TagsList="Cat: Alta&#09;Cat: Nuevos Sonidos" />


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Nor am I being able to set tags using the API:
Google Chrome only inserts the first tag (I think because of the & symbol used for passing variables)
From delphi (What is important): If I write (tab), it is inserted as space and "#&9;" It is written as a tag
Examples code:
ANode.ChildNodes.FindNode('File').SetAttributeNS('TagsList', '', 'Cat: Alta  Cat: Baja');//Cat: Alta  Cat: Baja
ANode.ChildNodes.FindNode('File').SetAttributeNS('TagsList', '', 'Cat: Alta#&9;Cat: Baja');//Cat: Alta#&9;Cat: Baja
RBAPI.Get(URLParaLlamarAAPI('&action=writetag&fn=' + EncodeURIComponent(Ruta)) + '&data=' + EncodeURIComponent(ANode.XML));
It would not be a good idea to change the separator character to ',' for example?
AccuWeather is not working .. In the test pc it says that the data was updated, however it says the temperature of more than 12 hours ago (it can be seen in the last modification of the file)
Advertise 17 degrees when it actually does 35, which is a serious problem..

I think we need data from more than 1 hour ago to be considered outdated (And not show them)

On the ad production PC It also announces a temperature of more than 12 hours and:
Weather update error: HTTP/1.1 503 Unauthorized
Both PCs have the same API key


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nelson c said:
Here the rest of the code. It's weird how tabs are removed..Any ideas?
No ideas, sorry. I suggest to check all intermediate results, e.g. same downloaded content to a file and see if it's not modified and the tab characters are still there. The "Showmessage" function you use is very likely to convert tabs to spaces, so it's not a good debug tool, saving to a text file is more reliable.
As you see RadioBOSS presents the data correctly, so the problem is not there.

nelson c said:
Google Chrome only inserts the first tag (I think because of the & symbol used for passing variables)
The readtag/writetag APIs are intended to be used from code, not from the browser. Browsers will likely convert special characters and you will not get the results that you expect - if you want to run it from the browser, you should URL-encode all parameters to escape the "&" character.

nelson c said:
It would not be a good idea to change the separator character to ',' for example?
The Tab character works fine. I see there's a bug in your code: you use #&9; while it should be &#9 :)
nelson c said:
I think we need data from more than 1 hour ago to be considered outdated (And not show them)
This seems to be a good idea, currently IIRC it's set to 12 or 24 hours.

nelson c said:
Now AccuWather in RB worked again an hour ago. It was not working all day.
Probably some technical issues at AccuWeather, I'm not sure.

Roberto Costa said:
hoje o meu radio Boss vers?o travando e teve que reiniciar.
Please write in English and also provide more details on what happened. I'd suggest to upidate to the latest RadioBOSS as there are lots of changes compared to the version.
djsoft said:
This seems to be a good idea, currently IIRC it's set to 12 or 24 hours.
Could you see this soon? :D
djsoft said:
Quote from: nelson c on November 20, 2019, 02:26:08 AM
Now AccuWather in RB worked again an hour ago. It was not working all day.
Probably some technical issues at AccuWeather, I'm not sure.
The strangest thing is that on one of the PCs, he said that the data was updated correctly. And this can cause an incorrect temperature to be announced. (RB code problem), however the temp file had not been modified
This morning I turned on the RadioBoss and I only see a trial version. I also deleted many events that I had as commercials. :( :(
nelson c said:
Could you see this soon?
It will be added to "Advanced settings" first, then we'll see if there's demand for it to include in the main settings - in the next update, I think.

nelson c said:
The strangest thing is that on one of the PCs, he said that the data was updated correctly. And this can cause an incorrect temperature to be announced. (RB code problem), however the temp file had not been modified
It checks that the connection was successful and the data returned was valid. If both of those are true, it considers that weather update is successful.
Andreskr said:
This morning I turned on the RadioBoss and I only see a trial version. I also deleted many events that I had as commercials. :( :(
It looks like some files got removed, and RadioBOSS lost information about its key and event. This happens when hard drive is faulty, or when you turn computer off abruptly (not using the Power Off feature in Windows).
djsoft said:
You can use the playlist generator to select tracks that play fewer than others, use priority rules:

This is not giving me the result i want for my automation. I insert new tracks and they are not selected in the next generated playlist. If they have 0 counts, why do they are left behind? There's no conflicts (artists, albuns or track names). I even tested with "if counts are less > MIN > Increase 100".
I have to insert the new song tracks manually. Since RadioBoss is an automation program maybe you should prioritize these kind of issues... what really makes me sad is that i've already asked for this some months ago, and now is being delayed. Not fair.
It will prioritize the tracks with zero playcount so you should see them more often in the created playlist. If priority is 100, those tracks will have 2x more chance to appear in the playlist.

If you want it to be guaranteed, then you should probably use Tags and assign tag like "New" and make playlist generator select tracks with such a tag.
Why use a tag if i have already a value (playcounts)? Using 2 values (tag+playcounts) makes it more complicated, besides playcounts changes and tags don't. So the problem would appear in a near future.

For me tags are a waste of time when you already have so much fields to use when you work with the metadata of a song. The basics are being left behind, such as having rotations like less/more playcounts or old/recent dates.
The options you have is by order or random. For the basics these should be developed but they are being left behind for an automation software, in my opinion you are losing focus.
The basics are what keep the structure strong.
jpp said:
The basics are being left behind, such as having rotations like less/more playcounts or old/recent dates.
It is possible with priorities. You can change priorities to maker tracks appear more often or less often in the playlist. For your case, increasing the priority for less played tracks can be supplemented by another rule to lower the priority for tracks that play too often.

jpp said:
For the basics these should be developed but they are being left behind for an automation software, in my opinion you are losing focus.
This feature already exists, so there's nothing that should be added.
RadioBOSS release candidate
  • Minor UI improvements
  • Bugs fixed
djsoft said:
This feature already exists, so there's nothing that should be added.

Clearly you don't do playlists, or if you do you don't give much attention to it. I do, because they are the base of my radio, and i believe playlists are the base of the majority... But it also looks like the majority don't give credit to it, if so you should already know that there are some features that don't work.
a major one is that even with the box selected to have in consideration songs in playlist, it fails. A song in a generated playlist that hasn't been played yet, it is going to be scheduled in the next hour... It fails to respect ALL rules. Song/artist/album/etc.
IF it exists, are they working?

Besides it fails to work and give the best rotation, why do i have to generate playlists if there's an option to just simply follow a structure... why the need to create an event to simply have a playlist? An event is what it means, and not the entire programation. An event occurs when you need to change something in your schedule. Not having an event to have a playlist. And you've already have that option and i want it to use it, but you don't have one that picks the less played songs. As i pay for the software i'm entiled to ask for it.

So You say it exists. I say it don't, because it is NOT the same. On the fly you update immediately the data, on a generate playlist you have to wait and execute it to update, so it will never be accurate.
On the fly you can make changes on the moment, with a generated playlist, if you want to change anything you have to delete and generate another, and as it works now, you will not have an accurate list of what you want for your rotation. It doesn't pick a 0 playcount song, it picks one beetween 0 and 1 or 2 or 3... Is this what you mean it exists???
Sorry but No, it doesn't exists.
jpp said:
Clearly you don't do playlists, or if you do you don't give much attention to it. I do, because they are the base of my radio, and i believe playlists are the base of the majority... But it also looks like the majority don't give credit to it, if so you should already know that there are some features that don't work.
a major one is that even with the box selected to have in consideration songs in playlist, it fails. A song in a generated playlist that hasn't been played yet, it is going to be scheduled in the next hour... It fails to respect ALL rules. Song/artist/album/etc.
IF it exists, are they working?

Besides it fails to work and give the best rotation, why do i have to generate playlists if there's an option to just simply follow a structure... why the need to create an event to simply have a playlist? An event is what it means, and not the entire programation. An event occurs when you need to change something in your schedule. Not having an event to have a playlist. And you've already have that option and i want it to use it, but you don't have one that picks the less played songs. As i pay for the software i'm entiled to ask for it.

So You say it exists. I say it don't, because it is NOT the same. On the fly you update immediately the data, on a generate playlist you have to wait and execute it to update, so it will never be accurate.
On the fly you can make changes on the moment, with a generated playlist, if you want to change anything you have to delete and generate another, and as it works now, you will not have an accurate list of what you want for your rotation. It doesn't pick a 0 playcount song, it picks one beetween 0 and 1 or 2 or 3... Is this what you mean it exists???
Sorry but No, it doesn't exists.

Priority > Additional Priority rules, works for us when selecting tracks with 0 play count.

We use the API to schedule playlist updates although you can use events to achieve the same. This updates the playlists for us. We've been able to do that since 2017.

The features exist, you may need to implement them a specific way to suit your environment. This is not on the onus of the programmer, they have provided API capabilities for you to customize the software to suit your needs. Changing the baseline application affects everybody.

In our case we have a master system that is controlled via API because all the studios are synchronised with the master system. In order to prevent all 3 systems doing database updates each night, only 1 does this and then pushes the changes to the other studios. This has been achieved using the API commands.

Was this feature working previously, and now not working any more? If that's the case, then that sounds like something the programmer can fix. If you've never had it working in the first place, it sounds like you need to adjust your settings.