RadioBOSS 5.9 [beta]

djsoft said:
Please try rebooting the PC if possible, it should fix the problem

I had a few more errors show up but I'll reboot and see how it goes.

New error: The categories (Display group) in Ads Scheduler are not showing up - even if the theme is changed.


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djsoft said:
jpp said:
I desperately need the option for "Less Played Songs"
Even with the scheduling i've got tracks that are less played and others with major plays.
(in same category and consedering artist/song separations)
Would be a very usefull option to get a much better rotation of the songs.
This is in the dev queue, it is possible that we'll add it in this beta.

Would you, PLEASE??? I'm beggin :)
It's the only reason i see to test the version and to continue on subscribing.
I get the needs of others, but i only use RB in its basic functions.
As you know i suggested other options, but if this one is implemented i will not be bothering you. I promise. (unless it doesn't work properly :D )
Patrick De Bruyn said:
is it possible to change the color for the tab of a ACTIVE Playlist so it would be easyer to recognize iff al playlist is active or not
An option will be added to change color for active tabs.

jpp said:
I get the needs of others, but i only use RB in its basic functions.
I can't promise anything at this time, it's assigned for RadioBOSS 5.9.x so either it will be ready in this beta (soon) or in one of the RadioBOSS 5.9 x updates later.
jpp said:
I get the needs of others, but i only use RB in its basic functions.
I can't promise anything at this time, it's assigned for RadioBOSS 5.9.x so either it will be ready in this beta (soon) or in one of the RadioBOSS 5.9 x updates later.

Ok, just take in consideration i'm desperate. Everyday i do a research of the songs left behind and make manually a playlist to include them. So you can see how much that option would be apreciated.
Thanks in advance  8)
RadioBOSS beta

  • File types can be reordered in the list
  • Scheduler groups are displayed by default in additional work zones
  • Target normalize level in Track Tool
  • Improved search UI in Music Library
  • Error notification emails now contain additional information (profile name and executable path)
  • Search: clear tags button
  • Mix point threshold and silence trimming take playback level info into account
  • OpenWeatherMap API key can be specified by user instead of the default key to prevent rate limitation errors
  • Fixed bugs in search: slow loading and incorrect duration display
  • Fixed stream archive incorrect microphone recording
  • Fixed incorrect tags display in Music Library
  • Fixed crash when normalizing certain music tracks
  • Fixed: Genre was not saved sometimes in Track Tool
  • Fixed: tags were not saved in Track Tool sometimes
  • Minor improvements and bugs fixed
Good evening to the DJ soft team from Greece! I'm Giorgos Persesoglou, the translator of the program in Greek. And after the last misfortune we had if you remember about six months ago I have started to recreate the translation file from scratch again.
At this point trying out the new trial version of Radio Boss 5.8.9 and I in turn want to mention some problems that arise in general and in accessibility issues.
1. The autoamp tab does not allow us with the screen reader to find the button to select it to enable half weighted.
2. In the music library the buttons that are there do not name them. They are referred to as buttons.
3. When we add songs to the program we cannot find the Total. That is, the hours they can cover the pieces we have added. Everything I mentioned is not accessible with the jaws screen reader.
5. Select Add Text to Speech. It would be good depending on the country and language used by radioboss to be able to choose the right composer. B.C. The Greek.
6. It would be great to add social media broadcasting as a built-in feature. On Facebook primarily and on YouTube.
7. When the program is open. An icon appears in the Bottom Bar. In my opinion it would be great to have an option so that it can be removed for anyone who doesn't need it.
8. The weather announcement is not accessible to the vocal reader, that is. We cannot adjust the schedule to announce the weather in general, but especially in our own country.
9. A problem that exists in the Explore tab. When you find the song you want to hear, before adding it to that spot it doesn't work with the Pre-listening keyboard.
10. In my personal opinion. It would be a good idea to add an option to automatically add songs to the program in the right mouse click.
In a nutshell I tried to tell you the first things I saw from the trial version of the program. I hope and wish I didn't tire you! Working these days, I will report any problems I have. Either in regular use, or with the screen reader and accessibility theme. Sincerely, Greece! Staying at your disposal for any information and anything you need.
djsoft said:
Quote from: nelson c on Today at 12:53:39 PM
filter per decade would also be useful.
How should it work?
The idea is to identify, for example, songs from the 90s. Then a trader would say "Living the Nineties", about a song between 1990 and 1999
In the settings-Input we can check output to encoders only.
There seems to be a bug, iff checked the entire microfon is muted, also on the encoder (stream)
This bug is also in the version
Greethings from Germany


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djsoft said:
RadioBOSS beta

  • File types can be reordered in the list
  • Scheduler groups are displayed by default in additional work zones
  • Target normalize level in Track Tool
  • Improved search UI in Music Library
  • Error notification emails now contain additional information (profile name and executable path)
  • Search: clear tags button
  • Mix point threshold and silence trimming take playback level info into account
  • OpenWeatherMap API key can be specified by user instead of the default key to prevent rate limitation errors
  • Fixed bugs in search: slow loading and incorrect duration display
  • Fixed stream archive incorrect microphone recording
  • Fixed incorrect tags display in Music Library
  • Fixed crash when normalizing certain music tracks
  • Fixed: Genre was not saved sometimes in Track Tool
  • Fixed: tags were not saved in Track Tool sometimes
  • Minor improvements and bugs fixed

Super... :)
??????? ??????????, thank you for your input. The accessibility issues were added to our internal list and we'll try to gradually fix them. Answering to some points below:

??????? ?????????? said:
2. In the music library the buttons that are there do not name them. They are referred to as buttons.
Can you please specify where those buttons are located?

??????? ?????????? said:
5. Select Add Text to Speech. It would be good depending on the country and language used by radioboss to be able to choose the right composer. B.C. The Greek.
By default it uses the voice selected in the system.

??????? ?????????? said:
6. It would be great to add social media broadcasting as a built-in feature. On Facebook primarily and on YouTube.
We plan on adding such a feature but currently it doesn't work as reliable as we want it to.

??????? ?????????? said:
7. When the program is open. An icon appears in the Bottom Bar. In my opinion it would be great to have an option so that it can be removed for anyone who doesn't need it.
You can remove it: open Settings, General section, uncheck the "Place button on taskbar".

??????? ?????????? said:
8. The weather announcement is not accessible to the vocal reader, that is. We cannot adjust the schedule to announce the weather in general, but especially in our own country.
Do you mean the weather data is not gathered? Please note, before reading the weather, you need to get the weather data first using the weather command. If it fails with an error message, you should register at and specify your own API key in Settings->Scheduler.
Please also see this guide about weather announcements:

??????? ?????????? said:
9. A problem that exists in the Explore tab. When you find the song you want to hear, before adding it to that spot it doesn't work with the Pre-listening keyboard.
You can call the menu and there is Prelisten option to prelisten it before adding.

??????? ?????????? said:
10. In my personal opinion. It would be a good idea to add an option to automatically add songs to the program in the right mouse click.
Right click is used to call context menu.
nelson c said:
The idea is to identify, for example, songs from the 90s. Then a trader would say "Living the Nineties", about a song between 1990 and 1999
In this case, using tags seems to be the way. Assign a tag like "90s" and make Auto Intro select using this tag. It is way easier to use and configure than allowing to specify a range like "Year from 1990 year to 1999, inclusive, ignore tracks with no year specified".

Patrick De Bruyn said:
In the settings-Input we can check output to encoders only.
There seems to be a bug, iff checked the entire microfon is muted, also on the encoder (stream)
This bug is also in the version
This does not seem to confirm here. Are you sure the microphone actually works, eg. do you hear it in the stream with this option off?
The categories (Display group) in Ads Scheduler are not showing up - even if the theme is changed.


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