RadioBOSS 6.0.4.x (beta) - Improved video support and Track List

I would like to report another strange anomaly that has its roots in version and continues in version Sometimes it happens that after the administrator logs in that the FX section remains locked. After another user who does not have administrator authority logs in and logs out again and then re-logs in to the administrator ... the FX section is then unlocked. It's not a big problem but it's frustrating to log in twice, after it happens .... I say not always but it happens from time to time.
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If you use a custom style, please try switching to use a standard Windows style, and see if the locking problem still occurs.
2 questions about "Auto Intro" section.
01.*** If I have, for example, 4 default items and they are all active, with the first (according to the priority) percentage of probability 20% and the second, third and fourth below it 100%, (unconditionally), in that situation I assume that Auto Intro would play any other item with 100% probability and should be the next1 (jingle e.g.) but it never happens ... the program constantly takes by some rule the first item with the set 20% ...why is this happening .... maybe I'm wrong somewhere ?
02. *** Is it possible to set 2 or more Genres in one given line in the section e.g. *Condition* Genre - Not contains - ****, and how should they be set, ie which separator should be used to separate them, e.g. (Genre - Not contains - House, Dance) or (Genre - Equals - R&B, Lounge, Chillout)
or I have to make a separate rule for each genre ?
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RadioBOSS 6.0.4.x beta

Qué hay de nuevo

  • Agrega soporte para el complemento de reproducción de video (ver más abajo)
  • Se mejoró la reproducción de video nativo, pero aún existen algunos problemas; quedará obsoleto en el futuro, recomendamos usar el complemento
  • Lista de pistas mejorada (detalles a continuación)
  • Se agregó la utilidad "Repetir prueba de reglas de protección" a la Biblioteca de música (menú Herramientas)
Descargar :

Complemento de reproducción de video

El complemento usa libVLC para manejar la reproducción de video. La ventaja es que la reproducción de video no requiere la instalación de un códec, es compatible con casi cualquier formato de video y, en general, es mucho más estable y confiable en comparación con el soporte de reproducción de video nativo en RadioBOSS.

Instalación del complemento de video

En esta versión de vista previa, la instalación automática no es compatible, se admitirá en la versión final.
  1. Descargue el complemento: RadioBOSS Video Plugin
  2. Extraiga el contenido del archivo en la carpeta de instalación de RadioBOSS, la ubicación predeterminada es C: \ Archivos de programa (x86) \ RadioBOSS \
Mejoras en la lista de pistas

La selección aleatoria de pistas se modificó para dar como resultado una mejor distribución de pistas. Ésta es la solución para el problema de las "pistas favoritas" que informaron algunos usuarios. Es decir, algunas pistas podrían seleccionarse 4-5 veces o más, mientras que otras pistas nunca se seleccionaron o se seleccionaron solo una vez. Además, se mejoró la protección de repetición para corregir errores ocasionales cuando se podía repetir el mismo artista.

A partir de esta versión, la selección de la pista En orden siempre ignora las reglas de protección contra repetición. Solo funcionan para la selección aleatoria .

Repetir la utilidad de prueba de reglas de protección

Para usar la utilidad, inicie Music Library y seleccione Tools-> Repeat Protection Test.
Seleccione una carpeta donde se encuentra la música, establezca las reglas de protección de repetición y el número de pistas para seleccionar.
Interpretación de los resultados:
  • Si hay alguna advertencia, esto significa que las reglas son demasiado estrictas y los períodos de no repetición deben reducirse;
  • Compare los valores de recuento de reproducción promedio / mínimo / máximo, si difieren mucho, también significa que las reglas de protección de repetición son demasiado estrictas, por lo que al seleccionar pistas no tiene suficiente libertad. Si los valores son casi iguales (+ -2 pistas), las reglas están bien.
y cual seria el cambio con el plugin de video por lo que se ve no realiza ningun cambio. radioboos podria implementar marcar un punto de inicio, final de los videos. y mucho mas que los videos tengan mezclas entre ellos. seria el mejor software del planeta
01.*** If I have, for example, 4 default items and they are all active, with the first (according to the priority) percentage of probability 20% and the second, third and fourth below it 100%, (unconditionally), in that situation I assume that Auto Intro would play any other item with 100% probability and should be the next1 (jingle e.g.) but it never happens ... the program constantly takes by some rule the first item with the set 20% ...why is this happening .... maybe I'm wrong somewhere ?
It checks the rules from the top to the bottom. In your case, if the rule with "20%" probability fits all the other criteria then it's selected and used.

02. *** Is it possible to set 2 or more Genres in one given line in the section e.g. *Condition* Genre - Not contains - ****, and how should they be set, ie which separator should be used to separate them, e.g. (Genre - Not contains - House, Dance) or (Genre - Equals - R&B, Lounge, Chillout)
or I have to make a separate rule for each genre ?
This is not possible currently, I have added it as a feature request, will be implemented in the future.
Are you maybe planing - a new feature for ads to shuffle tracks and take into account priorities?
I think this is a very important possibility for a radio automation program. Some customers want to be first, some last, and we can’t provide that for them :-(
Do you mean shuffle, but only within the same priority? E.g. if there are N tracks with priority 10, those will, be shuffled between themselves, but not mixed with other priorities?
Do you mean shuffle, but only within the same priority? E.g. if there are N tracks with priority 10, those will, be shuffled between themselves, but not mixed with other priorities?
Yes, exactly!
If all ads have priority 5, and one with priority 1. That one will always be first, and others will shuffled between themselves. Jazler had this option for a very long time.
I think that's one of the basis of the radio business. I don’t realize how no one misses that?

And one more thing, but only as an idea. Is it possible in the Ads scheduler to put an option that the squares can be colored?
Why? On our radio ads are placed a few days in advance. E.g. so can the radio host indicate to the marketing manager that there will be a show at a certain time and that he not put ads then. Or E.g. to place certain ads in that time.
I think that's one of the basis of the radio business. I don’t realize how no one misses that?
It wasn't missed, others also asked about it - the feature will be added in one of the next updates.

And one more thing, but only as an idea. Is it possible in the Ads scheduler to put an option that the squares can be colored?
We plan on redoing the whole Ads UI at some point in the future, especially to allow scheduling for more than a week in advance.
Hello Again. The import of the old XML databases from 5.x.x version then will show at added data the actual import data. I need that shows the added data that shows in xml file. when can you solventy this issue?
Hello Again. The import of the old XML databases from 5.x.x version then will show at added data the actual import data. I need that shows the added data that shows in xml file. when can you solventy this issue?
I'm sorry but we've decided not to include this feature, due to low demand for it from users.