RadioBOSS 6.1 [beta]


Well-known member
Staff member
What's new
  • Render to file (mixdown) feature: render a playlist to a single file, allows creating pre-recorded shows
  • Configurable crossfade curve shape (linear, parabolic)
  • Added third input (Input 3) that can be used in addition to existing two inputs
  • Auto Intro: new conditions added (rating, duration), added second condition block
  • Added new playlist tabs: song requests, playback queue
  • Microphone bed - background music for microphone when nothing is playing in the playlist
  • Microphone: option to start next track after mic is turned off (right-click the MIC button)
  • Custom broadcasting title is included in the playlist Track Title column
  • Improved playlist search - now it highlights all results
  • Custom broadcast title (for network streams, line input etc) now includes history to choose from previous titles
  • API can be used over HTTPS protocol (requires adding a certificate)
  • Custom colors can be selected for playlist tabs
  • Playlist tabs can be dragged with a mouse
  • Reports: FTPS protocol can be used to upload nowplaying and artwork
  • WASAPI support for Prelisten, Cart wall and Jingles output devices
  • Style: toolbar icon size can be adjusted (Settings->View->Style)
  • Custom Nowplaying file templates are supported
  • Track List - separate artist option to improve repeat protection when multiple artists are listed
  • Track List - view and modify position in the track source for "In order" and "Series" selection
  • Improvements in Relaying
  • Email notifications: our email service can be used instead of SMTP, requires no configuration
  • Added "Mute monitor sound card on prelisten" option in the Prelisten window
  • Microphone can be prelistened (right-click the MIC button)
  • Log window: added a filter to only show played tracks
  • API: "scheduler" list events marks the last started event
  • API: "encoderstatus" includes listener count for each encoder
Ads Scheduler
  • Profiles system: any number of profiles can be created to manage different types of ads separately (commercial, social, political etc)
  • Changed the way ads are managed, now the ads are not tied to files on the disk
  • Confugurable option added: group for "adsupdate" event
  • Shuffle ads - takes ads priorities into account
  • Basic repeat protection for alternate ads tracks
  • Repeat protection for separators
  • Added "separator probability" option
  • Added scheduled event option "Insert sweeper"
  • Fixed: sweepers incorrectly processed when alternate tracks are used
  • Fixed bugs with intro/outro processing
  • Fixed minor remote ads management bugs
Music Library
  • Show selected tracks duration and count
  • Improved played history display
  • "makelibrary" command actually updates the library instead of completely rebuilding it
  • Option added to change list background color
  • Added Index column to the list
  • Bulk empty start/end dates for tracks
  • Added option to clear playcount, last played and played history for tracks
  • Improved user tags management; tags cleanup feature to remove non-existent tags from tracks
  • New options added in the Scheduler Wizard
  • Extended the "clearplaylist" command: "clearplaylist up" to remove tracks above the playing track
  • Added commands to enable and disable individual events by name
  • "Manual" column added to the events list, it contains time when the event was supposed to run when Manual mode is enabled
Song Request System
  • Improvements in the requested song list window
  • Song requests are logged and kept in the list for reference
  • Request message is available with %requestedmsg variable in the notifications
Track Tool
  • Show track duration between start and end
  • Hot keys (F2-F11) to set markers
  • Shows time value for current cursor position
Segue Editor
  • Shows Intro and Outro if set for tracks
  • Fixed delayed playback error on some computers
  • Fixed lots of minor issues and overall quality improvements
Playlist Generator
  • Takes into account custom Mix points set for music tracks
  • Improvements in category edit window
Video playback
  • Exact video duration detection when video plugin is used
  • Improved AV sync
  • Webm files support added
Advanced options added
  • Network stream failure detection
  • Playlist search always visible
  • Device stall check
  • Waveform drawing algorithm
  • Check for silence when relaying a network stream
Bug fixes and minor improvements
  • Multiple "generate playlist" events can interfere with each other
  • Nowplaying is updated when "setcasttitle" API command is used
  • Selected window style is marked in the additional modules
  • Improved UI to select scheduled events group color
  • Fixed a bug with Comments in the playlist
  • Minor bugs fixed with playlist colors
  • Track Tool can be called for Cart Wall items
  • Sometimes tag information for OPUS was not loaded
  • Fixed bugs in Teaser processing
  • Fixed bugs in Auto Intro rules processing
  • Fixed: tracks played via "getfile" command sometimes were not logged
  • Fixed: overlay video stopped the video playing in the main playlist
  • Fixed: "stop" command incorrectly ended track at the Mix point
  • Other bugs fixed, minor improvements

License key:
If you're a registered user and your update subscription is not expired, please use your key.

To request the free beta tester license key, please fill this form:
The free key expires January 31, 2022.

RadioBOSS 6.1 beta:
x86 (12/5/2021, 31MB)
x64 (12/5/2021, 35MB)

Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.

Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount, up to 100%, when the final version is released. Please contact regarding the discount.
Last edited:
Congratulations on the update!
A new version is always exciting.

I tried to install it in production and like the previous version, the program "hangs" for about 1 minute when starting. (Even graphical interface)
I need to restart the pc to see if it solves it. There is no antivirus other than that of windows. I am using "no sound card" and integrated encoder
RadioBOSS 6.1 beata - VU meter doubled (win 10 pro x64) "in the center" option


  • RadioBoss
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What's new
  • Render to file (mixdown) feature: render a playlist to a single file, allows creating pre-recorded shows
  • Configurable crossfade curve shape (linear, parabolic)
  • Added third input (Input 3) that can be used in addition to existing two inputs
  • Auto Intro: new conditions added (rating, duration), added second condition block
  • Added new playlist tabs: song requests, playback queue
  • Microphone bed - background music for microphone when nothing is playing in the playlist
  • Microphone: option to start next track after mic is turned off (right-click the MIC button)
  • Custom broadcasting title is included in the playlist Track Title column
  • Improved playlist search - now it highlights all results
  • Custom broadcast title (for network streams, line input etc) now includes history to choose from previous titles
  • API can be used over HTTPS protocol (requires adding a certificate)
  • Custom colors can be selected for playlist tabs
  • Playlist tabs can be dragged with a mouse
  • Reports: FTPS protocol can be used to upload nowplaying and artwork
  • WASAPI support for Prelisten, Cart wall and Jingles output devices
  • Style: toolbar icon size can be adjusted (Settings->View->Style)
  • Custom Nowplaying file templates are supported
  • Track List - separate artist option to improve repeat protection when multiple artists are listed
  • Track List - view and modify position in the track source for "In order" and "Series" selection
  • Improvements in Relaying
  • Email notifications: our email service can be used instead of SMTP, requires no configuration
  • Added "Mute monitor sound card on prelisten" option in the Prelisten window
  • Microphone can be prelistened (right-click the MIC button)
  • Log window: added a filter to only show played tracks
  • API: "scheduler" list events marks the last started event
  • API: "encoderstatus" includes listener count for each encoder
Ads Scheduler
  • Profiles system: any number of profiles can be created to manage different types of ads separately (commercial, social, political etc)
  • Changed the way ads are managed, now the ads are not tied to files on the disk
  • Confugurable option added: group for "adsupdate" event
  • Shuffle ads - takes ads priorities into account
  • Basic repeat protection for alternate ads tracks
  • Repeat protection for separators
  • Added "separator probability" option
  • Added scheduled event option "Insert sweeper"
  • Fixed: sweepers incorrectly processed when alternate tracks are used
  • Fixed bugs with intro/outro processing
  • Fixed minor remote ads management bugs
Music Library
  • Show selected tracks duration and count
  • Improved played history display
  • "makelibrary" command actually updates the library instead of completely rebuilding it
  • Option added to change list background color
  • Added Index column to the list
  • Bulk empty start/end dates for tracks
  • Added option to clear playcount, last played and played history for tracks
  • Improved user tags management; tags cleanup feature to remove non-existent tags from tracks
  • New options added in the Scheduler Wizard
  • Extended the "clearplaylist" command: "clearplaylist up" to remove tracks above the playing track
  • Added commands to enable and disable individual events by name
  • "Manual" column added to the events list, it contains time when the event was supposed to run when Manual mode is enabled
Song Request System
  • Improvements in the requested song list window
  • Song requests are logged and kept in the list for reference
  • Request message is available with %requestedmsg variable in the notifications
Track Tool
  • Show track duration between start and end
  • Hot keys (F2-F11) to set markers
  • Shows time value for current cursor position
Segue Editor
  • Shows Intro and Outro if set for tracks
  • Fixed delayed playback error on some computers
  • Fixed lots of minor issues and overall quality improvements
Playlist Generator
  • Takes into account custom Mix points set for music tracks
  • Improvements in category edit window
Video playback
  • Exact video duration detection when video plugin is used
  • Improved AV sync
  • Webm files support added
Advanced options added
  • Network stream failure detection
  • Playlist search always visible
  • Device stall check
  • Waveform drawing algorithm
  • Check for silence when relaying a network stream
Bug fixes and minor improvements
  • Multiple "generate playlist" events can interfere with each other
  • Nowplaying is updated when "setcasttitle" API command is used
  • Selected window style is marked in the additional modules
  • Improved UI to select scheduled events group color
  • Fixed a bug with Comments in the playlist
  • Minor bugs fixed with playlist colors
  • Track Tool can be called for Cart Wall items
  • Sometimes tag information for OPUS was not loaded
  • Fixed bugs in Teaser processing
  • Fixed bugs in Auto Intro rules processing
  • Fixed: tracks played via "getfile" command sometimes were not logged
  • Fixed: overlay video stopped the video playing in the main playlist
  • Fixed: "stop" command incorrectly ended track at the Mix point
  • Other bugs fixed, minor improvements

License key:
If you're a registered user and your update subscription is not expired, please use your key.

To request the free beta tester license key, please fill this form:
The free key expires January 31, 2022.

RadioBOSS 6.1 beta:
x86 (11/11/2021, 31MB)
x64 (11/11/2021, 35MB)

Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.

Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount, up to 100%, when the final version is released. Please contact regarding the discount.
when the program starts, could it make the scheduler "enabled" as the default ?
this has been a "bug" for a while but seeing you are now beta in 6.1 might be a good tweak
I tried to install it in production and like the previous version, the program "hangs" for about 1 minute when starting. (Even graphical interface)
Theoretically this is possible if you have lots of tabs, work zones enabled, and the PC is not very fast. It needs to compute positions and sizes for all those controls. We don't see this behavior here even on slower notebooks, so I'm not sure if it can be fixed from within RadioBOSS.

RadioBOSS 6.1 beata - VU meter doubled (win 10 pro x64) "in the center" option
Thanks, will be fixed in the next update.

when the program starts, could it make the scheduler "enabled" as the default ?
this has been a "bug" for a while but seeing you are now beta in 6.1 might be a good tweak
Scheduler state is saved and will be the same as when the program was closed. If you it ON it will stay on when you restart or reinstall RadioBOSS.

I have a teaser overlay problem with a file type. The error appeared in RB 6.0 and is still maintained
Can you please specify what's not working there?
It works like a charm. Is it possible to no repeat a track longer than 1 week in the playlist generation. Or is this do it yourself? The longest option is one week;-)
Some suggestions:

- The playlist colouring tab is good. Occasionally when clicking and dragging the playlist tab, it doesn't always drag with the mouse. If you try and click and drag the same tab a few times in a row, it works sometimes but not every time
- The playlist colouring font colour would be good to be able to change as well - otherwise dark colours won't work with black font for example
- Workzone 2 tabs would be good to be able to colour change as well (font / background)
- Additional zones would be good to hide the title bar when the main radioboss window is in full screen mode

Ad Scheduler
- Is it possible to retain the old view? If we cycle through our list of files to quickly scan for priorities/start/finish dates, we now have to click into each file one by one to get that information instead of pressing the down arrow in the list and making sure everything is configured the way we want. If priorities are used (which we use), the new view doesn't show this information easily

Music Library
- Regarding the 'makelibrary' command, if music tracks are moved into different folders (e.g. C:\Music\Rock\RockA.mp3 gets moved to C:\Music\NewMusic\RockA.mp3) will the makelibrary command remove the old entry, and add the new entry, when it is updating the library?
In the music library only the style windows and style Aqua light Slate is working, in all other style the main window is white with white font


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Die erste Sendung mit der Beta in meinem Webradio verlief einwandfrei. Kein Aufhängen keine Störungen nichts. Super. Nur das mit Automatic-Intro habe ich nicht hin bekommen. Nachdem ich das eingeschaltet habe lief nur noch Intro. Da muß ich wohl noch üben. Ansonsten nix zum Meckern
Good evening
I installed version 6.1, but even by restoring the settings I no longer have, for example, the file types, my encoders and also I no longer have my playlists
Have a good evening
Die erste Sendung mit der Beta in meinem Webradio verlief einwandfrei. Kein Aufhängen keine Störungen nichts. Super. Nur das mit Automatic-Intro habe ich nicht hin bekommen. Nachdem ich das eingeschaltet habe lief nur noch Intro. Da muß ich wohl noch üben. Ansonsten nix zum Meckern
schreib mich mal an in Facebook, ich helfe dir dabei
schreib mich mal an in Facebook, ich helfe dir dabei
Die erste Sendung mit der Beta in meinem Webradio verlief einwandfrei. Kein Aufhängen keine Störungen nichts. Super. Nur das mit Automatic-Intro habe ich nicht hin bekommen. Nachdem ich das eingeschaltet habe lief nur noch Intro. Da muß ich wohl noch üben. Ansonsten nix zum Meckern
machs mal so


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