RadioBOSS 6.2 [beta]

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In tests with MakeLibrary and single tracks, what I feared happened.
For some reason a track could not be recognized and blanked the entire library.
We checked with FileExists before calling the API, but some file broke everything anyway.
Of 500 tracks to be inserted, 220 were left in the library
This shouldn't be the case with the latest update - it should handle such a case and simply ignore it.

There is some problem with the profile that I attached.
For some reason when opening it throws this error and the configuration changes are not applied when starting the program again.
It means it can't read the player.ini and system.ini files, because of this, it will not save the settings. Please check that nothing blocks the read operation (antivirus, folder rights, other program also reads those files etc).
RadioBOSS API is old :) It's not possible to really change anything at this stage because it will break backwards compatibility - and therefore will require users to update their scripts, which I'm sure no one wants to do. The only way I see now is to introduce something like APIv2 that will have a new set of commands. But when/if this is going to happen, I don't know.
Exactly, apiv2 would be a good idea, but I think there are other things with higher priority. Perhaps the starting point is that the new commands are based on this standard. JSON as a language would also be convenient, instead of xml.
No estoy familiarizado con C #, pero estoy seguro de que debe tener utilidades o clases para convertir base64 <-> binario con facilidad.
without going too low level, the get functions limit to 200 characters for the url. if it does not appear, "Invalid URI: The Uri string is too long"
It means it can't read the player.ini and system.ini files, because of this, it will not save the settings. Please check that nothing blocks the read operation (antivirus, folder rights, other program also reads those files etc).
For some reason there is something in that profile that I attach that breaks.
The PC where it is is not used for browsing, nor does it have manual use, so I am sure that there is no virus in that profile
I restored that backup attached in the previous post on my test pc and now the problem appeared there. I had to delete the configuration folder to get my test pc working again.
Any idea what it could be?
Exactly, apiv2 would be a good idea, but I think there are other things with higher priority. Perhaps the starting point is that the new commands are based on this standard. JSON as a language would also be convenient, instead of xml.
It uses XML everywhere so it would be logical, at least for the current API version, to continue this. New API is not something of a big priority right now but still it's something that will happen at some point in the future.

without going too low level, the get functions limit to 200 characters for the url. if it does not appear, "Invalid URI: The Uri string is too long"
For what API commands do you get this error? We can probably add POST method for those.

Any idea what it could be?
Not really, I added it to the list of bugs to be checked.
For what API commands do you get this error? We can probably add POST method for those.
It only happens with writetag.
The logic is to first call readtag to obtain the metadata and only change what was modified from the xml.
And the same command returned by readtag cannot be sent again, the problem is the base64 image.
For now I remove that attribute, (I think it's read only) and everything works, but post would be convenient.
Version: RadioBoss
Importance: Low

When a comment is the first entry in a playlist and Auto Repeat the Playlist is ON then as the Playlist rotates from the last entry to the first entry, an error is generated to the Log and the Reports file where it appears that the Comment is treated like a Track.

8:58:43 AM;;"PLALYLIST STARTING 7/9/2022";"PLALYLIST STARTING 7/9/2022.comment";"
8:58:43 AM;error;"Unable to play! Error code 2 (unable to open the file/invalid server address).";

The Comment can be copied and placed at any other position in the playlist and no Error is generated.
I have only one complaint so far.
I have more than 20 different encoders, but in the statistics only 9 are provided with a color other than orange.
And the total number of listeners already has the color orange.
I would like that all encoders could be given a color or at least the 9 already given colors would be repeated.

It only happens with writetag.
The logic is to first call readtag to obtain the metadata and only change what was modified from the xml.
Yes, this is the correct way - to send the modified XML. POST method for writetag API will be added in one of the next updates.
When a comment is the first entry in a playlist and Auto Repeat the Playlist is ON then as the Playlist rotates from the last entry to the first entry, an error is generated to the Log and the Reports file where it appears that the Comment is treated like a Track.
Thank you!

I have more than 20 different encoders, but in the statistics only 9 are provided with a color other than orange.
We'll add more colors for encoders in the next update.
Was gibt's Neues
  • Geplante Ereignisse: Für ein Ereignis können mehrere Startzeiten angegeben werden
  • Geplante Ereignisse: Die Begrenzung der Ereignisdauer kann angegeben werden
  • Befehlsausführung beim Start: Ermöglicht die Angabe von Befehlen, die beim Start von RadioBOSS ausgeführt werden sollen
  • Quelle des VU-Meters wählbar (Audio Mix oder einer der Eingänge)
  • Dateityp Bett: Mehrere Bettspuren können angegeben werden
  • Dateitypoption: Playcount und zuletzt gespielte Tags nicht aktualisieren
  • Dateitypspalte zur Wiedergabeliste hinzugefügt
  • Wiedergabeliste beim Vorhören im Track Tool, Segue Editor und in der Musikbibliothek stumm schalten
  • AUX-Wiedergabeliste: Option hinzugefügt, um die Haupt-Wiedergabeliste zu dämpfen, während AUX abgespielt wird
  • Relais: ermöglicht die Festlegung der Lautstärke der Wiedergabeliste, wenn das Relais angeschlossen ist (vorher war die Wiedergabeliste immer stummgeschaltet)
  • Teaser: Minimale Bewertungsoption hinzugefügt, um Musiktitel zu filtern
  • Voice Track Recorder: MIC DSP wird auf aufgezeichnete Sprachspuren angewendet
  • Temperaturvariablen für Titelformat hinzugefügt (%temp, %temp_tom usw.)
  • Option hinzugefügt: Verwenden Sie das Tag „Zuletzt gespielt“, wenn Sie in der Titelliste nach Wiederholungsschutz suchen
  • Wählen Sie aus, welcher Titel in den Leisten „Zuletzt gespielt“/„Jetzt abgespielt“/„Bevorstehend“ angezeigt werden soll (Wiedergabelistentitel oder Sendungstitel).
  • Verbesserte Zeitanzeige in der Ereignisliste: zeigt benutzerdefinierte Stunden und zusätzliche Startzeit an
  • Erweiterte Option hinzugefügt: Sendestatus nach dem Neustart von RadioBOSS
  • Erweiterte Option hinzugefügt: Kehrmaschine - Mindestzeit zum Kehren
  • Verbesserte Qualität der Anzeige des Radio-Logos im Hauptfenster
  • Größe des Intro-Countdown-Balkens erhöht
  • Wählen Sie die Doppelklickaktion für Such- und Datei-Explorer-Fenster aus
  • Symbolleiste: bestimmte Elemente können ausgeblendet werden (Menü Ansicht->Symbolleiste)
  • Sendestatistik: individuelles Diagramm für jeden Encoder (nur für die letzte Stunde)
  • Der Befehl makelibrary ermöglicht das Hinzufügen einzelner Dateien zur Bibliothek
  • Einstellbare Farbe für die Wetteranzeige im Hauptfenster
  • Menübefehl hinzugefügt, um einen Track von der Festplatte zu löschen
  • Ermöglicht die Verwendung von bis zu fünf Kehrmaschinen (vorher war sie auf drei begrenzt)
  • Die Druckfunktion druckt nur gefilterte Tracks, wenn der Filter aktiviert ist
  • Verbesserte Benutzeroberfläche für Batch-Tracking-Prozesse
  • Import/Export der Liste verwandter Künstler hinzugefügt
  • Die Indexnummer kann in der Rotationsliste aktiviert werden (Rechtsklickmenü)
  • Behoben: Der Wiederholungsschutz für einzelne Künstler funktionierte bei einigen Einzelzeichen-Trennzeichen nicht
Fehlerbehebungen und kleinere Verbesserungen
  • %len und %playcount Titelformatvariablen hatten falsche Werte, als die Titelliste abgespielt wurde
  • Segue Editor gelegentlich falsche Anfangs-Fade-In/Out-Position
  • Das Flackern des Broadcasting-Statistikfensters wurde entfernt, wenn benutzerdefinierte Designs verwendet wurden
  • Der nächste Titel wurde manchmal falsch ausgewählt, wenn der wiedergegebene Titel entfernt wurde
  • Nächster Titel falsch manchmal falsch ausgewertet, wenn der letzte geplante Titel abgespielt und Shuffle aktiviert wurde
  • Andere Fehler behoben, kleinere Verbesserungen

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RadioBOSS 6.2 Beta:
x86 (13.07.2022, 31 MB)
x64 (13.07.2022, 35MB)

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Jeder, der einen Beitrag geleistet hat, erhält einen erheblichen Rabatt von bis zu 100 %, wenn die endgültige Version veröffentlicht wird. Bitte wenden Sie sich bezüglich des Rabatts an .
Wäre es nicht möglich einen Auto DJ in das ganze Programm einzubauen ??
Wäre es nicht möglich einen Auto DJ in das ganze Programm einzubauen ??
Erstens bitte in Englisch schreiben, die ist ein englisch sprachiges Forum
First, please write in English, this is an English language forum

With the planner it is quite easy to create an autodj, if necessary even on a WINDOWS server.
With the scheduler you can start different playlists at a time set by you.
The radio boss must have a lower priority as the performers on the Shoutcast server on which the Radioboss broadcasts.
Without Shoutcast server it will not work that a live DJ connects.

Mit dem Planer ist es doch ganz leicht einen Autodj zu erstellen, wenn nötig sogar auf einen WINDOWS Server.
Mit dem Planer kannst du verschiedene Playlisten zu einer von dir festgelegte Zeit starten.
Der Radioboss muss eine niedrigere Priorität als die Moderatoren haben auf den Shoutcast oder Icecast server wodrauf der Radioboss sendet.
Ohne Shoutcast oder Icecast server wird es nicht gehen das ein live DJ sich connectet
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Before the final version, is it possible to add a cell coloring option to the ad block? So I can indicate which blocks are occupied (e.g. some show). So the marketing manager doesn't put up ads at this time.
Since I can't set different times in the block, this could be a good solution.


  • 2021-12-03_114847.jpg
    38.2 KB · Views: 291
There's no way to select multiple cart wall buttons so such command will change the color for all cart buttons - I'm not sure this is the desired behavior as it allows easily resetting the colors, which may be unexpected for some (many?) users.

It's not removed - it's moved to the "Time and Date" section.

We'll add more colors in the next update.
i mean all would be better than individually assigning them all as for me atleast the majority in each tab are all 1 type ie adverts in one, talk beds in another etc
so i have a few other suggestions they are mostly small things and tbh some have slipped my mind right now. but more colour options and spacing around certain things cuch as album art, and that stuff there ass seen in image. an optional exra info panel text for say featured artists. iage below you see a lot of black that doesnt necesarilly need to be there as the skin is already dark and just makes it look a bit uglier. so basically clean up the ui a bit. preview option before making major changes that require rb to be closed
Before the final version, is it possible to add a cell coloring option to the ad block? So I can indicate which blocks are occupied (e.g. some show). So the marketing manager doesn't put up ads at this time.
Since I can't set different times in the block, this could be a good solution.
It's about to be released, so this feature goes to next update like 6.2.1.

suggestion for search. add an extra filter option. to hide songs already in playlist
You can use the duplicate detection in playlist so it will highlight the songs if they present in the playlist more than once: menu Playlist->Extra->Show duplicates.
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