RadioBOSS 6.2 [beta]

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10) You used to be able to cut and paste a track to move the Coming up Next Track to something else when on Shuffle. This no longer functions can we have a button to shuffle the coming up next track.
Can you please provide more information about this?

11) When adding a track to playlist it should auto add it to library. This doesn't appear to happen.
No, it shouldn't - adding to the playlist is one thing, adding to the library is totally separate. Also there are usually more than one library, it won't know anyway to which one a track should be added.

12) VST functionality in x64 is working with Stereo Tool 9.91 not the beta as here is a WM_PAINT issue as discussed by TJ
It looks like only StereoTool has this issue and not other plugins. It's on our to-do list to see what we can do about it.
Ok the reason the Broadcast statistics is not working as the graph is not updating when new listeners come online. You need a paint graph function when listeners increase. this is in version, Hope this helps.
The listener chart is updated every 10 seconds.
Dmitri I am still getting this monitor play error which was ok in previous version it now reports error in the Track-Tool Play button: "Unable to initialize the playback device for preview (PFL) Please click the hep file for more information" The statistics for broadcasting chart still done not update only the figures underneath it as I explained. The PFL works normally in the main window.
I also notice in Tools >> AutoIntro in pull down box menus on condition do not contain Track Title is this an omission or error please as currently you cannot find featured artists?
Dmitri I am still getting this monitor play error which was ok in previous version it now reports error in the Track-Tool Play button: "Unable to initialize the playback device for preview (PFL) Please click the hep file for more information" The statistics for broadcasting chart still done not update only the figures underneath it as I explained. The PFL works normally in the main window.
We can't confirm this error, I'm sorry, prelisten works in Track Tool and other modules.

Also crossfade just gave application error
What error message was there?

I also notice in Tools >> AutoIntro in pull down box menus on condition do not contain Track Title is this an omission or error please as currently you cannot find featured artists?
There is Artist field if you want to feature artists.
Hello greetings.
I have two suggestions for future updates of this great radio automator:

1. That in the part of the planner the same software will automatically select or choose the day of the week in which it is. Currently you can only do this manually. It would be great if this happened automatically.

2. It would be possible that when the software is closed due to some unusual power outage or any other reason and when reopening it, it automatically executes the task that should exit instantly, for example in the dinesat when this happens and the program is opened executes the pattern that was delayed or that should come out if it is in the time range, whether it is a commercial pattern or a musical batch.

Thanks a lot.
1. That in the part of the planner the same software will automatically select or choose the day of the week in which it is. Currently you can only do this manually. It would be great if this happened automatically.
By default, it only selects all days of week - in most cases, this is what is needed. I'm not sure that scheduling for the current day of week is such a typical task, I'm sorry.
There's also Set as default button in the event properties window - this will change the default options when you add a new event.

2. It would be possible that when the software is closed due to some unusual power outage or any other reason and when reopening it, it automatically executes the task that should exit instantly, for example in the dinesat when this happens and the program is opened executes the pattern that was delayed or that should come out if it is in the time range, whether it is a commercial pattern or a musical batch.
What if power outage went for like 12 hours and there's a queue of the events that were not started?
I have an idea: In the log window, when we press right mouse button, to have an option that says "Show in the playlist" and when we click there, then RB "focus" it in the playlist.

The same behave is when we click on the LAST TRACK, ON AIR and COMING UP NEXT areas - it do exactly what i mean.
I have an idea: In the log window, when we press right mouse button, to have an option that says "Show in the playlist" and when we click there, then RB "focus" it in the playlist.
Thank you for the suggestion, I think it'll be added in one of the next updates.
It would be good if they could implement that the samples of each advertisement may also expire, Regards


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