RadioBOSS 7.1 [beta]

maybe a Prerelease but i think for a final version it is too early
Agreed, for a few reasons other than some pointed out in this thread.
First, I don't think that control comma and control period for rewinding and fast forwarding through a track are documented anywhere
2. For the last few releases, the segue editor does not take radio bosses crossfade settings in to consideration. If you have mix points established for a song by using the track tool, or by doing an automatic scan, you will get an accurate preview. If you don't, the files are simply played sequentially, using the start and end points, if specified in the same manor. If this behavior is intended, that's fair enough; but this behavior may be worth documenting somewhere so that someone else doesn't think its a bug.

Thank you to @TBN Radio and @nelson c for their opinions and feedback on the functionality of this groundbreaking new feature : TIME STRETCH.


Is it possible to add the following option?

Right-click on the music track in the playlist: Add “Enable Time Stretch” when it is not activated. This makes it faster to access. However, it does display “Disable Time Stretch” when Time Stretch is activated.​

And a remark:

The proposed Time Stretch focuses on an overall treatment of the hour. It’s useful when you want to finish the current hour at the next hour. However, there are other imperatives within an hour depending on the radio station, which can be equally important: news flashes at h+30, chronicles at h+15 or h+45, advertisements...

It seems important to release a final version 7.1 with a treatment for each segment of the hour to satisfy the largest number of users. Because, for me, it is almost unusable: news flashes start earlier or later outside of the hour marker. This undermines the credibility of a radio station that broadcasts its top-of-the-hour marker accurately but fails to respect the timing of the news flash at h+30.

I propose three types of Time Stretch:

  • The current Time Stretch for when the radio station broadcasts mostly musical content during the hour—for example, at night or when the station does not broadcast other important information besides the hour marker.

  • A Time Stretch with variable speeds according to the segments within the hour. Building upon the current Time Stretch, add options for segments (h+15, h+30, h+45... Basically, every minute of the hour, and seconds too) and according to hours of the day, days of the week... Essentially, according to a calendar because there are holidays, celebrations, and everything in daily life to consider. It would be presented as a planner. There would also be an option to enable/disable according to the segments.

  • And a customizable Time Stretch that would be configured differently and applied only to a music track or any element in the playlist:
    • Right-click on a music track => Value for the Time Stretch for the track => Customizable speed.
    • Or even simpler, more reliable, and more accurate: Click on the element that should start at the desired time. This configuration must take into account all file types because it can be a news flash, a chronicle...

This Time Stretch is important when hosting a live show. Live implies unpredictability, making it difficult to respect precise timing when a listener speaks more or less than expected. It involves “catching up” time using a selection of music tracks. For example, between the on-air game at h+15 and the news flash at h+30.​

Instead of three types of Time Stretch, only include the last two types I’ve proposed. This is clearer and more comprehensible.

on implementing the Time Stretch that was missing from RadioBOSS.

In my comment, I take into account that there was no Time Stretch before, and alternative solutions, much less convenient and not very elegant, had to be found to achieve a satisfactory result (using sweepers, among other things).
But now that such a solution exists, it’s important to offer a basic Time Stretch with minimal performance from the start to avoid creating disappointment among some users—potentially a large number of users who include varied content in their programs.

I don’t know if my comment will be considered, as I’m surprised to see no feedback on this part of the Time Stretch regarding diverse functionality. This seems important to me. It’s a significant and very interesting new feature, and it seems necessary to showcase its value from the outset in the new version to not undermine its power and the improvement it brings to on-air quality.
I even think some RadioBOSS users have not yet realized its potential.

I repeat: I cannot use Time Stretch for all hours of my radio program currently, and for the reasons mentioned above. Yet, I would greatly need it if it had the minimum necessary settings.

I emphasize my comment because I have worked at a major national French radio station that had this function with parameters developed via a provider that offered customized solutions.
Obviously, the budget is not the same at all. RadioBOSS is already competitive in terms of quality/price ratio. But consider my comment as encouragement to start this new feature well, as it will bring added value to the final RadioBOSS product.

For me, you’ve already reached version 8.0 with the incorporation of Time Stretch.

And congratulations to all users who actively contribute to the development of this new version. It’s a pleasure to read your thoughts and see interesting exchanges and comments.
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In the block you can see Ht Eronet in the middle, that's why I understand that they are not in bold, they would be if they were together
but if at the time of play, they played together, that is bad.....
Aha, I misunderstood. I thought they were bolded if they were of the same type/priority in the same block, regardless of position.
Yes, in the Ads Scheduler, it shows that it's placed between ads of another type, but on air, it played so that two ads of the same type were back-to-back, while the third one was at the very beginning. And this happens once or twice a day. Which surprises me, and I thought I was making a mistake...
Good evening. I think there's a problem with the time accumulation at the beginning of the hour with an hourly signal, a news flash (See attached screenshot).
I also think that the default intro doesn't only work with voice tracks; I have overlapping problems with jingles.
Good evening.


  • Radioboss.JPG
    16.4 KB · Views: 15
In VoiceTrack Remote, a text search (which highlights tracks) and a time and temperature panel (so you can see the temperature and easily add it to voiceovers) would be useful. It also aligns more closely with the desktop version's interface. :)
Could something be done about this empty space where the logo is? I'm more interested in having a larger "Coming up next" window rather than the logo. So maybe it could be added to Advanced Configuration as an option to enable/disable.
They just told me that there is a UI - Hide Logo option in Advanced Configuration. :) thank you salvy
Tracks processed without any events. The acceleration time was doubled on one track. And on the third track, it was doubled again, but it was out of range.
The third track needed more acceleration than allowed, so timestrach was disabled.
However, I can see in the audio that that track started accelerated; this doesn't make sense since the feature is disabled.

[2025-03-30 15:49:17] TimeStretch: speed change applied (3,30%)
[2025-03-30 15:53:00] TimeStretch: init
[2025-03-30 15:53:00] TimeStretch: speed change applied (6,04%)
[2025-03-30 15:56:02] TimeStretch: init
[2025-03-30 15:56:02] TimeStretch skipped: speed change (11,52%) is out of range
For example, with this structure, you can't restrict a music genre (pop) from being played consecutively.
In this case, yes - this improvement is planned for the future versions.

I think that now RB has matured for the final version.
Yes, looks like so, we have couple of minor issues to fix and then stable version will be released. The beta in its current state can be used in production environment.

Advanced option: prelisten fade in and fade out
does not work at all
Do you prelisten a regular track or it's a network stream or something? Do you call Prelisten from player or it's from Music Library?

maybe a Prerelease but i think for a final version it is too early
There are no open issues that will prevent releasing, if you have any problems with the current beta versions please let me know.
First, I don't think that control comma and control period for rewinding and fast forwarding through a track are documented anywhere
It's documented here:

For the last few releases, the segue editor does not take radio bosses crossfade settings in to consideration. If you have mix points established for a song by using the track tool, or by doing an automatic scan, you will get an accurate preview. If you don't, the files are simply played sequentially, using the start and end points, if specified in the same manor. If this behavior is intended, that's fair enough; but this behavior may be worth documenting somewhere so that someone else doesn't think its a bug.
When a track has options set in Track Tool, those are used as a start for the Segue Editor, otherwise, if it's a file type, its parameters are used and if not, then general crossfade settings. It's not like this in your case?

Yes, in the Ads Scheduler, it shows that it's placed between ads of another type, but on air, it played so that two ads of the same type were back-to-back, while the third one was at the very beginning. And this happens once or twice a day. Which surprises me, and I thought I was making a mistake...
The block in the preview is the same that is saved to the playlists when you do "Update playlists and events". Do you perform any modifications for the created playlists or maybe they are shuffled before inserting?
Advanced option: prelisten fade in and fade out
does not work at all
Do you prelisten a regular track or it's a network stream or something? Do you call Prelisten from player or it's from Music Library?

EDIT: my fault i had the fade time set to only 1 second, after i increased it to 10 seconds everything seems to be ok with a normal track in the playlist and also in the database
Right-click on the music track in the playlist: Add “Enable Time Stretch” when it is not activated. This makes it faster to access. However, it does display “Disable Time Stretch” when Time Stretch is activated.
Time Stretch can only be applied (for technical reasons) before playback starts. Do you want to periodically turn this feature on/off? Presently, you can always keep it on and then cancel it using right-click menu option when you don't need it.

The proposed Time Stretch focuses on an overall treatment of the hour. It’s useful when you want to finish the current hour at the next hour. However, there are other imperatives within an hour depending on the radio station, which can be equally important: news flashes at h+30, chronicles at h+15 or h+45, advertisements...
The problem with +15 and +30 is that there are few music tracks, meaning it will have to do bigger speed changes. Entire hour is 10-15 tracks which allows some room for adjustments. But first block at +15 minutes is only 3-4 tracks which is very few.

Instead of three types of Time Stretch, only include the last two types I’ve proposed. This is clearer and more comprehensible.
I think a sort of universal solution can be implemented like adding time stretch start/time stretch end markers and it will operate between them. The end marker will have an option to specify the desired time. But this is for newer versions, for this beta it's too much work.

  • Right-click on a music track => Value for the Time Stretch for the track => Customizable speed.
  • Or even simpler, more reliable, and more accurate: Click on the element that should start at the desired time. This configuration must take into account all file types because it can be a news flash, a chronicle...
This can be combined like you move a slider to change speed and it will show time when a track ends, considering playback speed change.
But this is different as main goal of Time Stretch in its current implementation is to work automatically, manual adjustments were not in the initial design of this feature.

This seems important to me. It’s a significant and very interesting new feature, and it seems necessary to showcase its value from the outset in the new version to not undermine its power and the improvement it brings to on-air quality.
There are still some known issues e.g. it doesn't work properly with certain playlist items (with unknown duration) and also doesn't handle Auto Intro or Voice Tracks properly.

I repeat: I cannot use Time Stretch for all hours of my radio program currently, and for the reasons mentioned above. Yet, I would greatly need it if it had the minimum necessary settings.
You can use set timestretch on and set timestretch off commands in the scheduler to turn it on/off when needed.

Obviously, the budget is not the same at all. RadioBOSS is already competitive in terms of quality/price ratio. But consider my comment as encouragement to start this new feature well, as it will bring added value to the final RadioBOSS product.
Yes, that's why the new Ultimate edition, as we can't offer more features in the current editions for the same price.

For me, you’ve already reached version 8.0 with the incorporation of Time Stretch.
We use second number as major version, e.g. 7.0 - and major update after that is 7.1. That's to avoid version number inflation, Sometimes first number increases prematurely when there are incompatible changes (like changing database format, or dropping Windows XP support). With usual version numbering, it would have already been something like version 71.0 (as web browsers currently are at 100+ something versions).
Good evening. I think there's a problem with the time accumulation at the beginning of the hour with an hourly signal, a news flash (See attached screenshot).
It could be that Voice Track entirely fits in the intro+outro part so its duration is essentially zero. Another reason for this is when start time was calculated, track information was not loaded yet. What happens after it finishes playing the first track, do you see the correct start time numbers?

I also think that the default intro doesn't only work with voice tracks; I have overlapping problems with jingles.
The default intro/outro values are only applied when voice tracks are present, not in any other cases.

In VoiceTrack Remote, a text search (which highlights tracks) and a time and temperature panel (so you can see the temperature and easily add it to voiceovers) would be useful. It also aligns more closely with the desktop version's interface. :)
Yes, looks like more and more UI elements from the main version are needed in the Remote VT module. This will be added in one of the future updates.

Tracks processed without any events. The acceleration time was doubled on one track. And on the third track, it was doubled again, but it was out of range.
The third track needed more acceleration than allowed, so timestrach was disabled.
However, I can see in the audio that that track started accelerated; this doesn't make sense since the feature is disabled.
Does it always work like this, or it's only when certain items are present in the playlist? Would it be possible to send a screenshot of the playlist, better 2-3 screenshots - after first, second, and third tracks started playing. Looks like it can't properly calculate Start Time for some reason.
The block in the preview is the same that is saved to the playlists when you do "Update playlists and events". Do you perform any modifications for the created playlists or maybe they are shuffled before inserting?
It was shuffled before inserting