Hello !
When play URL streaming (shoutcast / icecast) in RadioBOSS, show this title info: Artist - Title (Stream name). Is possible to add options to don't show Stream name ? For example, Winamp have this options: Options -> Preferences -> Input -> MPEG Audio Decodes Settings -> Streaming -> Include stream name in title. (checkbox).
This will be great for transcoding to another format. For now, transoding show: Artist - Title (Stream name).
Add options to every encoder: Connect time after start (in seconds) and Reconnect time (in seconds):
This options have Spacialnet SimpleCast.
For example, reconnect time is great for my: i have encoder on two location: primary and backup. One is set reconnect time to 5 sec and another to 5 min. In this case, when have reconnect, 99.9% connected again primary location, and 0.1% secondary (or if primary location fail).
Thanks !
When play URL streaming (shoutcast / icecast) in RadioBOSS, show this title info: Artist - Title (Stream name). Is possible to add options to don't show Stream name ? For example, Winamp have this options: Options -> Preferences -> Input -> MPEG Audio Decodes Settings -> Streaming -> Include stream name in title. (checkbox).
This will be great for transcoding to another format. For now, transoding show: Artist - Title (Stream name).
Add options to every encoder: Connect time after start (in seconds) and Reconnect time (in seconds):
This options have Spacialnet SimpleCast.
For example, reconnect time is great for my: i have encoder on two location: primary and backup. One is set reconnect time to 5 sec and another to 5 min. In this case, when have reconnect, 99.9% connected again primary location, and 0.1% secondary (or if primary location fail).
Thanks !