RADIOBOSS.FM stream hosting [beta]

Not sure on how the final service will be setup but here is my view. As a broadcaster it is important that the stream is available over http on port 80.
Many listeners listen at work in there office as it's a convenient way to access music. Companies firewall rules usually block major radio and musical services but they cannot block all "small" webradios. To go through most companies firewall you have to use http on port 80 has this mostly remains open even for streaming.

Giving port 80 to everyone requires unique IP for every user... But the point you've made is interesting, I'll take a note.
djsoft said:
New service launched:

It's a SHOUTcast v2 stream hosting for radio. Currently it's free!
The only hosting plan available: 50 listeners @ 128kbps, MP3 or AAC+

Do you have the hosting avalible yet?
I am using that stream, testing it to see how stable it is
Plus is there a way to make it stream Media player and not Real player?
Thanks Tim
Probably we'll add Windows Media Services hosting in the future, but currently it's not available. Sorry...
Media player script I made this and it shows the title and artist from radioboss in media player

It works great for me, not sure what numberss you have to change but I'm guessing 9132

Hope this works for you, it does for me
timgreb said:
Media player script I made this and it shows the title and artist from radioboss in media player

It works great for me, not sure what numberss you have to change but I'm guessing 9132

Hope this works for you, it does for me

FYI>>  Working fine in my corner of the World..  :)

Everything looks fine for the server.

For account with your e-mail the port is 9152 (not 9132) - the stream address is,1
I am still trying to make this run, it did work for a few weeks and now I can't get it to air  goes active then goes idle, can you tell me what happened?
I have it trying now so you could test it.,1
Thanks Tim
Yes, there was hardware problem on the server: switch became dead. Now it has been replaced and server should work fine.
hey djsoft

when i try to get into my shoutcast v2 server admin area with my password

it won't allow me to get into there at all

can you fix it please

So is RADIOBOSS.FM streaming working now?  I'm finally trying to setting up my account and just get Error 2100 (invalid password) msgs.  I've typed the password a half-dozen times, copied and pasted it, sent an email request to make sure I have the right password (it's still the same).  It just isn't working.

I've tried listening to other stations using the URL format
(fill in the numbers) but nothing plays.  So is the streaming working?
It's working as far as I'm aware. Please send connection details you're using to I think we would be able to figure out what's going wrong.

Also try restarting server from the control panel.

Make sure you have StreamID in the server field, like this (note ,1 added):,1
Hello, i just try the server, and the player show "ICY 401 service unavailable". The "emiter" connect good with the server.