RadioBOSS request


New member
Hello !

I repeating some old answer and request for RadioBOSS :)

New columns will be added to the search window (Genre, Album, maybe something else), it should happen in the 4.5.6 version
About genre combo box, it will be added to the Music Library, so it will be possible to enter genre from keyboard or select it from list.
If you want to search by multiple fields (like genre and title) Music Library should be used. The results can be added to the playlist in RadioBOSS by using "Export to player" button.

Hello !

1) Is possible import field "Composer" from MP3 files ?
2) Is possible to save in csv file with every song this field ?
(this is must for report of broadcasting song in Croatia).
There's no need to repeat requests as everything is saved in request-tracker here - nothing will be forgot :) Now there are more priority tasks which go first...