several issues

Thank you.

Another small detail. It is not a mistake but a bit annoying:
When the adsupdate command is used, the event group "Advertising" is maximized
(I have always minimized because they are many events)
nelson c said:
When the adsupdate command is used, the event group "Advertising" is maximized
(I have always minimized because they are many events)
Scheduler maximizes events that are going to launch soon to show them in the list. I'll see what can be done about it.
Hello Dmitry.
there are small bug using two monitors.
If the program is to monitor "two", the mouse scroll in the list does not work.
Ok, will comment the results.

In the next version is going to add the a work area of the panel Left ? ( In the scheduler )
nelson c said:
In the next version is going to add the a work area of the panel Left ? ( In the scheduler )
An additional floating zone will be added, but no work zone in the left in this version, sorry.
I think we're talking more of the same. :D
I would like to have an area between the planner and the log to add an auxiliary list, notes, etc.

with something like the image is more than enough for now


  • 1.png
    55.7 KB · Views: 418
The new zone will be a separate window - not a part of RadioBOSS's main window. Your idea is good, too, this will be considered in the future (another similar feature is planned already, it's about adding new tabs to the existing 4 ones on the left).