Sound processing plugins

no, non mi sono spiegato, anche io vedo la stessa schermata che hai postato in /program files/steinberg/vst poi clicco su ok e non succede niente sotto le etichette compressor e gain, tone booster tb brodcast non appare come invece appare a te
no, I didn't explain myself, I too see the same screen you posted in /program files/steinberg/vst then I click on ok and nothing happens under the compressor and gain labels, tone booster tb brodcast doesn't appear as it appears instead to you
I tried for the umpteenth time to download Tb brodcast in the programs directory but when I insert it into radioboss it gives me nothing while the jb brodcast version, the one on a blue background, recognizes it and works. You can't see the tb version you posted with the brown background. The PC is 64 bit
I tried for the umpteenth time to download Tb brodcast in the programs directory but when I insert it into radioboss it gives me nothing while the jb brodcast version, the one on a blue background, recognizes it and works. You can't see the tb version you posted with the brown background. The PC is 64 bit
JB Broadcast is a 32 bit plugin, and TB Broadcast, which is basically the same plugin upgraded by a different developer, is 64 bit. You can get the same sound from either plugin, just keep in mind there is no bridge for VST's; thus, the 64 bit version of radioboss needs TB Broadcast, and the 32 bit version will need JB Broadcast. Hope this helps.
Sounds interesting! I’m not too familiar with "Master_me," but if it works well with RadioBoss and is accessible with screen readers, that's a great find. As for loading presets, maybe there’s a setting or update needed to make it work seamlessly. Not 100% sure, but you might want to check out for additional tips or resources on sound processing plugins.
if it works well with RadioBoss and is accessible with screen readers, that's a great find.

It does not work well with screen readers if you use the default interface of the plugin, but it is definitely interesting.

It works well if you use it with the accessible interfaces that rap vst's such as the combination reaper and osara provides, as well as those found in audacity and goldwave.

In terms of the plugins performance... I feel that master_me delivers a smooth sound by default and includes a useful phase correction module for signals that are out of phase. That said, pushing the plugin to apply aggressive compression or limiting, which you may need for a radio stream, results in an overly harsh, edgy signal. Additionally, the built-in leveler operates quite slowly, which can be problematic. Sudden transitions from quiet to loud audio often cause the brick wall limiter to temporarily deal with peaks exceeding 0 dB until the leveler adjusts and takes effect.
Despite these limitations, master_me would be great for gently leveling audio, particularly for formats like talk shows or easy-listening content, where subtle adjustments would give the result a little polish.

Although this plugin is inaccessible by default, as are plugins such as JB Broadcast, and TB Broadcast, I'm still going to recommend it in the specific use cases mentioned above. Thank you for point it out.
Hello @ derek and @musiccalidown Masterme is extremely accessible with Radioboss and screen readers when the accessible interface for VST plugin is included in Radioboss. It is located in view / accessibility (screenreader) under the menu. The "accessibility (screen reader)" option should be included to make Radioboss accessible to screen readers, and the other option is "use text VST UI". When this option is turned on then we get the BST plugin interface as it is in the Reaper.