[Telegram] Live streaming in Telegram


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Staff member
This guide will show how to configure streaming from RadioBOSS to Telegram.

FFMpeg - needed for RTMP streaming support
1. Download FFMpeg from https://www.ffmpeg.org (you will need Windows build) or use the file hosted on our server: https://dl.djsoft.net/ffmpeg.sfx.exe
2. Unpack FFMpeg archive. In the example we'll use C:\ffmpeg location.

Telegram - credentials for streaming
Open your channel or group in Telegram App, then press the Live Stream button and select Stream with...

Leave the window open, the Server URL and Stream Key will be needed for the next step.

RadioBOSS - create an encoder for streaming
The command for streaming is as following:
"C:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -stream_loop -1 -re -f s16le -ac {Channels} -ar {SampleRate} -i - -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -b:v 3500k -maxrate 3500k -bufsize 7000k -pix_fmt yuv420p -g 50 -c:a aac -b:a 160k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -f flv STREAM_URL
Change STREAM_URL to the URL that is Server URL appended by Stream Key, the resulting STREAM_URL should look like:

In RadioBOSS, open Settings and navigate to the Broadcasting. Press the Advanced button and then press the Custom encoders button.

In the custom encoders window press the + button, name the encoder ("TG Live" in the example) and enter the command.

* The command will look like this
"C:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -stream_loop -1 -re -f s16le -ac {Channels} -ar {SampleRate} -i - -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -b:v 3500k -maxrate 3500k -bufsize 7000k -pix_fmt yuv420p -g 50 -c:a aac -b:a 160k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -f flv rtmps://dc4-1.rtmp.t.me/s/2048519629:ABCD-EFGH

RadioBOSS - start streaming
1. Add new encoder in RadioBOSS. Enter [IA]:8000:50 to the Server field.
2. At the bottom, select the "TG Live" encoder. Make sure the rest of the settings are at their defaults: sample rate is 44100, channels - stereo, bitrate - 128 kbps. Click OK.
3. Start music playback in RadioBOSS.
On successful connection, the report in the bottom-left corner will show the following message: Connected to server! (output N)

- start streaming
In the window with streaming credentials, click the Start Streaming link.
Users will now be able to listen to the music from Telegram.
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This guide will show how to configure streaming from RadioBOSS to Telegram.

FFMpeg - needed for RTMP streaming support
1. Download FFMpeg from https://www.ffmpeg.org (you will need Windows build) or use the file hosted on our server: https://dl.djsoft.net/ffmpeg.sfx.exe
2. Unpack FFMpeg archive. In the example we'll use C:\ffmpeg location.

Telegram - credentials for streaming
Open your channel or group in Telegram App, then press the Live Stream button and select Stream with...
View attachment 13586

Leave the window open, the Server URL and Stream Key will be needed for the next step.
View attachment 13587

RadioBOSS - create an encoder for streaming
The command for streaming is as following:

Change STREAM_URL to the URL that is Server URL appended by Stream Key, the resulting STREAM_URL should look like:

In RadioBOSS, open Settings and navigate to the Broadcasting. Press the Advanced button and then press the Custom encoders button.

In the custom encoders window press the + button, name the encoder ("TG Live" in the example) and enter the command.

* The command will look like this

RadioBOSS - start streaming
1. Add new encoder in RadioBOSS. Enter [IA]:8000:50 to the Server field.
2. At the bottom, select the "TG Live" encoder. Make sure the rest of the settings are at their defaults: sample rate is 44100, channels - stereo, bitrate - 128 kbps. Click OK.
3. Start music playback in RadioBOSS.
On successful connection, the report in the bottom-left corner will show the following message: Connected to server! (output N)

- start streaming
In the window with streaming credentials, click the Start Streaming link.
Users will now be able to listen to the music from Telegram.
Hello, I try with the given configuration and the codes of my test group on telegram, but telgram tells me that it cannot find the flow even though the server address and the key are correct

What am I doing wrong?


  • Capture d'écran 2024-03-07 182932.png
    Capture d'écran 2024-03-07 182932.png
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I think you should re-check all the settings, also see in the log if there are any error messages.
RadioBOSS does not stream the video.
The forum won't let me post a link, but in 2019 in the Russian thread you wrote that
RTMP вещание, как и воспроизведение видео, в целом, возможно через RadioBOSS, хоть и имеет ограничения и не так надежно, как хотелось бы
When streaming with RTMP it will use a static video file or picture, but it won't stream the video that plays in RadioBOSS.