In 99% cases, Advanced Options are not needed, all necessary options are in the Settings and other windows. Most of the advanced settings are experimental, not well tested, some of them may not work completely. We don't really pay a lot of attention to them. Maybe in the future we'll make this window accessible, but presently other (more important) areas need to have accessibility issues fixed first.Yeah, I agree. These options are not necessary in everyday work, but some of them may be needed. You have to take into account people who do everything themselves and there is no one to help them
What does the error message say? Please click Help->Contact support->Send bug reports, this will help us to fix it.There are some crashes during streaming recording
Can you please provide more information on this?program browser not working
Reset played state only changes the state of the tracks in the playlist (changing grey "played" icon to blue "unplayed") - it does not delete anything.Hallo, when i play for exemple playlist 1. From a folder that i openend and just do random play. Then when i want to delete the "Last played" via "playlist" (speellijst in dutch) then "extra" and the "Reset played state" nothing is deleted from "Last played".
Please write in English.Cordial saludo estoy probando esta version en Windows 7 el único error, que he percibido es que el la configuración que viene por defecto del crossfades hace que un tema musical se monte sobre el otro me toco cambiar valores para normalizar el error, de resto hasta el momento todo normal.
It's already there.Can streamarchive be added as a command option in the scheduler pull down list please? We use it all the time...
if you want to delete the played state in general, you have to do this in the databaseHallo, when i play for exemple playlist 1. From a folder that i openend and just do random play. Then when i want to delete the "Last played" via "playlist" (speellijst in dutch) then "extra" and the "Reset played state" nothing is deleted from "Last played".
Here it isCan streamarchive be added as a command option in the scheduler pull down list please? We use it all the time...
These are my settings for crossfadeCordial saludo estoy probando esta version en Windows 7 el único error, que he percibido es que el la configuración que viene por defecto del crossfades hace que un tema musical se monte sobre el otro me toco cambiar valores para normalizar el error, de resto hasta el momento todo normal.
The commands for streamarchive are not in this dropdownmenue, i think this is what Chris Deacon wantIt's already there.
Thank you Patrick. Yes that would also be useful Dmitry.The commands for streamarchive are not in this dropdownmenue, i think this is what Chris Deacon want
View attachment 13722
Thanks - I missed that! Also needs to be in the multiple events pulldown...
Can you please send one of the track for which it happens (before the track gets corrupted) to
Looks like something's wrong there - please send a track with which it happens, this will help in fixing
Thank you.if you want to delete the played state in general, you have to do this in the database
To do this, mark the songs in the database, right-click and then click on track properties at the bottom, then switch on the item clear playcount and last played at the bottom.
Then OK and everythind is deleted
In het nederlands:
als je de gespeelde status in het algemeen wilt verwijderen, moet je dit in de database doen
Om dit te doen, markeert u de nummers in de database, klikt u met de rechtermuisknop en vervolgens op trackProperties onderaan en schakelt u onderaan het item clear playcount en last played in.
Dan OK en alles wordt verwijdert
View attachment 13719
There were no changes in this area between those two versions. Can you please provide more information on the steps to reproduce it?In v Music Library FILE TYPE in database won't update setting to match value in track properties or tracktool. FILE TYPE values in database cannot be modified at all. In v it works OK.
Please check the latest version, it should work fine with all file types now.any of the m4a format songs i sent before should work if they are more than 1 artist. havent checked if it does it with mp3 format too. im currently reorganising my library with additional hdds attached to laptop now that used to be in pc. otherwise its about finding one that i havent already fixed the long way
maybe this could helpI was trying to add a selection of 5000 songs from the music library and also from a specific folder to the RB search engine.
It has a limit of 1000 songs that can be viewed, the rest of the songs must be searched.
I would like it if by selecting a specific library or folder we can see all the files.
We could also configure it according to each need.
before: 1000+
after: 10000+, 100000+, 10000000+