Bugs RadioBOSS 7.0 beta


Active member
Dmitri I am trying latest version scheduler as I did not see you put up an update. My fault :)

Ok here goes. I am trying right click add to playlist first. This one is tricky for it as it has auto Intro on track which it inserted.
Inserting auto-intro "Morcheeba" (that was the lovely morcheeba.mp3)
Starting event "Voice Over"
Schedule: [Voice Over] 2023-11-18 voice over playlist.m3u8 (C:\My Music\2023-11-18 voice over playlist.m3u8)
Inserted 2 tracks from 2023-11-18 voice over playlist.m3u8 (queue size: 1)


It did add and play them but did not remove them so they will presumably repeat play. It didn't random play from the playlist selecting only one track but played the two in there but that's ok. Could we have a preference to all these left in main paylist or to remove them please?

Second schedule play now in a Random play. This inserted
Schedule: [STATION BREAK - Hush DJ Denise Speaks] Hello I am Dj Denise - Am So Happy to play Some of My Music for You.mp3 (C:\My Music\Voices\Hello I am Dj Denise - Am So Happy to play Some of My Music for You.mp3)

It showed coming up Next correctly :) Yes and it played it too, yay Happy with scheduler.
Ooops I spoke to soon if it added the Schedule and you edit it won't play. There is also a strange edit error. Unable to Authorize playback device for preview (PFL) code 23 it should be on my preview monitor. It doesn't matter what I set this monitor to even my scarlet
but the schedular appears to not give correct mins and didn't play the playlist yet it is a populates saved play list. No error was created . I riht click run now on the schedule.
If you click on this new group that won't play in the log it issues an error code 41 unsupported playback. If this this a playlist If you run a single mp3 it does everything fine. There still seems to be a problem playing playlists run now. they are not populated in play next area which still shows the previous track. It shows them as duplicated track in the playlist as the others have not been remove. They do not produce sound! It seems you get no sound when these are duplicated
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Ok It flashes the coming up next on its timer play! But as it's a playlist it doesn't seem to break out the next song in Next Playing ad doesnt play the scheduled music
Ok it won't play any schedular timer with a playlist, only single MP3 work. I think this is because you are not testing for playlist or getting first track in play next when it is a playlist. What happens is it insert the file in the playlist not the first in playing next and the scheduler event playlist files are never played.
Metropolis UI Blue / Green don't show the ticks for active slots that are scheduled in ads scheduler (similar to reported issue of how numbers don't appear, when number mode was on).

Also, swapping from any style back to 'Windows' style (in ads scheduler) comes up with various errors (depending on the theme).
Thank you, we'll check what could be wrong there.

It did add and play them but did not remove them so they will presumably repeat play. It didn't random play from the playlist selecting only one track but played the two in there but that's ok. Could we have a preference to all these left in main paylist or to remove them please?
The tracks are not marked with the "clock" icon meaning that the event has "Insert as regular playlist tracks" option enabled - those tracks will not be removed after playback, you need to change it to insert as scheduled tracks.

Ooops I spoke to soon if it added the Schedule and you edit it won't play. There is also a strange edit error. Unable to Authorize playback device for preview (PFL) code 23 it should be on my preview monitor. It doesn't matter what I set this monitor to even my scarlet
It means the playback device can't be used. Please check the configuration.

but the schedular appears to not give correct mins and didn't play the playlist yet it is a populates saved play list. No error was created . I riht click run now on the schedule.
We can't confirm the scheduler does not start events - this does not reproduce here, and there are no reports from other users so I think the error is in your event configuration.

Ok it won't play any schedular timer with a playlist, only single MP3 work. I think this is because you are not testing for playlist or getting first track in play next when it is a playlist. What happens is it insert the file in the playlist not the first in playing next and the scheduler event playlist files are never played.
Please send a screenshot of the event configuration window.

Yes, I can give screen shots in addition the sounds are at a different volume than those played normally and distort. I don't know why this distortion exists. It could be its applying. It should apply genre style SID sound as below which works if you click on the file in player playlist or cart.


1) 1st schedule

Playlist content.
#EXTINF:2,DJ Denise - Are you all Ok
Voice Jingles\Are you all ok.wav
#EXTINF:3,DJ Denise - bring your friends to this beautiful club2
Voice Jingles\bring friends to this beautiful club2.wav

2) 2nd schedule
Playlist content.
#EXTINF:3,DJ Denise - Hello I am Dj Denise i hope you like my music
Voices\Hello I am Dj Denise , I hope you like my music.mp3


1) Start music player in Shuffle play to play a song one it is playing press run now on the scheduler it will inert event in event log and in playlist without time duration on it.


Thís does not change the 'Coming Up Next' to the first track 'On AIr' in the playlist. It does add the tracks in italic under the current playing item. However, this 'Coming Up Next' does not flash-red and show the event file or playlist but just the next song which it plays missing the event leaving it in the playlist in italic.

This can be cleared and repeated as many times as I like. It will not process this event leaving it in playlist like it has not completed your code, no error is shown in log and the playlist files are not split out in log or in playlist.

I hope this helps you find this as seems associated with the playlist only. A single mp3 will work which is great but distorted see above.
The tracks are not marked with the "clock" icon meaning that the event has "Insert as regular playlist tracks" option enabled - those tracks will not be removed after playback, you need to change it to insert as scheduled tracks.
When I did this the playlist version worked, hope this is helpful to know.


It did try to play the playlist too, but played the tracks, but then left random play to play next track even with shuffle on

This shuffle resumed then after the next track. The volume of the tracks did not appear to have the SID group sound volume settings.
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To summarize
I would also point out when not using the 'Regular playlist track' with a playlist RB usually expand this playlist when it plays it so that it can play the track or tracks in the scheduler it does not do this. There seem to be that the group sounds are not applied.

The tracks don't insert or play using 'Regular playlist track' but do if "Insert as regular playlist tracks" is used.

Sounds I am not sure what is going on I need to run some more tests to ensure I have SID group on all files.

PFL device was not set up that why it gave error which is correct behavior.
Ok sounds, this is curious its fading out play or cutting last schedule track short. or second track is quieter.
Ok I have a little more confidence in the scheduler working the way you instructed it is doing it. Every time correctly I try now so that is good. with the playlists too. The other point of a request to random play each one from a selectin of playlists might be helpful.
Hmm I got this again, but it flashes the coming up next but inserted another playlist and then played no sounds. I think this might be because its the last schedule. Please see below.


Its defiantly not applying the Group filter sounds. and is still buggy. I have a feeling it when you run now in the last of the scheduler list cause this blank description --.-- the first schedule is working fine and is the same.

Last schedule

it also shows in log
[771] 2024 - 02-04 voice over playlist
Unable to play! Error code 2 (unable to open the file/invalid server address).
[771] 2024 - 02-04 voice over playlist
Unable to play! Error code 2 (unable to open the file/invalid server address).


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ok, its ok when it plays through so it's something to do with 'Run Now' last item in schedule. It definite bug
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Ok I have been running this this morning it is still doing the same thing with --.-- duration on two of the play list lasts or no reason at all which results in nothing played and a curious error. Unable to play! Error code 2 (unable to open the file/invalid server address). Which is the playlist file"C:\My Music\2024-02-05 voice over playlist.m3u8" and another which ae not long path? I think you still have a bug in it1 Hope all this helps Dimitri.
It seems to do 2 out of four over the hour another point if your switch active window clicking on another window it places schedule tracks in here not the window the current song is playing in! On another thought it might be useful to sweep a directory of play list and recurse them or random select them but not playing same again until all are played this could be useful for radio station queuing playlists, just thought. but it would be need calling from different Schedule event that might make it complicated.

Running through events over an hour I think the error is not verbose enough.

Starting event "STATION BREAK1 - Hush DJ Denise Speaks"
[A] Hello I am Dj Denise - Am So Happy to play Some of My Music for You

Starting event "STATION Break4"
Schedule: [STATION Break4] 2024-02-05 voice over playlist (C:\My Music\2024-02-05 voice over playlist)
Unable to play! Error code 2 (unable to open the file/invalid server address).

BUG: Remove Auto PLAY disabled plays next track missing checks not to play same artist. Reinstate it after next track.

#EXTINF:0,girl - giggle B minor
Voice Jingles\girl-giggle_B_minor.wav
#EXTINF:3,DJ Denise - I have some fabulous Music
Voice Jingles\I have some fabulous music.mp3
#EXTINF:3,DJ Denise - Please Ask Your friends to Come and listen
Voice Jingles\Please ask your friends to come an join us.wav

Starting event "STATION Break2"
Inserted 2 tracks from 2023-11-18 voice over playlist.m3u8


Plays two scheduled tracks no error. But sound 'SID' File type volume may not provided very quiet.

Starting event "STATION Break3"
Schedule: [STATION Break3] 2024-02-04 voice over playlist (C:\My Music\2024-02-04 voice over playlist)
[1394] 2024 - 02-04 voice over playlist
Unable to play! Error code 2 (unable to open the file/invalid server address).

BUG: Remove Auto PLAY disabled plays next track missing checks not to play same artist. Reinstate it after next track. Flashes two schedules in shedular

#EXTINF:2,DJ Denise - Are you all Ok
Voice Jingles\Are you all ok.wav
#EXTINF:2,DJ Denise - bring your friends to this beautiful club3
Voice Jingles\bring friends to this beautiful club3.wav
It seems to do 2 out of four over the hour another point if your switch active window clicking on another window it places schedule tracks in here not the window the current song is playing in! On another thought it might be useful to sweep a directory of play list and recurse them or random select them but not playing same again until all are played this could be useful for radio station queuing playlists, just thought. but it would be need calling from different Schedule event that might make it complicated.

BUG: Remove Auto PLAY disabled plays next track missing checks not to play same artist. Reinstate it after next track.

BUG: Remove Auto PLAY disabled plays next track missing checks not to play same artist. Reinstate it after next track. Flashes two schedules in shedular
Dimitri I Solved this, the one schedule that was working I duplicated and made other three now it's working to put schedule track in very strange.
Yes, I can give screen shots in addition the sounds are at a different volume than those played normally and distort. I don't know why this distortion exists. It could be its applying. It should apply genre style SID sound as below which works if you click on the file in player playlist or cart.
You use amplification +17dB. This causes sound distortion. You should lower the main Gain regulator by at least -16dB to prevent this.

1) Start music player in Shuffle play to play a song one it is playing press run now on the scheduler it will inert event in event log and in playlist without time duration on it.
If the duration is not shown, most likely the cause for it is that a track doesn't exist.

I hope this helps you find this as seems associated with the playlist only. A single mp3 will work which is great but distorted see above.
I'm sorry but we can't reproduce any problems with loading playlists using the scheduler. In your case it looks like playlist file contains an entry pointing to an invalid file.

it also shows in log
[771] 2024 - 02-04 voice over playlist
Unable to play! Error code 2 (unable to open the file/invalid server address).
[771] 2024 - 02-04 voice over playlist
Unable to play! Error code 2 (unable to open the file/invalid server address).
This definitely means that the playlist has an incorrect, unplayable entry.