I don't deny it happens to you - it's just we're unable to reproduce it here, and there are also no reports about this from other users, so it looks like this problem is specific for your computer(s).Well It does i tried on two different machines one on Windows 11 and one on Windows 10 it does the same. Have you shut RB down and opened it on Windows 11? Do you honestly think am making this up as can send you a video? Are you testing on Windows 11
Again, this means that playlist has incorrect paths for the files. It's not RadioBOSS that's "failing" it's the faulty playlist file.Furthermore, it is still not locating tracks on a playlist imported by the scheduler that you can drop in from the files from same directory. where it was showing --.-- (see separate thread) the drive has no errors on it I checked again this morning.
The playback queue has the priority so it will play first. When the queue ends it will evaluate next track based on general principles.Additionally, you can plot queued music around the scheduler, and it misses it in total. as you can see in following image. it will skip around it missing he tracks scheduled.
Edit and Delete buttons are actions for the selected events. If nothing is selected, it does not have an item to action upon.Dimitri pen it ack up like i did you can see its disabled the buttons unavailable. it does not action until you lick inside it