RadioBOSS 7.1 [beta]

Sorry Dmitry, again I have this error after commands disconnect/connect. It was fine before Ultimate beta, I have to do it due to other technical reasons every night at 3:45. What can I do?
Looks like the problem is with the streaming server. Maybe it doesn't accept immediate reconnect or something. You should check server's logs for the exact reason.

That's right, just like PGP, which can be locked down so that no one can make changes.
Yes, with the exception that there are no indirect ways to edit the presets after PGP is locked, while with the "Edit playlist" permission is very powerful and it's not an easy task to make it less powerful.
What is the use case for this, users who can edit the playlist but can't edit specific items? Maybe this can be solved in administrative way, that is, to users who have this permission, tell them to not edit Track List items.
Here is a new video with the debug window displayed and the screenshots of the voice tracks settings and the mix points of the song.
Thank you, we'll check it.

I'm not sure if this can be implemented, but here's a suggestion: In the Constarints that "do not select" include numbers. This would ensure that a same tag cannot appear within the next, say, 4 songs. Currently, a tag can be selected every second song, but I would like, for example, the "New Hits" tag to appear only every 4th or 5th song, rather than every second one.
Actually this is what the Rotation is for, you place categories like this:
New Hits

When it comes to the Ads Scheduler: The "Test all blocks" feature shows the reason why a block has a warning when you hover over a cell.

Why not have the warning appear automatically as soon as the set limits are exceeded, without needing to click "Test all blocks"?
When there are many ads in the list, and many blocks, this feature can take a lot of CPU resources to process. This is the only reason. It was optimized since the Test all blocks was first introduced, but still it's not fast/light enough to be working in a background.

I was thinking about this too, it would be a good implementation.
Why not use the rotation for this (please see above answer to tomimatko)? Constraints are not for building a playlist structure.
When I search for a song in the playlist, it does not ignore accented letters, so the search results are limited.
Will be fixed, thank you.

Also I am wondering why AutoIntro isn't working with the possibility already set at 100 % (and all conditions are fulfilled!) We have 12:10 and it didn't work just once since morning!
You can try turning off some of the conditions, e.g. New and "Date added" conditions seem to be duplicating each other. The "Date added" checks when a track was added to the music library (not when it was first played in RadioBOSS) - it it wasn't added to the library, the date added will be empty, and condition will be False.

Time stretch is not activating again in the latest beta
Yes, there is a bug, will be fixed in the next update.

I noticed I have RadioBoss folders in "programs" and in "programs (x84)" - can that be problematic and maybe cause this connection-error? I installed the 64-bit-beta first by mistake once (StereoTool doesn't work there)
If they both a re running and connecting to the same server, it can be the source of the errors you see. In some cases error -1 means that another source is already connected to the server.
This would be very interesting, when adding a new Ads to a block, the situation of that block could be analyzed and reported at that time!
The problem is that analyzing can take up couple of minutes - depending on ads number and how many blocks you have.
Yes, with the exception that there are no indirect ways to edit the presets after PGP is locked, while with the "Edit playlist" permission is very powerful and it's not an easy task to make it less powerful.
What is the use case for this, users who can edit the playlist but can't edit specific items? Maybe this can be solved in administrative way, that is, to users who have this permission, tell them to not edit Track List items.
The "edit playlist" permission is a nice option, but it is limited.
It would be very useful to extract the permissions:
Add track list
Edit item/rename file

If these options can be blocked, we can better protect our settings.
When I assign a high sampling rate to the sound card, I hear noise (hissing sound) in the encoders.

Main sound card sampling rate: 768000 Hz (set it, then close and reopen the program)
Sampling rate of the played track: 192000 Hz

Results according to the streaming encoder:

  • 192000 Hz: No noise
  • 96000 Hz: Noise present
  • 88200 Hz: Noise present
  • 48000 Hz: Noise present
  • 44100 Hz: Noise present

Θέματα προσβασιμότητας στο RadioBOSS
Αγαπητέ Δημήτρη,
Είμαι ο Γιώργος, ο μεταφραστής της ελληνικής γλώσσας του RadioBOSS, και επειδή έχω προβλήματα όρασης, θα ήθελα να επισημάνω κάποια θέματα προσβασιμότητας στο πρόγραμμα, καθώς και κάποιες περιοχές που δεν διαβάζονται σωστά από τους αναγνώστες οθόνης.
Θέματα προσβασιμότητας:
Ρυθμίσεις → καρτέλα "Γενικά"
• Μετά την επιλογή "Εκτέλεση εντολής", υπάρχει ένα κουμπί που ο αναγνώστης οθόνης αναγνωρίζει μόνο ως "κουμπί", χωρίς καμία περιγραφή.
• Μετά την επιλογή "Φάκελος φωνητικού κομματιού", υπάρχει ένα άλλο κουμπί που δεν αναγνωρίζεται.
Καρτέλα "Τύποι αρχείων"
• Μετά την επιλογή "Φάκελος τύπου αρχείου", το κουμπί που ακολουθεί δεν αναγνωρίζεται.
• Το ίδιο πρόβλημα παρουσιάζεται μετά την επιλογή "Ορισμός γραφικών".
Καρτέλα "Χρήση ελέγχου αναπαραγωγής"
• Το κουμπί που ακολουθεί αυτήν την επιλογή δεν αναγνωρίζεται από το πρόγραμμα ανάγνωσης οθόνης.
Καρτέλα "Παρακολούθηση φωνής"
• Μετά την επιλογή "Διαδρομή κρεβατιού φωνητικού κομματιού", το κουμπί που ακολουθεί δεν αναγνωρίζεται.
Καρτέλα "Εισαγωγή"
• Μετά την επιλογή "Ενεργοποίηση συμπίεσης μικροφώνου", το κουμπί δεν αναγνωρίζεται.
• Μετά την επιλογή "Χρήση μουσικού κρεβατιού", το επόμενο κουμπί επίσης δεν αναγνωρίζεται.
• Στην ενότητα "DSP", τα κουμπιά μέσα σε αυτό το μενού δεν διαβάζονται από τον αναγνώστη οθόνης.
Καρτέλα "Στυλ"
• Μετά την επιλογή "Στυλ", τα επόμενα δύο κουμπιά δεν αναγνωρίζονται.
• Μετά την επιλογή "Μέγεθος εικονιδίου", το κουμπί που ακολουθεί δεν αναγνωρίζεται.
Καρτέλα "Αθόρυβη ανίχνευση"
• Μετά την επιλογή "Βοηθητική λίστα αναπαραγωγής", το κουμπί δεν αναγνωρίζεται.
Καρτέλα "Μετάδοση"
• Τα ονόματα των προστιθέμενων κωδικοποιητών δεν διαβάζονται.
• Στη νέα επιλογή RTMP, το πεδίο "Κωδικός πρόσβασης RTMP" και το κουμπί "Προσθήκη εικόνας ή βίντεο" δεν αναγνωρίζονται.
Καρτέλα "Μεταδεδομένα"
• Μετά την επιλογή "Λογότυπο σταθμού", το κουμπί που ακολουθεί δεν αναγνωρίζεται.
Καρτέλα "Αναφορές"
• Τα κουμπιά μετά τις επιλογές "Όνομα αρχείου" και "Επόμενο όνομα αρχείου" δεν αναγνωρίζονται.
Προτεινόμενο χαρακτηριστικό
Θα ήταν φανταστικό αν μπορούσαμε να ορίσουμε από ποιο σημείο ένα κομμάτι θα αρχίσει να παίζει κατά τη διάρκεια της προ-ακρόασης, χρησιμοποιώντας συντομεύσεις πληκτρολογίου.
Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ και ζητώ συγγνώμη για το μακροσκελές μήνυμα. Συγχαρητήρια για όλες τις προσπάθειές σας, το πρόγραμμα είναι πραγματικά εξαιρετικό! Παραμένω στη διάθεσή σας για οποιαδήποτε διευκρίνιση ή βοήθεια.
Με εκτίμηση
You can try turning off some of the conditions, e.g. New and "Date added" conditions seem to be duplicating each other. The "Date added" checks when a track was added to the music library (not when it was first played in RadioBOSS) - it it wasn't added to the library, the date added will be empty, and condition will be False.

here without tag "New"

I've tried some variations like this but still ... besides 2-3 times it doesn't work whole day.

Don't know what else I should do.
Accessibility Issues in RadioBOSS
Dear Dimitris,
I am Giorgos, the Greek language translator for RadioBOSS, and as I have vision impairment, I would like to point out some accessibility issues in the software, as well as certain areas that are not properly read by screen readers.
Accessibility Issues:
1. Settings → "General" Tab
• After the "Execute command" option, there is a button that the screen reader identifies only as "button," without any description.
• After the "Voice track folder" option, there is another button that is not recognized.
2. "File Types" Tab
• After the "File type folder" option, the following button is not recognized.
• The same issue occurs after the "Set graphics" option.
3. "Playback Control Usage" Tab
• The button following this option is not recognized by the screen reader.
4. "Voice Tracking" Tab
• After the "Voice track bed path" option, the following button is not recognized.
5. "Input" Tab
• After the "Enable microphone compression" option, the button is not recognized.
• After the "Use music bed" option, the next button is also not recognized.
• In the "DSP" section, the buttons within this menu are not read by the screen reader.
6. "Style" Tab
• After the "Style" option, the next two buttons are not recognized.
• After the "Icon size" option, the following button is not recognized.
7. "Silence Detection" Tab
• After the "Auxiliary playlist" option, the button is not recognized.
8. "Broadcast" Tab
• The names of the added encoders are not read.
• In the new RTMP option, the "RTMP password" field and the "Add image or video" button are not recognized.
9. "Metadata" Tab
• After the "Station logo" option, the following button is not recognized.
10. "Reports" Tab
• The buttons following the "File name" and "Next file name" options are not recognized.
Suggested Feature
It would be fantastic if we could set a specific point from which a track starts playing during pre-listening, using keyboard shortcuts.
Thank you very much, and I apologize for the lengthy message. Congratulations on all your efforts; the software is truly excellent! I remain available for any clarification or assistance.
Best regards,
It would be very useful to extract the permissions:
Add track list
Edit item/rename file
This looks very situation-specific, I'm not sure why Track List needs to be singled out like this. I'm afraid this won't make much sense to other RadioBOSS users, I'm sorry. We can add a permission for Edit Item though (to avoid them renaming the files and editing items, including the Track List).

When I assign a high sampling rate to the sound card, I hear noise (hissing sound) in the encoders.

Main sound card sampling rate: 768000 Hz (set it, then close and reopen the program)
Sampling rate of the played track: 192000 Hz
I'm not sure what/if we can do something about it. Looks like some corner case. What is the practical use of 768k sample rate? Could be a problem that encoders (mp3/aac) do not support such high sample rates.
I've tried some variations like this but still ... besides 2-3 times it doesn't work whole day.
In the previous screen shot I see that you use a Cooldown value of 1800 minutes, maybe it also prevents the use of the rule. We tested it a lot, there's very little/no chance of the rules not being properly applied, so I would check the rule and also the music that it has proper tags (in your case, Year and Date Added).
Why not use the rotation for this (please see above answer to tomimatko)? Constraints are not for building a playlist structure.
I was referring to the "maximum consecutive" option.
Does it show any error messages in the log? What is the time announcement, is it based on files or it's text-to-speech?
It is file-based. And no, there is no error message.
In the previous screen shot I see that you use a Cooldown value of 1800 minutes
Ehh yes, I set Cooldown but I was thinking we talk about seconds. It says seconds ("Sek.") in german version, that's why I chose 1800 (= 30 minutes).

Maybe that's the bug? But on the other hand this can't be it because today it worked little better even though I didn't change anything. Still it is too less frequent.

If they both a re running and connecting to the same server, it can be the source of the errors you see. In some cases error -1 means that another source is already connected to the server.
I deleted all files from the wrong installed RadioBoss x64 - didn't make a difference unfortunately.

I tried to redproduce it with RB - there it was all fine. So I'm still not sure if the mistake is on my server ...
Here an example: This song fulfills all conditions if I am not overlooking something. Added 09.02.2025 11:27:48

But it has no AutoIntro (though i set 100 % possibility). Since 9:05 (approx. 6 hours!) there was no AutoIntro. (I also checked categories, there were no tracks with category before that new one and others.)



It doesn't even work when I put songs that fulfill the conditions manually in the playlist.
Last edited:
Looks like the problem is with the streaming server. Maybe it doesn't accept immediate reconnect or something. You should check server's logs for the exact reason.

No, it's because of RadioBOSS.
I have tried it with an in-house development based on Nginx, SHOUTcast and Icecast.
When RadioBOSS disconnects, it takes about 6 seconds before the connection is closed.


RadioBOSS: connect 14:50:00
Server: <02/25/25@13:50:00> [source] connected from XX.XX.XX.XX

RadioBOSS: disconnect 14:51:00
Server: <02/25/25@13:51:00> [source] source dropped connection. disconnecting.

RadioBOSS Beta:

RadioBOSS: connect 14:52:00
Server: <02/25/25@13:52:00> [source] connected from XX.XX.XX.XX

RadioBOSS: disconnect 14:53:00
Server: <02/25/25@13:53:06> [source] source dropped connection. disconnecting.

The server times are UTC, which is why they differ by 1 hour.
I'm not sure what/if we can do something about it. Looks like some corner case. What is the practical use of 768k sample rate? Could be a problem that encoders (mp3/aac) do not support such high sample rates.
The settings in the encoder affect this, so the issue originates from there. Even if I manually enter a value in the command line, the sampling rate in the encoder settings still affects it. That's why I believe this is a bug related to RadioBOSS.

A high sampling rate runs Stereo Tool’s latest version with Perfect Declipper, which is the main reason I use it.

s16le -ac {Channels} -ar {SampleRate} -i
Manually entering the sample rate value changes the behavior. To get proper audio, I have to enter the sample rate as shown in the image I attached.


  • bc.jpg
    6 KB · Views: 18
Reviewing “Remote VT” I leave some suggestions to improve it.

1 - Formats for inserting voice.
Currently it has flac, it would be nice to add other common formats like Mp3 and Wav.
With these formats active, we could even add voice + song remotely. Hopefully this will be possible in future updates.

2 - View live minutes of the song playing.
be able to view the time that the song has been playing, to see how much time we have left to add the vocal track.

It could be to the right of the song:

3 - One detail worth noting is that when you delete the song that is playing from “Remote VT”, there is no way to know what song is coming next, you can only find out by watching RB.

Now playing:

When deleting the song:

To avoid this problem, some kind of indicator could be placed to avoid confusion:

4 - Track removal.
When trying to delete a track, have the option to add a message "Do you really want to delete this track?" so you don't delete a song by mistake.