Buffer size


Hi Dmtry,
as mentioned before I have issues with hickups at my stream (Server connection closed) - in RB there is the function "network playback buffer" and "network read timeout". When I set this two drastically higher, what effect will this have? Make higher values the stream more stable?
Are there values you would recommend?
as mentioned before I have issues with hickups at my stream (Server connection closed)
This error seems to come from Broadcasting (streaming) feature, when you send your stream to a streaming server.

in RB there is the function "network playback buffer" and "network read timeout". When I set this two drastically higher, what effect will this have?
Those settings are only used for network stream playback (e.g. when you add a stream using Playlist->Add URL command). Those do not affect broadcasting.

If you experience issues while broadcasting, specifically, Server connection closed - this means that the server had initiated connection closure, RadioBOSS only notified you of the fact. So the first thing to check is the server. If it's configured to terminate connections after certain time or under some other conditions. I don't think it at all can be solved from within RadioBOSS.
@djsoft Thx. I am still looking for the issue. I wonder if its a problem for network (or RB) when I play wav, mp3, flac and sometimes tracks with VBR instead of CBR - can that be a possibility? Maybe because the encoder has too much to work (it all goes out with 192 kbit/s MP3)? Or can you rule out that?
I wonder if its a problem for network (or RB) when I play wav, mp3, flac and sometimes tracks with VBR instead of CBR - can that be a possibility?
File format doesn't matter, it's decoded before being sent to the encoder for streaming. The problem is with the network.
estoy usando la versión y me sale este error Error al cargar barredoras (Path=): La ruta está vací
Please write in English. It also seems that your message is not about the topic being discussed so please create a new topic.
I thought so. Damn, I still can't find the reason for this network issues. Thx for your help.
"Server connection closed" usually means that the server initiated disconnection. Maybe it's configured to disconnect sources after certain time, maybe there's a network issue, or something else.