Queue idea for PlayList Gen Pro

nelson c

Well-known member
The idea that I expose here I found it in PowerGold and it seems very interesting to me:
It tries to give "freshness" and helps us listen to songs so that the listener does not always hear the same thing.

I think it will be better understood in steps:

1-The tracks of a random category are mixed
2-The first N tracks are taken (for example 500). The filters are applied to these tracks and the playlist is armed.
3-At the end of the construction of the playlist those 500 tracks are inserted at the end of the category. (It works like a tail)

The next time a track needs to be generated, it will begin with step 2, except that the queue has already had a complete route, in which case step 1 is applied.

In RadioBOSS it is a bit more complicated since the tracks are in Playlist and not categories as such, it should be saved internally.

A while ago I tried to reproduce this using the priorities with "last play".
Along with the Last Playback priority, I had a priority set based on the rating.
It turned out that the first days everything was ok, I was more than satisfied with this. But then I noticed that a lot of low-rating songs were coming out. Thing that did not happen before.
Clearly it was that the high-rated tracks had already been played a short time before and most of the tracks that had not yet been played were those with low ratings.
This produced an unwanted effect, so choose to remove this filter.

But with the idea that I commented previously this would not happen. Since they would take "N" tracks at random, and then those tracks would be inserted in a queue, regardless of whether they were actually in the generated playlist or not.
nelson c said:
1-The tracks of a random category are mixed
2-The first N tracks are taken (for example 500). The filters are applied to these tracks and the playlist is armed.
3-At the end of the construction of the playlist those 500 tracks are inserted at the end of the category. (It works like a tail)
Playlist Generator works more or less this way already, it tries to use the tracks and moves on further into category if it has to find a track that fits criteria (repeat protection rules etc).
For "freshness", the best solution is the "last played" tag and priority rules based on it. But this has to be properly configured, please see below.

nelson c said:
A while ago I tried to reproduce this using the priorities with "last play".
Along with the Last Playback priority, I had a priority set based on the rating.
It turned out that the first days everything was ok, I was more than satisfied with this. But then I noticed that a lot of low-rating songs were coming out. Thing that did not happen before.
This is the correct path and I suggest you to change the rules to make it work properly. To improve things, you should:
1. Make repeat protection rules less strict, if possible. This way, Playlist Generator will have more freedom in choosing the tracks.
2. Lower priority modifications, e.g if you add +30 priority in some rule, try +15 instead.
3. Add more music (if possible, of course). This also allows more freedom in choosing tracks,

nelson c said:
Clearly it was that the high-rated tracks had already been played a short time before and most of the tracks that had not yet been played were those with low ratings.
You can create a separate rule that will bring down the priority of low rating tracks so they are not chosen often. Or, even, create a filter that filters out low rating tracks completely. Another way, you can have two categories in the playlist generator, based on the same track source (playlist or folder), but with different rules:
- One that only has priority rules
- Another, same as the first one, but it also has filters set, to filter out unwanted tracks (like tracks with low rating), so it will guarantee no lower rating tracks will be inserted.
Then modify your playlist template to select from one of the other of those categories.