It might seem from the reports coming back to you Djsoft that the new waveform isn't performing as expected perhaps ? Well I just wanted to let you know that this isn't the case with all of us, that I'm not experiencing any problems whatsoever with the new waveform, and this is using 2 computers on Win7 and WinXP. Its working extremely well, so this would suggest its the users computers are most probably the cause of their problem/s, and its not anything to do with the software itself.
May I also say that I like the addition of the waveform, its a novel idea not used on any other software that I have tried, and I can see practical uses for it. Well done Djsoft for coming up with the idea !
So I certainly wouldn't like to see it go now that its arrived, but the option of being able to turn it on or off is probably a good idea for those whose computers/video cards can't handle it, or where they are personally not keen on it.
I think perhaps you forget that this is BETA software, and therefore subject to various developmental problems, which the end user experiences and reports back on to those writing the software.
You shouldn't be reliant on the software performing as though its released software. If you are, then its a problem of your own making. Your demanding is a bit unfair on the developers ! Its Beta, so expect errors !
Why don't you install each release independent of the previous one. Sure, its a bit more work, but it means that if a release doesn't work to your satisfaction, then you can dump it and revert back to the old one.
It's much better way of handling it, than, installing new releases over the top of previous ones and encountering unexpected problems.