RadioBOSS 4.9 [beta]

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djsoft said:
dave-t said:
RB 4.9.1a resets broadcast data and encoders so all server details need to be re-entered - be warned if using in a "live" situation"
Yes, it was mentioned in the changes list. I marked it in red to make it more visible.
By the way, this was done for the greater good. Before the new XML setting storage, installing an older version on top of a newer one resulted in settings reset. This won't happen anymore.

I wasn't complaining  :) just missed the red text !

Database looks great now and am just testing the crossfades and will report back later
nelson c said:
The problem was that the files had changed accidentally folder (now understood why the name is displayed in red).
Yes, it displays non-existent files in red, making it easier to notice problems.

nelson c said:
He may select the name of a song to generate metadata (uy useful function): I hope @Pety this happy now!
I hope so too :)
dave-t said:
I wasn't complaining  :) just missed the red text !
It wasn't red until you posted warning message :)

dave-t said:
Database looks great now and am just testing the crossfades and will report back later
OK. Please report if anything goes wrong. Note that it now takes into account the "Mix point" value in seconds.
Mai I have a settings for box with tracks info (Art, tag etc.) to be default off?


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pety said:
Mai I have a settings for box with tracks info (Art, tag etc.) to be default off?
It's supposed to preserve the state (on/off) for information panel. Looks like it's a bug - will be fixed in the next update.
Please report any other problems you find with the new tag editor.
djsoft said:
pety said:
Mai I have a settings for box with tracks info (Art, tag etc.) to be default off?
It's supposed to preserve the state (on/off) for information panel. Looks like it's a bug - will be fixed in the next update.
Please report any other problems you find with the new tag editor.
I will make a hard test tomorrow for few hours. Now I am too tired. Nice work. It begins to like it.
When I loaded 4.9.1 then 4.9.1a on one of my machines I seem to have lost all my schedules  ???

the PLGPro pre-sets are all there but not the schedules - got any idea where they could have gone?
How bizarre  ???

Just noticed that the date stamp on a generated playlist is 16 minutes later than the time it was generated !

dave-t said:
When I loaded 4.9.1 then 4.9.1a on one of my machines I seem to have lost all my schedules  ???
the PLGPro pre-sets are all there but not the schedules - got any idea where they could have gone?
Probably you've use a different .sdl file and its name, stored in profile, was lost along with the other settings. You can try clicking List->Load and load an appropriate .sdl file.

dave-t said:
How bizarre  ???
Just noticed that the date stamp on a generated playlist is 16 minutes later than the time it was generated !
Do you mean the "Created:" attribute of the .m3u8 file is 16 minutes later? If so, that's really odd as RB doesn't do anything with file attributes...
djsoft said:
dave-t said:
When I loaded 4.9.1 then 4.9.1a on one of my machines I seem to have lost all my schedules  ???
the PLGPro pre-sets are all there but not the schedules - got any idea where they could have gone?
Probably you've use a different .sdl file and its name, stored in profile, was lost along with the other settings. You can try clicking List->Load and load an appropriate .sdl file.

dave-t said:
How bizarre  ???
Just noticed that the date stamp on a generated playlist is 16 minutes later than the time it was generated !
Do you mean the "Created:" attribute of the .m3u8 file is 16 minutes later? If so, that's really odd as RB doesn't do anything with file attributes...

I was using the default SDL file. It has not caused me any problem as I was going to completely rebuild the schedules anyway - just thought I would raise it with you.

The time stamp on the m3u8 file is again not an issue but really bizarre. I have checked system clocks etc and everything is correct!

I have not yet tried to load an external file in to the aux player - has this bug been fixed?

so far things looking good with 4.9.1a

The SDL file format wasn't changed and events should be loaded fine... it's weird that your events were lost. Well, that's one more reason to add settings backup/restore feature to RB for cases like this.
Try clicking List->Open and select the Default.sdl file, maybe events will be back.

Regarding the playlist creation time. I just tried Generate and then Save Playlist in the PLGenPro, and file timestamps are correct. Maybe those issues (losing events and wrong file timestamps) are related somehow. Like some application (a virus?) intercepts disk operations and does something.

For the URL playback in the AUX player, it's not implemented yet. Will be in, planned for tomorrow.
In Windows XP PRO SP3 doesn't work highlight selection of tracks for Playlist. Only in status bar (bottom of RB) I see that I selected a track.

Also doesn't work highlight for multiple selection.

I like that Line.IN works great.
Very fast Music Library and Library Search.
What do you say about that (image)?


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The SDL file format wasn't changed and events should be loaded fine... it's weird that your events were lost. Well, that's one more reason to add settings backup/restore feature to RB for cases like this.
Try clicking List->Open and select the Default.sdl file, maybe events will be back.

Nope it is not there! - probably "user error" - wouldn't be the first time  ;)

I am in the process of rebuilding the schedules - which I was going to do anyway - would it be possible to make it harder to delete a schedule - "are you sure" pop up - I have deleted a couple by mistake  >:( >:(

Will the backup/restore feature be added soon? is there a chance to run a "scheduled" backup? It would be good if the backup files could be date stamped "default-DDMMYY.sdl"

Regarding the playlist creation time. I just tried Generate and then Save Playlist in the PLGenPro, and file timestamps are correct. Maybe those issues (losing events and wrong file timestamps) are related somehow. Like some application (a virus?) intercepts disk operations and does something.

No Virus !

The . m3u8 file is saved to a NAS drive - possibly that is out of sync time wise - I will check

The Image below shows how I am using the color options within the Scheduler - I may have some questions/ideas when I have done more work on this  ;)



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pety said:
In Windows XP PRO SP3 doesn't work highlight selection of tracks for Playlist. Only in status bar (bottom of RB) I see that I selected a track.
Thank you for report, will be fixed in the next update.

pety said:
What do you say about that (image)?
At first I thought it is a bug :) I suppose you ask for a Level Meter in the search? Well, I don't think it will fit in the search tab. But in the future I think it can be included in some other place to be always visible.

dave-t said:
I am in the process of rebuilding the schedules - which I was going to do anyway - would it be possible to make it harder to delete a schedule - "are you sure" pop up - I have deleted a couple by mistake  >:( >:(
Delete confirmation will be added.

dave-t said:
Will the backup/restore feature be added soon? is there a chance to run a "scheduled" backup? It would be good if the backup files could be date stamped "default-DDMMYY.sdl"
Yes, manual and automatic backup. It will backup everything (settings, events, profiles). It's planned for 4.9.

dave-t said:
The Image below shows how I am using the color options within the Scheduler - I may have some questions/ideas when I have done more work on this  ;)
I see you found the PlGenPro command line interface useful :)
You may also add separators in the list for better structure, here's the picture from one of RB users.


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Wrong translation...  :)


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Delete confirmation would be brilliant - thank you

Automatic/manual backup - Brilliant

I see you found the PlGenPro command line interface useful 
You may also add separators in the list for better structure, here's the picture from one of RB users.

Command line playlist generation was by far the most useful addition to 4.8  :) I love it and it allow me to run a "production" and "playout" setup. As you can see I run different schedules everyday but they are saved as the same name. that way it simplifies the scheduling on the playout machine.

I would really like to have the playout PC a very low power (cheap) system such as an Intel Atom. Because it is not generating playlists the demand on resources is minimal. Not sure what is happening with the Intel Atom processor as I see that Intel have introduced the NUC which is tiny but currently
quite expensive.

You may also add separators
;D you read my mind  ;D

I was just playing with that but not sure how to create a schedule that does not do anything without it causing an error in the logs ?
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