RadioBOSS 4.9 [beta]

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djsoft said:
dave-t said:
I just found the "Delete Schedule Yes/No"  ;D
A little warning - it doesn't ask when you press "Delete" key on the keyboard, it will be fixed in the next update.

Ok thanks for the warning - it is very rare that I use the keyboard. see also feature request re the schedule  ;)
Not yet, it's still under development.

good .

i want to report this bug , also

settings \ options \ view \ time format : what ever you choose [ 12 format or 24 format ] nothing changes except the pm goes to p and the vice virsa ..

the clock format remains on 12 format , and the starttimes format remains 24 .
Thanks for reporting this. I think this option will be removed, as now it uses system time format for clock and 24-hr for start times, scheduler, etc.
Hi Again,

Not sure if this is possible but what do you think about being able to trigger jingles using function keys.  i.e
F1- house jingle , F2- classical jingle, F3 country jingle etc?  If they were set to bpm they could be sync'ed appropriately?  This would require some presenting skill and awareness of source material / samples but could bee cool.
Good news!

I have just created a database of 2,000+ tracks and I can see no issue with the TAG reading  :) :)

thank you
You can assign jingles to 1-9 keyboard buttons using the Jingle menu.

Very good!
Ha ha ha. No Line.IN. Incredibles.


  • noLineIN.jpg
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It hides Line Inputs from the menu if you have no device selected in the Settings. Make sure you have selected a device for Line.In (or Line2.In) in Settings->Input.
djsoft said:
It hides Line Inputs from the menu if you have no device selected in the Settings. Make sure you have selected a device for Line.In (or Line2.In) in Settings->Input.
No settings for Line.IN


  • noMICforLineIN.jpg
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pety said:
Now I saw it. UFF. Too many changes once
Yes, 4.9 probably is the most massive update ever made.
Now settings for inputs and outputs are in the same style, and I think it's better and more obvious. It allows to turn off inputs (it wasn't easily possible in the previous versions) and adds a second line input.
It looks different in

I will have a lot of work to teach all my co-workers to work with new RB.
But maybe soon I will go from my job and I will do not care about that.


  • Mic_LineIN.jpg
    310.1 KB · Views: 560
In playlist command "Move under playing track" duplicates the track, not moving it under
pety said:
It looks different in

I will have a lot of work to teach all my co-workers to work with new RB.
But maybe soon I will go from my job and I will do not care about that.
Yes, Microphone/Line.IN has been renamed to "Inputs" and redesigned.
Things got to change. Old UI was not so good, it looked too complex and overcrowded, causing a lot of questions from users. And there was no screen space to add second Line Input.
I don't think this UI will change in the next 5 (and likely more) years - it's safe to train co-workes with this one.

pety said:
In playlist command "Move under playing track" duplicates the track, not moving it under
Thanks for reporting this bug.
Things got to change. Old UI was not so good, it looked too complex and overcrowded, causing a lot of questions from users. And there was no screen space to add second Line Input.
I don't think this UI will change in the next 5 (and likely more) years - it's safe to train co-workes with this one.
Yes now I like it myself too. Regular users cannot make mistakes becouse THAT SETTINGS MODULES ARE HIDED.
BTW! Good Job! Sory for my histeria about GUI changes.
When it will be implemented a security module than RB will be excellent. A password user for making changes will increase stability of RB
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