RadioBOSS 4.9 [beta]

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pety said:
dYes now I like it myself too. Regular users cannot make mistakes becouse THAT SETTINGS MODULES ARE HIDED.
BTW! Good Job! Sory for my histeria about GUI changes.
That's fine :)

pety said:
When it will be implemented a security module than RB will be excellent. A password user for making changes will increase stability of RB
It was planned for 4.9, but I moved it to 5.0 as RB 4.9 already has enough changes... Password protection (with different access levels) will be in RB 5.0 for sure.
Helo Dmitry,

Is scheduled to add, remove, and modify the artwork of the songs?

I would also like radioboss generates a file with the artwork of the current song, for those who do not use shoutcast 2, and upload it to display the image.
nelson c
RadioBOSS only reads artwork and there are no plans to include edit features for it... Probably in the future versions.

Generating an artwork file is possible, the next update most likely will have this feature.
With respect to the separate DSP for vocals, music and the master.  Would it be feasible to integrate a software mixer similar to what you may find in an audio workstation like cubase or protools so you could have all you levels on one mixer possibly on a second screen.  that way you could have control of your:

- mic
- music
- jingles
- Master stream output

The sidechain / ducking compression could be set from the mixer via a send.  Also, you could have effect insert slots per channel so you can setup all of your processing / gain staging in one place.  You could even have fx like reverb & delay on fx send channels that you could trigger on/off with function keys?       

Midi controllers could be used in the future to control the mixer levels and a whole internal, customizable virtual outboard station could be designed in the box using vst's.

RadioBOSS can output music, carts and jingles to a separate sound card - the final mix can be controlled by a hardware mixer, which is a preferred way.

Currently there are no plans to create a virtual mixer board, maybe in the future...
What about FR -> Compresor in RB 4.9 (Additional FX) ?
If it is not default in 4.9 how to add it ?

I use it in and it is very good.
djsoft said:
nelson c said:
The problem was the following, appeared in front of: Name, Run In, Time. strange names, with empty fields.
When I load the profile again and everything returns to normal.
A day of strange bugs :)
I just checked two of the testing instances, one running for 29 days and another for 55 days. The Clear button in Zone2 is where it should be and scheduler list is fine... We test program only in English language. Can you try switching UI language to English to see if it's something related to the translation?

Hello, interface problems still present over established English language (see Figure 1)

I've noticed that has widened the gap between the name of the songs in the playlist, I wish this is customizable:
On one hand I like the new size, everything looks clearer in our main pc, the problem is when we use the program on a netbook whose resolution is very small, and added to the tag editor, there is very little space. (Fig. 2 and 4)

I have a suggestion regarding the file name in the Tag Editor:
When the window size is not enough to display the full path, it would be nice to only display the file name (see Figure 3)


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I think something is wrong with "trigger mix at":
Probe multivalued and not notice any difference, also I notice that is performed on the track fade out ending soon begins another without repetar preset values

another thing: There are plans to establish websites to default web browser tabs?, so to have a flap that automatically carge for facebook, one for sms, etc

There is a bug in the new editor of tags:
When you edit a file that is not assigned to anything in the field year, the program stores "0"
I keep finding errors in the scheduler:
I also realized that incorrectly displays the event list, press the Edit button loads another event.
Also seemed "off" an event that was not, and that should be disabled showed activated.

Again to refresh the profile, everything works fine


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pety said:
What about FR -> Compresor in RB 4.9 (Additional FX) ?
Compressor will be available in one of the next updates.

nelson c said:
Hello, interface problems still present over established English language (see Figure 1)
Screenshot is from version 4.8, does it happen in 4.9?
Regarding scheduler list, what's wrong there?

nelson c said:
I've noticed that has widened the gap between the name of the songs in the playlist, I wish this is customizable:
OK, this will be added to settings.

nelson c said:
I have a suggestion regarding the file name in the Tag Editor:
When the window size is not enough to display the full path, it would be nice to only display the file name (see Figure 3)
It should behave like this already... Maybe there's a bug which prevents this from happening :)

nelson c said:
I think something is wrong with "trigger mix at":
Probe multivalued and not notice any difference, also I notice that is performed on the track fade out ending soon begins another without repetar preset values
It depends on what music you have. If track level is high till the end, then it will be mixed using the time value in seconds. For tracks with long fade-out in the end, tracks will be mixed earlier.

nelson c said:
another thing: There are plans to establish websites to default web browser tabs?, so to have a flap that automatically carge for facebook, one for sms, etc
The next version will remember the last web site for each tab.

nelson c said:
When you edit a file that is not assigned to anything in the field year, the program stores "0"
Thanks for reporting this.

nelson c said:
I keep finding errors in the scheduler:
I also realized that incorrectly displays the event list, press the Edit button loads another event.
Also seemed "off" an event that was not, and that should be disabled showed activated.
That's really strange. What other software do you have installed on the PC?
It looks like some 3rd party software can mess with the system... incorrect scheduler list, disappearing "Clear" button. All those issues may have one cause. No other users reported anything like this and nothing like this happens on testing instances here... I think that could be something wrong with your PC.

dave-t said:
I have just had a schedule run twice then a schedule ran that should not have run  ??? ???
Can you please give more details on this? Eg. a report entry with double-start and screenshot of this event would be helpful. Same for event which started when it shouldn't.
Hi Dmitry

I have been looking at this "problem" for quite some time and think I can explain both situations.

1. My news bulletin ran twice straight after each other.

quite simply the way I had set the schedule up allowed this to happen. when I first configured the event I had it starting at 09:00 with 4 repeats set for 180 Minutes so that is would also run at 12:00, 15:00 and 18:00.

I then re-configured the event to run at specific times: 09:00, 10:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 & 22:00

However the repeat schedule every 180 remained ticked so it quite simply ran it twice ! - see attached.

Clearly this was a user error although it was quite easy to make the mistake.

2. Schedule running when it was not supposed to.

I have checked a tripled check the event and it should NOT have run at just after 18:00 tonight - however I believe I can explain why it did.

the schedule [1970s] is set to run at 03:00 with 2 repeats at of 540 minutes, so it should have run at 03:00 & 12:00. It did run properly at 03:00

for a reason I cannot explain, I could not hear the stream on my monitoring system at 09:00 this morning. I was distracted by a phone called and re-loaded RB and forced the wrong schedule [1970] to start at 09:05.

the schedule ran correctly at 12:00 but then ran again at 18:05 - 9 hours AFTER I incorrectly forced it to run.

As the schedule was effectively reloaded (when I started RB) and after forcing it to run at 09:05 it caused it to run again according to the repeat that had been set

Hope that makes sense !

we have exchanged emails re the "load" command and suspect that this is the same issue ?


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djsoft said:
nelson c said:
I keep finding errors in the scheduler:
I also realized that incorrectly displays the event list, press the Edit button loads another event.
Also seemed "off" an event that was not, and that should be disabled showed activated.
That's really strange. What other software do you have installed on the PC?
It looks like some 3rd party software can mess with the system... incorrect scheduler list, disappearing "Clear" button. All those issues may have one cause. No other users reported anything like this and nothing like this happens on testing instances here... I think that could be something wrong with your PC.
No, perhaps the antivirus, I have avast free, the PC is installed: winamp, u-torrent, delphi, flash cs6, adobe audition, vmware, mp3tag, i-tunes, crhome, notepad + +, virtual dj, Songr. but I think these programs have nothing to do with the operation of the system.

1. When you have "Hours" checked, the Repeat feature is grayed out and it's not working (even if you have checkbox there). I'll add this to the list, probably there's a bug. Please post part of reports when event was started twice.

2. The load command is a separate issue and it only occurs when you're using load command. Repeat is not tied to the time when you manually launched, it's counted from the set time, no matter if and when Run Now command was used. I also added it to the list to be checked.

nelson c said:
No, perhaps the antivirus, I have avast free, the PC is installed: winamp, u-torrent, delphi, flash cs6, adobe audition, vmware, mp3tag, i-tunes, crhome, notepad + +, virtual dj, Songr. but I think these programs have nothing to do with the operation of the system.
Yes, I think you should try removing Avast. Although I'm not sure it's the cause... Probably a full system reinstall is a good idea... As we can't reproduce several bugs you reported (incorrect scheduler list, disappearing Clear button and cart wall cuts tracks) - I consider this is something to do with your PC.
Hi Dmitry


1. When you have "Hours" checked, the Repeat feature is grayed out and it's not working (even if you have checkbox there). I'll add this to the list, probably there's a bug. Please post part of reports when event was started twice.

Here is the pre-set for the event that played twice one after the other

DateTime=29/03/2013 09:00:00
FileName= #0
TaskName=FSN News Weekday
DelTaskTime=29/03/2013 11:28:51

And here is the pre-set for the schedule which ran when it should not have

DateTime=12/12/2012 03:00:05
TaskName=70s Daily
DelTaskTime=12/12/2012 23:14:33

and here is the log which show both "issues" running one after the other

17:57:05;;"Aurra - You And Me Tonight";"R:\Library\Top 40 Charts\1980s\Top 40 - 1986\Aurra - You And Me Tonight.mp3"
18:00:00;scheduler;"Schedule: #0";" #0"
18:00:00;;" #0";" #0"
18:00:00;scheduler;"Schedule: #0";" #0"
18:03:03;;" #0";" #0"
18:03:35;scheduler;"Schedule: 70s";R:\Playlist\70s.m3u8
18:06:08;;"(jingle) - ATH 70s INTRO";R:\Cart\Intros\INTRO-ATH-70S.mp3
18:06:17;;"Ken Dodd - Think Of Me (Wherever You Are)";"R:\Library\Top 40 Charts\1970s\Top 40 - 1976\Ken Dodd - Think Of Me (Wherever You Are).mp3"
Dave, OK, thanks for details. For repeats, although values are stored in the event properties, it's not used in operation. And the repeat feature is grayed out in the scheduler window when Hours option is selected

By the way, did it happen again? Or this happened only once?

Regarding double start: are you sure there's no other event which can launch at 18.00.00 to start Report doesn't say if it's the same event or not. Technically it's impossible for event to be started twice - that's why I'm asking so many questions...
By the way, did it happen again? Or this happened only once?

Regarding double start: are you sure there's no other event which can launch at 18.00.00 to start Report doesn't say if it's the same event or not. Technically it's impossible for event to be started twice - that's why I'm asking so many questions...

It has only happened once and I have waited the full 24 hours before replying to ensure that it did not happen at 18:00 UK time

I have checked and doubled checked the pre-sets and I cannot find anything to indicate that it was scheduled to run twice.

The ONLY difference yesterday was that I reloaded RB and that is where my suspicions lie.

as I am running different schedules at the weekend I cannot properly test this until Monday but would be happy to run the same schedules on another machine and reload RB to see if I can replicate the "issue" ?
A little test here with the events you posted didn't reproduce the problem... Please let me know if this happens again.
i have notice alot now when pulling a stream and it drop and reconnect the stream starts to play double. like two of the same feed running at the same time.
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