For what it's worth, this version ( beta) is working well for me now. I have had a couple of times where the software would lockup but that could be due to my aging system. In general, once the delays/buffers are set up correctly in the program (and for me, in VAC) so the static and popping stop, and the cable routing (inputs/outputs) is corrected to fix voice/music/sfx delays or out-of-sync issues, it's solid. I can do a 2 or 3 hour show with songs and commercials peppered in, throwing sound effects left and right (as you guys know, the sound effects in RB overlap vs. cutting each other off like some programs do, which makes it sound very realistic and professional) and have no issues. When I take a break, I just turn on my playlist and return to the show when I feel like it. Fade in/Fade out work great, smooth transitions. My callers and Skypers sound great w/o delays; we sound like we're in the same room though on different mics. Thanks again for a great product, Dmitry!