RadioBOSS 5.0 [beta]

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Work Zone 2 -> Explorer

Double click doesn't add track in Main Playlist

Double click works for "Search" Tab in WZ.


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Playlist -> Extra -> Calculate playlist length

Doesn't work right. User can't see the result.
pety said:
See in file. Why is that in cells ?
<TRACK IDENT=" " ARTIST="" TITLE="Al Bano &amp; Romina Power-Sharazan" ALBUM="" YEAR="" GENRE="" COMMENT="" FILENAME="D:\Muzica veche\MUSICA ITALIA-MOMENTI FELICI\Al Bano &amp; Romina Power-Sharazan.mp3" DURATION="04:41"  PLAYCOUNT="19" INTRO="0.00" /> etc., etc...
This is an additional information stored. It is used in Report Generator when generating reports. If you don't need it, you can turn off saving this information: Settings->Reports/Now Playing->Store track information in the report [note: this option will be available in RB]

pety said:
Double click doesn't add track in Main Playlist
It used to add in the past but this was turned off... I don't remember the reason. I should check the development logs. Probably this will be turned back on.

pety said:
Playlist -> Extra -> Calculate playlist length

Doesn't work right. User can't see the result.
This just re-reads tracks durations in the playlist. The results are visible at the bottom: total playlist duration, playing time left.
Two other things I would like (not sure if you addressed these already):

1.  When backing up a profile, have it backup ALL settings, as it currently will lose settings except for maybe playlist and color scheme (you'll lose your encoders and various settings in the settings menu).

2.  I would like to be able to right click on a song/jingle and be able to select, "Stop after this song and disconnect."  That would be awesome.
djsoft said:
That's odd - I've just tested it, and looping work as it should in the latest beta. Does this always happen, or only on certain music tracks?
This error always happens.
It's strange because just checked on another pc and working properly.

djsoft said:
nelson c said:
This error only occurs when loading the database, for example:
Seaching .. 39%
I think we'll record a video, I saw this error on two of my pc
Yes, while list is populated you can't do scrolling. You should wait until it's completed or click Stop.
Is there any technical limitation so no can do?.
For example when I do a full list takes about 10 seconds to load because of the size of my library.
There is a bug that happens sometimes with users with BETA key.
happens when the program is minimized, the RadioBOSS icon starts flashing (including sometimes the program is maximized only) and soon was off and asks the key.
Even after re-entering sometimes 15 minutes is the same.
Remember that this also happened in RB 4.7 beta, then when you buy the license ceased to occur.

Another issue:
Maybe you can help me with this:
As I have said several times this by developing a remote control in delphi RB. :)
Right now I have a problem making requests through the API in RB to insert tracks with character "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?".

I use the following code:
...'&action=inserttrack&filename=' + HTTPEncode('Patchfile')  + '&pos=' + IntToStr(PosInserta));

Despite this RadioBOSS recognizes as foreign characters:
R:\Andr?s Calamaro - Cuando no est?s.mp3
R:\Andr?s Calamaro - Cuando no est?s.mp3


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Another problem (in this case has dragged on RB RB or 4.9.1), just do not report.
I have enabled the option to list "Double Click-> Previewing"
Sometimes it stops working, and you have to click from the drop down menu.
there and working again. is a random error.

and I take this opportunity to ask:
Is there any plan to integrate this player to the interface (for example in a work area), this also we discussed before and is another of the few things I do not like the program. (I use it a lot to edit playlists and is very uncomfortable because drag screen "clutter").

Maybe this is not a problem when using auxiliary players to edit lists. but still I'm not satisfied the features included.
I would like to remove Control Panel from left side of RB. For that I need Scheduler and FX in Work Zone 2. Can you do that? For us Main Playlist Panel and Work Zone make sense.


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nelson c said:
@pety-You want to remove the left panel?
Now you can: :D
View-> Left Panel
Thanks, I knew about [Ctrl-L].
My point is WZ with Scheduler, Cartwall, Explorer, Search (Library), FX to have only two panels. If I work with SCheduler then will be three panels...
pety said:
nelson c said:
@pety-You want to remove the left panel?
Now you can: :D
View-> Left Panel
Thanks, I knew about [Ctrl-L].
My point is WZ with Scheduler, Cartwall, Explorer, Search (Library), FX to have only two panels. If I work with SCheduler then will be three panels...
I had thought something about it. just not what I wrote here to not be overwhelming  ;D.

With new areas of work left panel in my case it is used less often (and I see yours too).
I would like to turn it into a working mode to couple auxliares players and effects panels.
Maybe have two panels Schedule or DSP, Serious confusing for the user, but maybe this leave can be activated only for this area of ??work (which is now in left panel)
Thus one could better use the screen space and have everything easily accessible.



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@ nelson c
Understand what you say.

If GUI is configurable there will be not any problems.
Someone will  keep all three panels, someothers only one and me only two.
If in WZ will be added Scheduler and FX I'll be the happiest RB user.
I am not saying to phisically REMOVE left panel. For that I will use [Ctrl-L]. What I am asking is to have in WZ: Scheduler and FX. That's all.
Just done a full "check music tracks" in my library and it has found some corrupt tracks. When i try and delete the tracks, I am unable to do so as "they are open in the music library"  ???

wutzthedeal said:
1.  When backing up a profile, have it backup ALL settings, as it currently will lose settings except for maybe playlist and color scheme (you'll lose your encoders and various settings in the settings menu).
It already does save all the settings, including encoders, sound card setup etc. You can send one of the backups (which restores incorrectly) to - we'll analyze it.

wutzthedeal said:
2.  I would like to be able to right click on a song/jingle and be able to select, "Stop after this song and disconnect."  That would be awesome.
You can do it another way: select the track after which you'd like to disconnect, in the menu click Playlist->Add command, enter "disconnect" (w/o quotes) and click OK.

nelson c said:
This error always happens.
It's strange because just checked on another pc and working properly.
Yes, and it also works on any PC's we test it here... Probably this is something specific to your system. Please wait for the .5 update (it'll be released later today) and check if the issue still presents there.

djsoft said:
Is there any technical limitation so no can do?.
For example when I do a full list takes about 10 seconds to load because of the size of my library.
Yes, if the list is not blocked it leads to errors and the list is populated significantly (~10 times) slower.
nelson c said:
There is a bug that happens sometimes with users with BETA key.
Yes, this is the way beta keys are handled, I'm afraid this can't be fixed for now. Beta key has to be re-entered from time to time.

nelson c said:
As I have said several times this by developing a remote control in delphi RB. :)
Right now I have a problem making requests through the API in RB to insert tracks with character "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?".
Maybe this is due to a bug in RB - I've added this to the list of bugs.

nelson c said:
I have enabled the option to list "Double Click-> Previewing"
Sometimes it stops working, and you have to click from the drop down menu.
Thank you for reporting.

nelson c said:
Is there any plan to integrate this player to the interface (for example in a work area)
Yes, I think this will be possible in the future.
pety said:
I would like to remove Control Panel from left side of RB. For that I need Scheduler and FX in Work Zone 2. Can you do that? For us Main Playlist Panel and Work Zone make sense.
Yes, this is planned for one of the next versions. Actually, this is already implemented but requires a lot of testing before we can publish it.

nelson c said:
With new areas of work left panel in my case it is used less often (and I see yours too).
I would like to turn it into a working mode to couple auxliares players and effects panels.
Interesting idea. The left panel can be unified with Work Zones, so anything can be added anywhere. Theere are several problems here (like a user can add several Scheduler tabs in different windows), but I think we can handle it somehow. In 5.1 or 5.2 this will be done :)

pety said:
If in WZ will be added Scheduler and FX I'll be the happiest RB user.
Well, this will happen pretty soon. In 2014 for sure :)

dave-t said:
Just done a full "check music tracks" in my library and it has found some corrupt tracks. When i try and delete the tracks, I am unable to do so as "they are open in the music library"  ???
Thanks  for reporting this, looks like a bug in the Music Library.
nelson c said:
Small problem with the interface to resize.
nelson c said:
Otherwise, PlayCount the Report Generator does not work
Thanks for reporting those bugs. Regarding Playcount - this can be due to previous bug when reports were saved incorrectly.
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