Andreskr said:
Hello, Help. I think I'm the only one who does not understand Automatic Teaser and hook points. Someone should make a video how to set it up correctly. Thanks you.
This is just my suggested actions and is not official instructions:
RadioBoss Teaser feature:
1. Create a folder called TEASERS:
2. Create three NEW folders in the TEASERS folder and label them:
3. Place your audio files (Sweepers) into the INTRO folder. e.g "Coming up in then next have hour", "Stay tuned to hear these great hits". Place as many as you like as they will play randomly at the beginning of your TEASER segment.
4.Place your audio files into your TRANSITION folder. e.g a "sound effect or record spinback"
5. Place your audio files (sweepers) into the END folder that you wish your Teaser Segment to end with. e.g. "your station id" , "Stay tuned" , "Coming up next"
6. Now you have all your audio files in the INTRO and END folders and sound effects (or Voice) in your TRANSITION folder, remember where you have saved them. You will need to select these folders from the Teaser feature in RadioBOSS.
7. In RadioBOSS, you need to use TRACK TOOL to insert the HOOK START and HOOK END into the song.
8. Select a song from your playlist by right clicking it and then select TRACK TOOL. Once TRACK TOOL is open and you can see your song, look to the right for HOOK IN and HOOK OUT.
9. Simply click on the part of the song that is most recognisable, (the chorus), and at the start of it press SET "HOOK IN" ti insert the part where the Hook starts. Do the same for the end of the Chorus or the part you wish to use and click HOOK OUT.
10. Ideally you want to select about 5 seconds of your TEASE. Do this for all the tracks that you wish to include in your TEASER segment.
11.Close the TRACK TOOL
12. On the RadioBOSS menu bar, select PLAYLIST and scroll down to ADD TEASER
13. It will ask you to input the path for your INTRO, TRANSITION and END folders. The rest of the settings is up to your own preference.
14. Hit OK and RadioBoss will insert "TEASER" into your playlist.
If you chose to play 5 tracks then the output should be as follows:
INTRO - "Your INTRO File sweeper" e.g "Coming up in the next half hour on XYX Radio"
5 seconds of the "HOOK"
5 seconds of the "HOOK"
5 seconds of the "HOOK"
5 seconds of the "HOOK"
5 seconds of the "HOOK"
END file "Your END Sweeper" e.g "Stay tuned to the hottest station"
Hope that helps