RadioBOSS 5.6 [beta]

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RadioBOSS 5.6 beta

What's new
  • Automatic Teaser: allows creating teasers using track "hook points" (set manually or automatic) with custom start/transition/end jingles
  • Custom tag fields: allows to define up to 5 custom fields that can be used in Music Library, Track Tool, and Report Generator
  • Voiceovers: mark voiceover location in Track Tool and voiceover will be inserted; random voiceover selection from folder, configurable probability
  • Track List improved "In order" selection when source folder was modified: now track selection follows the order based on previously selected track
  • Additional info storage location: database can be used instead of saving information in tags (prevents music files modification)
  • "Trigger Mix At" can be used for custom file types as well
  • "Turn off afger Next track" option for "Repeat track" option (right-click menu on Repeat Track button)
  • Grid in playlist - can be turned on in settings
  • Added Date column to the log
  • Use default audio device option instead of selecting a specific device
  • User account management: block direct access to .exe files in the installation folder
  • Search: improved sorting - sort field sunchronizes with search field
  • New commands to disable and enable event groups: enablegroup, disablegroup
  • Command to stop all overlay playback events: stopoverlays
  • Edit Action button to edit event action: allows convenient way to edit some special items like network streams, Track Lists etc
  • Fade in and fade out for overlay events
  • Improved event list sorting, live sorting updates when sorted by "Run In"
Music Library
  • Scan tracks: set mix points based on level
  • Improved bulk tag edit: added progress window with percentage and Cancel button
Playlist Generator
  • Calculations in playlist generator priority rules (ex. "Current-1" for previuous year)
  • Improved repeat protection rules UI: predefined intervals (1 hour, 4 hours, 1 day etc)
  • Improved repeat protection rules UI for category
  • Option added: filter non-playable tracks
Ads Scheduler
  • "Create event to update ads" option to automatically update ads
  • "Shuffle playlist" option for created events
Report Generator
  • Added new field: total playback time
Fixes and minor improvements
  • Added hot key (Ins) to add tracks from file explorer
  • Ctrl+Tab hot key to switch between playlist tabs
  • Config file options: nowplaying text when nothing is playing; playlist titles for special items (Track List, announcements etc)
  • Stream archive: sometimes microphone was recorded distorted
  • Playlist stats calculation sometimes never finished
  • APEv2 tag is not saved for FLAC files (uses alternative data stream instead)
  • Crash when playing some corrupted APE or FLAC tracks
  • Track Tool - preview playback volume level was not saved
  • "getfile" command reworked to allow more reliable track selection and delete
  • Sometimes incorrect track was selected in the playlist after stop command was executed
  • Accessibility issue with "Multuple actions" window in event properties
  • Menu button did not work in scheuduler list
  • "clr repeat_track" command did not work in the playlist
  • streamarchive FN command did not change stream archive button state
  • Playlist Generator: "advance position" sometimes did not work correctly
  • "Prevent multiple instances" option removed, now it's always on
  • adsupdate command did not work when Ads Scheduler was open
  • Empty file type identifiers are not allowed
  • ID2v2 tag version is preserved when tag is edited (previous versions always converted to ID3v2.4)
  • Error message in the log when inline playlist can't be opened
  • Fixed "now playing" for network streams when stream deleted from the playlist
  • Track List: playlist title sometimes was incorrect
  • Periodic metadata updates were not sent when nothing was playing
  • Many other minor improvements

License key:
If you're a registered user and your update subscription is not expired, please use your key.

To request the free beta tester license key, please fill this form:
The free key expires August 15, 2017.

RadioBOSS 5.6 beta: (5/19/2017, 30Mb)

Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.

Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount, up to 100%, when the final version is released. Please contact regarding the discount.
Great job!, I'm waiting for my serial to start trying :)

Then I need information to Automatic Teaser, Make backup of the database, etc.
That data is stored in the database?.
I imagine that the rating, custom fields, last playing (very useful, now the incremental backups will be much more already fast to not modify files when you play :D)
Some problems with Shuffle Playlist on ADS Scheduler:
-Doesn't work when using overlay player
-Mix the entire list (start and end blocks not is should mix)
nelson c said:
Then I need information to Automatic Teaser, Make backup of the database, etc.
To add teaser click Playlist->Add Teaser. You can set Hook In/Out points in Track Tool, or let RadioBOSS decide what part of track to include in the teaser.

Database is stored in a single file, it's SQLite database - you can backup this file.

nelson c said:
That data is stored in the database?.
I imagine that the rating, custom fields, last playing (very useful, now the incremental backups will be much more already fast to not modify files when you play :D)
Yes, if you switch to using database, all additional information (playcount, rating, gender etc) will be stored in database and music files will not be modified when played.

nelson c said:
Some problems with Shuffle Playlist on ADS Scheduler:
-Doesn't work when using overlay player
-Mix the entire list (start and end blocks not is should mix)
Yes, I think this feature will be redesigned.
I added russian music in Lybrary and I get an error message.


I use windows 7 x64.
Cancel doesn't work.
I used Task Manager to close Library (Base.exe).
djsoft said:
Please click Details and send bug report, this will help in fixing the problem.
Sory, but no Details button. In settings folder is not any bugtrack file.
Small problem:
Customizable field when I use the "&" in the caption of TrackTool, it shows as a "_"
It also happens in the main window (see attached)

Another thing:
Customizable fields should be able to add to the columns of the main list (also MusicLibrary), this would be very useful


  • Sin t?tulo.png
    Sin t?tulo.png
    34.3 KB · Views: 1,101
Another doubt:
What about tracks that were not migrated to the DB and already contain additional data? When they are reproduced they are migrated to the internal DB?
I have many loose songs that are not in any BD and I do not want to lose the field of last play or the rating
(It is not 5.6 but it was already present in 5.5)
When I add a song to the list from the API, the GetPlaylist2 command does not display the metadata, nor the duration. Only the file name
djsoft said:
nelson c said:
Some problems with Shuffle Playlist on ADS Scheduler:
-Doesn't work when using overlay player
-Mix the entire list (start and end blocks not is should mix)
Yes, I think this feature will be redesigned.

I think it's a good idea. Just as this function is useless. Forget to say that filling sweets should not be mixed either. (Always at the end) :)
nelson c said:
Small problem:
Customizable field when I use the "&" in the caption of TrackTool, it shows as a "_"
It also happens in the main window (see attached)
Thank you - looks like a bug.

nelson c said:
Customizable fields should be able to add to the columns of the main list (also MusicLibrary), this would be very useful
Yes, will be added soon.

nelson c said:
Another doubt:
What about tracks that were not migrated to the DB and already contain additional data? When they are reproduced they are migrated to the internal DB?
I have many loose songs that are not in any BD and I do not want to lose the field of last play or the rating
You can convert metadata from Music Library: clock Tools->Convert additional info... (be careful when you choose conversion direction).

nelson c said:
djsoft said:
Database is stored in a single file, it's SQLite database - you can backup this file.
Where is the DB stored? What is the name of the file? :)
It's one level up from the settings folder: i RadioBOSS click Settings->Open settings folder, then navigate to parent folder, you'll see tracks.db file there (there may also be *wal* files if you have RadioBOSS or any of its modules open - those are temporary files.
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