RadioBOSS 5.7 [beta]

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What's new
  • Auto Intro: automatically insert intro/jingle before track, based on set conditions and probability (menu Tools->Auto Intro)
  • Broadcasting statistics: browse statistics for different time periods up to one year
  • Teasers: repeat protection for tracks when playlist or folder is used as source
  • Teasers: playlist source for tracks and jingles
  • Teasers: added "Presets" feature to quickly save and load settings
  • Teasers: fade out and mix points now work correctly for teasers in the playlist
  • Cart wall: delay cart playback until playlist fades out
  • Cart wall now allows to use file name macro (same macro as in scheduler)
  • Cart wall: allows to use scheduler commands
  • Cart wall: added "stopall" command to stop all playing cart wall items
  • Sweepers improved: configurable repeat protection, better sweeper selection quality
  • HTTP request wizard to quickly configure Tune In and Twitter integration
  • Tag and duration cache to enable much faster file indexing while making playlists, loading sweepers etc
  • Custom user fields can be included in playlist and music library columns
  • Added "comment" and "last played" playlist columns
  • Encoder window: added "show password" feature
  • Auto remove stop commands from the playlist (option added in Settings->General)
  • Show weather and humidity data in the main window (Settings->View)
  • Improved playlist search feature
  • Double click action in the playlist, new action added: "Open Track Tool"
  • "Nowplaying" XML file includes evaluated track tile ("CASTTITLE")
  • Improved the way Track Lists are displayed in the playlist, fixed some track title issues
  • Track List: increased repeat protection time limit
  • Added "Tab size" configuration option to Settings->View->Style
  • Added "Turn off track repeat after Play was used" option for "Repeat track" right-click menu
  • FTP: allows to download files when URL contains path with spaces (spaces should be changed to %20 in such URLs)
  • Speaker icon near volume control in the main window can now be used to mute playback volume
  • RadioBOSS checks if the main sound card is actually active, and reinitializes it if sound card appears to be stalled
  • "playbackinfo" API command also returns previously played track title
  • Added API commands to read and write file tags
  • Added API command to retrieve requested songs list
  • Continuous start time calculation (track right-click, Calculate start time)
  • Lots of minor UI improvements

  • ?noeval macro modifier to evaluate file name macro on actual playback (instead at the time of event launch)
  • added ?wd macro to use week day in file names
  • Sweepers: configuration option to include or exclude subfolders

Ads Scheduler
  • New feature: separators between ads (configured in block settings)
  • New feature: alternate audio tracks for advert
  • "Shuffle playlist" feature redesigned: only ads are shuffled, while intro, outro and sweepers keep their positions
  • Ads playback time is sorted in reports
  • Improved search feature

Track Tool
  • Fixed: sometimes save button didn't work
  • Track Tool can now be called from library search

Playlist Generator
  • New filters: Gender, Language
  • Add teasers to the playlist
  • Improved genre filter UI

Music Library
  • Statistics window: select longest and shortest track in the list
  • Added start date, end date and file type columns

Bugs fixed
  • Renaming a file now also renames database entry (when SQLite storage for additional info is used)
  • Fixed HTTP headers in local streaming server (malformed headers prevented playback in some browsers and players)
  • Fixed: "Trigger mix at" sometimes overriden track's "Mix" point
  • Fixed: some commands were not removed when Queue Mode was used
  • Fixed: under certain circumstances, track can be skipped after a command in the playlist
  • Fixed: when "Manual" option was hidden from the settings, it could still be activated
  • Fixed: sometimes Track Information was showing incorrect track data when Track List was playing
  • Fixed content-type and encoding headers for some API responses
  • Fixed: "Non-playable playlist" tab sometimes was not marked in italic font
  • Fixed: local playback volume under certain conditions could be reset to 100%
  • Fixed: incorrect Start Date in report under certain conditions
  • Encoder wizard trims spaced from all fields to prevent incorrect input
  • Fixed "getfile" command sometimes did not work when was inserted directly into playlist
  • Fixed hang when playlist referenced itself
  • Fixed UI bug occurred sometimes when player window was resized
  • Fixed: "playrequestedsong" command sometimes did not work in the playlist

License key:
If you're a registered user and your update subscription is not expired, please use your key.

To request the free beta tester license key, please fill this form:
The free key expires April 15, 2018.

RadioBOSS 5.7 beta: (2/15/2018, 30Mb)

Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.

Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount, up to 100%, when the final version is released. Please contact regarding the discount.
djsoft said:
Introducci?n autom?tic
Dmitry congratulations on this new version. Wonderful new things to try :)

First problem: The function of AutoIntro is played on all the songs (even on the jingles)
It would also be good to configure "play each" "X" songs.
Or only in songs that have their intro marked.
Also Autoenter is played at the beginning of the songs, rather than on the intro.
and have some place in the interface where you see that is playing the autointro.

And I would also like to use the customizable filters fields

nelson c said:
First problem: The function of AutoIntro is played on all the songs (even on the jingles)
That's why there's configurable filter - e.g. play only for certain artist, or for certain genre. If you do not setup filter (the string is empty), then it will play on all tracks, considering the Probability setting.

nelson c said:
It would also be good to configure "play each" "X" songs.
Playing jingles each X songs is already possible with playlist generator or Track Tool. The "Auto Intro" feature supposed to bring something new to this - like playing special artist's intro, or intros for new songs, etc. Probability setting allows to make it play only occasionally - this adds diversity.

By the way, if you set "Probability" to 50% then (on average) it'll play every two songs. If set to 33% - every 3 songs.

nelson c said:
Also Autoenter is played at the beginning of the songs, rather than on the intro.
and have some place in the interface where you see that is playing the autointro.
Yes, good points - the next version will somehow mark the presence of "Auto Intro" and allow to select where to play the file.

nelson c said:
And I would also like to use the customizable filters fields
Do you mean playlist generator filters?
djsoft said:
And I would also like to use the customizable filters fields
Do you mean playlist generator filters?
It would be interesting also in Playlist Generator Pro. But I meant as an autointro filter.
For example use a customizable field for "mood" and be able to have different intro files for each mood.
djsoft said:
Yes, good points - the next version will somehow mark the presence of "Auto Intro" and allow to select where to play the file.
I think the point of autointro should always coincide with the intro that has been manually configured to each song. It would be useful an option to omit tracks that have not configured their intro time
djsoft said:
That's why there's configurable filter - e.g. play only for certain artist, or for certain genre. If you do not setup filter (the string is empty), then it will play on all tracks, considering the Probability setting.
Sometimes it can be useful to establish an intro to all the themes (but never to the jingles). A feature like this would solve the problem (it is the same filter that has Teaser)
We need some part of the interface where you can see the moment the intro starts, or remove it manually before it starts if necessary. Please see the videos of Jazler  :)

An option to activate and deactivate this function would be very useful. Live programs do not need to use jingles.
On the ztreaming statistics: Are they stored somewhere?, I would like to have this information for long-term measurements. Beyond that this limited to show a graph of up to 365 days, it would be interesting that this information for future audits.

Waiting for more information on the new API commands :)

Each time you minimize and Max the program, the left pane returns to its default width.

External SQL server (to work on network PC), will be implemented in this beta?  :)
nelson c said:
But I meant as an autointro filter.
For example use a customizable field for "mood" and be able to have different intro files for each mood.
Custom fields are not really convenient for this task. Originally, they were added for reporting purposes, not for filtering and playlist creation. For filtering you request, we have another feature planned (based on what we discussed before -,4711.0.html) - add categories ("tags") to tracks and then you can assign tags like "slow, 90s, sad". Use those tags to filter songs in playlist generator and in other places.

nelson c said:
I think the point of autointro should always coincide with the intro that has been manually configured to each song. It would be useful an option to omit tracks that have not configured their intro time
It will be configurable - start on Intro, start at set position, etc. Also do not use auto intro for tracks with no intro point set.

nelson c said:
Sometimes it can be useful to establish an intro to all the themes (but never to the jingles). A feature like this would solve the problem (it is the same filter that has Teaser)
Good point, file type filter will be added.
nelson c said:
On the ztreaming statistics: Are they stored somewhere?, I would like to have this information for long-term measurements. Beyond that this limited to show a graph of up to 365 days, it would be interesting that this information for future audits.
Yes, it's stored in the "Encoder.db" database which is SQLite database, the file is located in the settings folder. Currently RadioBOSS does not remove old data, so technically reporting period is unlimited.

nelson c said:
Each time you minimize and Max the program, the left pane returns to its default width.
This only happens under certain circumstances (IIRC, it depends on left panel size when it's not maximized). We narrowed this down to bug in the underlying UI library (VCL) - it's reported to its developers but it appears they still hadn't fixed it.

nelson c said:
External SQL server (to work on network PC), will be implemented in this beta? 
Currently it'll only work with local database (SQLite) - we'll see how things do with it.

Matei ????????? said:
Amazing Dmitry!
Thanks a lot!
You're welcome :)
Hi Dimtry,

sometime back I asked if( see below) has this been implemented in the beta version?

"I do recall if mention that the plug stereo tool effects Mic and Sound when enabled and ask if they could be separated and I mention in an update, is this any nearer to be done?"
Hello !

When I move multiple selected items on additional playlist on tab to the main playlist (Right click -> Move to Playlist1), the items will switch to the main playlist in reverse order. This is true for this and older versions of RadioBOSS.
mikenico said:
sometime back I asked if( see below) has this been implemented in the beta version?
Unfortunately, no - this is still not possible.

IgorPobi said:
When I move multiple selected items on additional playlist on tab to the main playlist (Right click -> Move to Playlist1), the items will switch to the main playlist in reverse order. This is true for this and older versions of RadioBOSS.
Thank you - we'll check if there's a bug.

Riddle said:
Can we install this on a second PC to test? We don't want to get into issues with our main streams
Yes, of course.
A problem has occured:
I had some .wav speech files set to play as an introduction to music tracks and they didn't play. The error log came up as - Unable to play! Error code 41 (unsupported file format)
This is strange because they are just .wav files and they have always played before.
This is version Beta
Please help
djsoft said:
Yes, good points - the next version will somehow mark the presence of "Auto Intro" and allow to select where to play the file.
It's not really necessary to mark any point. The autointro point coincides with the intro point that can be marked years ago in the songs, using TrackTool.
djsoft said:
Quote from: nelson c on December 17, 2017, 12:01:03 AM
Each time you minimize and Max the program, the left pane returns to its default width.
This only happens under certain circumstances (IIRC, it depends on left panel size when it's not maximized). We narrowed this down to bug in the underlying UI library (VCL) - it's reported to its developers but it appears they still hadn't fixed it.
The strange thing is that this error appeared in RB 5.7 above worked well

djsoft said:
Quote from: nelson c on December 17, 2017, 12:01:03 AM
External SQL server (to work on network PC), will be implemented in this beta?
Currently it'll only work with local database (SQLite) - we'll see how things do with it.
I hope it will be added soon. My playlists are generated in network on another PC, and with local SQL I can not prove these new improvements ;)

Open some place in the interface to see the Autointo? We need to see when it starts. So the announcer finishes talking before this jingle starts. And that there is the possibility of removing it manually.
I would also like an option to turn this feature on and off. (Very useful for moments that there is no speaker. But when you are operating live can be annoying)
Also a command the planner to activate or deactivate this would be great

Very interesting to see the temperature and humidity in the main window. I just do not want to waste the remaining time to finish the hour. Maybe you could shrink the font and insert another line to show this information?


  • Sin t?tulo.png
    Sin t?tulo.png
    127.3 KB · Views: 866
When you activate "Cache file tags" disappeared, the number of reproductions that had the songs, the last reproduction and most importantly the rating (which I use in PlayList Gen Pro) We need an option to migrate that data to SQLite :)
Library error: When I add songs to the library, the duration is marked as "-: -". If I select "Recalculate the duration" now it is calculated correctly
stokemusic said:
I had some .wav speech files set to play as an introduction to music tracks and they didn't play.
Did you use the Auto Intro feature, or played the file directly? Please send one of the failing .wav files to, we'll test it.
nelson c said:
It's not really necessary to mark any point. The autointro point coincides with the intro point that can be marked years ago in the songs, using TrackTool.
Sometimes there are no intro points set, or one don't want to play it at the intro point - so we'll also offer custom position, e.g end Intro file playback 1 second after music track starts.

nelson c said:
The strange thing is that this error appeared in RB 5.7 above worked well
It's been knows since at least RB 5.4, it only occurs under certain circumstances, sometimes it works fine, sometimes not.

nelson c said:
I would also like an option to turn this feature on and off.
Yes, it'll be possible to turn it on/off in the Auto Intro window, and also scheduler commands to do so.

nelson c said:
Very interesting to see the temperature and humidity in the main window. I just do not want to waste the remaining time to finish the hour. Maybe you could shrink the font and insert another line to show this information?
In this case, the font will be too small. It's possible to make it wider, though. This will be considered.
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