I don't seem to be able to confirm this. Can you please make a screenshot of the folder selection dialog just before you click OK?The point is that ML scans the entire system when I checkd only Bluess folder. It is on partition E:\
I don't seem to be able to confirm this. Can you please make a screenshot of the folder selection dialog just before you click OK?The point is that ML scans the entire system when I checkd only Bluess folder. It is on partition E:\
Do you mean the track duplicated while you were dragging it?Le doy mas información como se desordena la lista cuando arrastramos una pista. En este caso moví la pista remarcada en azul en la lista hacia arriba.
You need to create an event with this commands and make it run periodically.Y eso cómo sería. No encuentro esa opción
La Pista no se duplicó, al moverla hacia arriba desordenó lo que ya estaba ordenado cambiando de posición todas las pistas.¿Quiere decir que la pista se duplicó mientras la arrastraba?
Necesita crear un evento con estos comandos y hacer que se ejecute periódicamente.
Marca la pista encontrada con una selección.En la función Buscar en la lista Principal no se remarca o resalta la búsqueda como lo hacía en versiones anteriores.
Yes, I hope it can be solved soon. Our main PC is affected by this bugYes, sorry for that, it seems MySQL needs another fix![]()
Thankd for the details. Please wait for the next update, it will have some dragging-related problems fixed.La Pista no se duplicó, al moverla hacia arriba desordenó lo que ya estaba ordenado cambiando de posición todas las pistas.
I'm not sure I understand. The found track is selected in the playlist, it also scrolls the list to make it visible. It doesn't work like this in your case?Marca la pista encontrada con una selección.
Cómo se realiza esta selección sugerida para resaltar la búsqueda?
It shouldn't mix the stream, seems like a bug - thank you for informing about it.if I want to prelisten a song in the playlist and mute playlist, also the streamoutput is muted
I have exactly the same settings for the output as in the 5.9 version
In 5.9 only the playlist was muted it did nott affect the stream
It will work with the current version if you use MariaDB 10.4 or newer. The error only occurs with older database ebgine version. The next RadioBOSS version will correctly work with older versions (10.2 and 10.3).Yes, I hope it can be solved soon. Our main PC is affected by this bug
Thankd for the details. Please wait for the next update, it will have some dragging-related problems fixed.
I'm not sure I understand. The found track is selected in the playlist, it also scrolls the list to make it visible. It doesn't work like this in your case?
It shouldn't mix the stream, seems like a bug - thank you for informing about it.
It will work with the current version if you use MariaDB 10.4 or newer. The error only occurs with older database ebgine version. The next RadioBOSS version will correctly work with older versions (10.2 and 10.3).
I feel like that alsoShould our forum not be English Language only ? This is the norm for forums.
When Dmitry answers a a question in English that was asked in non-English, it makes it hard to know what he is responding to. The trouble is, the question could be very relevant to me as well, but I wouldn't know.
It seems that your database in not in consistent state, if you manually edited version and restored backups. Try settings the version to 6 or if you have a backup from RB 5.9, restore it.Upgrade to version MariaDB 10.5 and a BackUp of the old DB doesn't work. (Only if I set the "version" table to 9, but it doesn't find the tracks)
Thank you, seems like a bug.After finishing the current track, the panels are not updated. (Using the stop option)
Yes, this is a happening I don't really know how to handle properly. Spanish speaking people provide great and valuable input here. I have made numerous attempts in asking to write in English but as you can see it's not really workingShould our forum not be English Language only ? This is the norm for forums.
When Dmitry answers a a question in English that was asked in non-English, it makes it hard to know what he is responding to. The trouble is, the question could be very relevant to me as well, but I wouldn't know.
Using beta in production used to work well enough for previous betas, so it's sort of OK to also install this one in production. This beta is different because lots of internals were rewritten, introducing more bugs.I'm amazed at the number of people installing a Beta on their main system and then moaning when it doesn't work, and then expecting instant repairs. Go away you people please !!
RadioBOSS only uses its own metadata, if you need such a feature, I suppose RadioCaster is a better tool for this task.Se podria agregar al igual que RADIOCASTER, en METADATOS de RB la opción de leer desde archivo el nombre de la pista?
Currently the "Broadcast" button connects to all enabled encoders, you can enable/disable them in Settings->Broadcasting.Is it possible to use the button for the stream to have a dropdown menu where you can choose the encoder you want?
Maybe with a sign that you can see which encoder is connected.
It shouldn't mix the stream, seems like a bug - thank you for informing about it.
Now after installing the the stream is ok, but checking mute the playlist is muting everithing also the file that i am prelisteningif I want to prelisten a song in the playlist and mute playlist, also the streamoutput is muted
I have exactly the same settings for the output as in the 5.9 version
In 5.9 only the playlist was muted it did nott affect the stream
Yes, this is a happening I don't really know how to handle properly. Spanish speaking people provide great and valuable input here. I have made numerous attempts in asking to write in English but as you can see it's not really workingI'm not sure maybe create a Spanish forum section, like there is already separate Russian forum.
Just downloaded version but it comes out as's new
Track Tool
- Crossfading improved to be more smooth and precise
- Next track is preloaded allowing for instant network stream start and speed up local track startup
- Added separate fading duration options for Stop and Next Track
- File type option added: skip after set file types
- Playlist Shuffle playback mode improved: now it tries to select tracks that did not play recently
- Comments can be added to the playlist (a comment looks like a track but can't be played)
- Last played history for a track, can be viewed in track information panel (hover the "Last played" text) and in Music Library
- Added filters for log window: show all entries, errors only, or scheduler related events
- Added Search for scheduled events (Ctrl+F) to search events by action or name
- New UI themes: Light, Flat, Dark (access them via Settings window View-Style section)
- AUX and Overlay players are now fully featured players supporting crossfading and other features
- Improvements in Search in the main window: faster search and load; added search by artist+title and intro
- More columns added to the playlist window
- Auto Intro: added "Skip after selected file types" option to prevent auto intro being inserted after certain file types
- Added module icons to the toolbar (Ads Scheduler, Playlist Generator etc)
- Settings backup command ("createbackup") also creates database backup (only if SQLite database is used)
- Ability to create and restore database backup from the menu (Settings->Backup and Restore)
- Teasers: added "Include subfolders" option to also read tracks from the subfolders
- Added "0" button for quick access jingles
- Added "Delete profile" command
- Added "Copy to" playlist right-click menu option to copy a track to another playlist
- Improved relay to playlist and back transition smoothness
- Added API commands to control encoders (add, edit, delete encoders)
- Added Korean translation
- Improved high-DPI/4K monitor support
- Manual operation: "stop after this track" button can synchronize its state with Manual scheduler option
- User defined fields can be used in title format (%user1, ... %user5)
- Microphone: ability to force downmix microphone sound to mono to account for cases when microphone is only heard in left channel
- Network stream URL no longer revealed when HTTP notifications are used
- SQLite database is now used as default storage for additional track information instead of APEv2 tag in the previous versions
- Added user agent configuration for network stream playback
- XML nowplaying file also includes the previous track; does not include tracks with the "Do not send title" option enabled
- Lots of minor user interface improvements in all areas
Playlist Generator
- Playback parameters (mix point, fade out, track end, level) are applied immediately to the currently playing track
- Added track format information (sample rate, channels, bitrate)
- Zooming does not require Ctrl to be pressed
Music Library
- Added UI themes support
- Minor improvements
- Fixed repeat protection when using the "Consider tracks in the playlsit window" option
Segue Editor
- The Music Library has been reworked. Now it uses a database management system for information storage (instead of XML files in the previous versions). Improved search, load, and sorting speeds. More data fields are displayed in the list (columns can be selected). Drag-n-drop files from the library to Windows folders. Lots of other improvements.
- Disabled tracks are marked in the list with color (grey background)
- Tracks with missing or empty tag are marked with italic font in the list
Report Generator
- Changes are applied immediately to the playing track
- Minor improvements and fixed bugs
- Fixed: some tracks were included in the report ignoring the "Do not include in the report" file type option
Changes incompatible with the previous versions
- Fixed: some hot keys did not work in additional work zone
- %nextsong variable included track title even if title was disabled in the settings
- File type for line in sometimes did not work
- Multiple playlist create UI bug fixed
- Fixed occasional AUX playlist resize bug
- Fixed: scheduled events sometimes were not inserted into the proper position into the playlist
- Fixed: incorrect track mixing position under certain circumstances
- Disable installing an automatic update for users with limited rights
- Fixed several bugs with "Trigger mix at" feature
- Fixed Teaser end fade/mix did not work right sometimes
- Fixed: broadcasting statistics "froze" sometimes
- Time announcement with "treat as voice track" option was sometimes processed incorrectly
- Fixed: scheduled events occasionally could have same IDs
License key:
- Minimum required version is Windows 7; Windows XP is no longer supported
- Removed "Skip two or more tracks" file type option (use "Skip after file types" instead)
- Removed legacy Playlist Generator
- Music libraries created in previous versions will not open in this version
- Removed "playfile" and "read_folder" scheduler commands
- "makelibrary" scheduler command does not support full paths for library names (because libraries are no longer saved to files), only the library name must be specified
If you're a registered user and your update subscription is not expired, please use your key.
To request the free beta tester license key, please fill this form: https://www.djsoft.net/enu/beta.htm
The free key expires January 15, 2021.
RadioBOSS 6.0 beta: http://dl.djsoft.net/beta/radioboss_beta_6.0.0.3.exe (10/4/2020, 35Mb)
Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.
Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount, up to 100%, when the final version is released. Please contact sales@djsoft.net regarding the discount.