RadioBOSS Cloud [beta]

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This is interesting - the event status you see in the control panel is the actual status taken from the playout engine, directly, no "middle man" involved, so it's extremely unlikely (I'd say impossible) to have active event displayed as disabled. I also don't see a way for playout engine to start a disabled event. Is it possible that the event is modified by someone else, do you have other people who have access to the account?

I have checked the logs for the past 6 days. Neither of the events ("FCC Announcements", "1STAT Wellness Sundays") started during this time period.

The "FCC Mandatory Station ID 7-9 and 4-6" event in the "Upcoming events" on your screenshot is a diferent event, it was enabled at the time this post was written. It started at 7:34:00 AM and 5:34:00 PM every day except 2020-02-09. This appears to be correct.
djsoft said:
This is interesting - the event status you see in the control panel is the actual status taken from the playout engine, directly, no "middle man" involved, so it's extremely unlikely (I'd say impossible) to have active event displayed as disabled. I also don't see a way for playout engine to start a disabled event. Is it possible that the event is modified by someone else, do you have other people who have access to the account?

I have checked the logs for the past 6 days. Neither of the events ("FCC Announcements", "1STAT Wellness Sundays") started during this time period.

The "FCC Mandatory Station ID 7-9 and 4-6" event in the "Upcoming events" on your screenshot is a diferent event, it was enabled at the time this post was written. It started at 7:34:00 AM and 5:34:00 PM every day except 2020-02-09. This appears to be correct.

WKOM Radio 101.7 FM said:
djsoft said:
This is interesting - the event status you see in the control panel is the actual status taken from the playout engine, directly, no "middle man" involved, so it's extremely unlikely (I'd say impossible) to have active event displayed as disabled. I also don't see a way for playout engine to start a disabled event. Is it possible that the event is modified by someone else, do you have other people who have access to the account?

I have checked the logs for the past 6 days. Neither of the events ("FCC Announcements", "1STAT Wellness Sundays") started during this time period.

The "FCC Mandatory Station ID 7-9 and 4-6" event in the "Upcoming events" on your screenshot is a diferent event, it was enabled at the time this post was written. It started at 7:34:00 AM and 5:34:00 PM every day except 2020-02-09. This appears to be correct.


We have 2 OTHER FCC announcements running, and I have completely F#%ED up!!!!!!!
I was looking at the WRONG scheduling item vs a other spot!!!


I am so wrong!!!!!! RADIOBOSS CLOUD is messed by me.....ooops



  • download.jpg
    9.4 KB · Views: 447
It is now possible to change certain account limits, e.g. add disk space or data transfer from the customer area, in a fully automatic way:
When using Chrome ver. 80 many stations will no longer stream from the website, such as:

Radio Paradise
BBC World Service UK
John Drake said:
Is this going to affect users?
Will not affect - RadioBOSS Cloud supports https streams.

John Drake said:
When using Chrome ver. 80 many stations will no longer stream from the website
It seems that you have used the http link for Tune In, change the link to the https one - you can find the link in the Information section.
Coming in late here.  Is this available?  Is there a spec doc?  I have an older RadioBOSS Standard license playing only RSS feeds/filename commands to a shoutcast account.  Can I port/copy schedule events, overlay playback, HTTP get statements. Want to replace an old, noisy laptop server with a cloud deployed solution.  Thanks.
You can read about RadioBOSS Cloud here:
30 day trial is available to test how it works.
RadioBOSS Cloud 0.8.2 beta
  • Added listener statistics by country and TLH
  • Improved Reports section user interface
  • Minor UI improvements
It rocks.  I switched off my classic RadioBOSS last night and moved the whole schedule up there.  Love the Tweet and Tunein API support.  Looking for a replacement for the HTTP GET support, especially use of track information variables. Will scheduler support URLs with those variables? I had some scripts written on my web site that handled those variables passed in URLs. Would like to use those still if possible. Thanks.
johngrant said:
Looking for a replacement for the HTTP GET support, especially use of track information variables
Do you want to use the custom HTTP requests from RadioBOSS Cloud?

johngrant said:
Will scheduler support URLs with those variables?
RadioBOSS and RadioBOSS Cloud share the same scheduler core, so most features that present in RadioBOSS will also work in Cloud.
Q in regards of users settings:
I have set several users for streaming, for our Live Ballgames, however, they have with JUST the setting "STREAMING" as user access to my billing and ticketing section. Also to Overview (Where they can use the files in folders to change whats playing) and "Information"...
Is it possible to restrict the USER setting litterly to what is says? I do not want my employees to go to overview and for sure to billing and/or overview settings
It seems that you have used the http link for Tune In, change the link to the https one - you can find the link in the Information section.
Should the TuneIn listing contain just an 'https' stream (one URL), or should it include an 'http' as well as an 'https' stream (two URL's)?


Radio Radio said:
I have set several users for streaming, for our Live Ballgames, however, they have with JUST the setting "STREAMING" as user access to my billing and ticketing section. Also to Overview (Where they can use the files in folders to change whats playing) and "Information"...
Those areas are not accessible with only Streaming rights - it will not allow changing playlist and preform any actions. We can add a new rule - "Login" to prevent logging to the control panel completely, what do you think about it?

SertanejaPop said:
I didn't quite understand, is most of my ears in the United States? Since in fact my audience is in Brazil
It uses MaxMind database to translate listener's IP addresses to country. It's either you have lots of US listeners, or that your listeners use VPN with IP address in the US or the database is simply wrong.

John Drake said:
Should the TuneIn listing contain just an 'https' stream (one URL), or should it include an 'http' as well as an 'https' stream (two URL's)?
I don't know - please contact TuneIn and ask what link they need. But according to the recent events, HTTPS links should be used everywhere now, and HTTP is the thing of the past.
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