Thank you for a great product and support, and the willingness to listen to customers suggestions.
Here are some suggestions that I think would have benefit in future releases.
? In the ?tag editor? of the ?Track Properties?, when you assign a ?Genre? could you also assign a colour to that ?Genre?. This would be of benefit as in the Main player window; you could see at a glance what ?Genre? of song you have by the colour. And it would rule out song clashes.( I have come up with a solution, but it involves a lot of work)
? Also in the Main Player Window, next to intro/Outro/time, if you could make ?Genre? it would again help song placement.
? In the Playlist Generator. (Step 4) can you allow the Jingles to play by turn or random just like in (Step 3) Rotation.
? Would it be possible to duplicate ( Step 3 and step 4 in the Playlist generator) a few more times as this would allow different jingles/promo/ sweeps to be scheduled.
? Also like above if you can duplicate (Step 1 and 2 in the playlist generator)
? Is it possible to Remove the tick by default from ? Remove previous schedule from Playlist?
? An ?Are You Sure? Message in the Mail player window if you press pause or stop, or at least the option to set this on or off from settings.
? The Possibility to incorporate your own logo on the home/Player screen.
? Is it possible to add to the log reports? The time a file was played, the name of the audio, the date, and how many times it was played during the day. (For example, if I play an advert twenty times during the day, I need to be able to prove this to the client, if I can do above, the client can see his advert only, the time it was played, and the number of times. The current logging system is not comprehensive.)
Again thank you for a great product and support, and best wishes for future releases.
Thank you for a great product and support, and the willingness to listen to customers suggestions.
Here are some suggestions that I think would have benefit in future releases.
? In the ?tag editor? of the ?Track Properties?, when you assign a ?Genre? could you also assign a colour to that ?Genre?. This would be of benefit as in the Main player window; you could see at a glance what ?Genre? of song you have by the colour. And it would rule out song clashes.( I have come up with a solution, but it involves a lot of work)
? Also in the Main Player Window, next to intro/Outro/time, if you could make ?Genre? it would again help song placement.
? In the Playlist Generator. (Step 4) can you allow the Jingles to play by turn or random just like in (Step 3) Rotation.
? Would it be possible to duplicate ( Step 3 and step 4 in the Playlist generator) a few more times as this would allow different jingles/promo/ sweeps to be scheduled.
? Also like above if you can duplicate (Step 1 and 2 in the playlist generator)
? Is it possible to Remove the tick by default from ? Remove previous schedule from Playlist?
? An ?Are You Sure? Message in the Mail player window if you press pause or stop, or at least the option to set this on or off from settings.
? The Possibility to incorporate your own logo on the home/Player screen.
? Is it possible to add to the log reports? The time a file was played, the name of the audio, the date, and how many times it was played during the day. (For example, if I play an advert twenty times during the day, I need to be able to prove this to the client, if I can do above, the client can see his advert only, the time it was played, and the number of times. The current logging system is not comprehensive.)
Again thank you for a great product and support, and best wishes for future releases.