RadioBOSS 6.0 [beta]

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By using the undo function (Ctrl Z) of the playing list, the list returns to its initial version, formatting all the information previously collected.


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Hello! To any Dj, I have a QUESTION"?
I can't access Broadcast, I'm a member now for for too Long with Radioboss, want to Broadcast my own radio on windows 10, computer, the software of the Radioboss is fantastic, but the year is allmost up and still I stuck on Broadcast having Very seriously problems in the settings Deep into Broadcast, I Brought Radioboss fm twice the first didn't work the first time, im on the second $10, the first was $45, so I followed configuration Wizard, I put all the information in to the Radioboss settings, the only one problem I'm having is on station info on body here understands what URL IS ? AND Aim,? IRC,? ICQ IS for Radioboss, I receive email login in details but the settings are tilling me the address is not right and the password is incorrect, but can anyone till me what's URL IS THANKS PADRAIC FORM IRELAND 🇮🇪
We were unable to reproduce it... Is is possible to create a video of how this happens?
Again, also tested on another PC. Yes, it occurs frequently. And I noticed that it happens specifically when "Scheduled events" are recently added to the playlist. If these events are removed, the tab will function as it should.

- The "Settings" tab, when clicked, flashes, adds the information and is sometimes completely clean and it also occurs to close itself, making it impossible to click on any option.
Before, I thought it only happened using the dark or black theme, but this time, to clear up the doubt, I used the standard theme. As can be seen in the attached video, the error happens in the same way, regardless of the theme / skin used.

The "i" indicator for the number of tracks and the playing time of the file below the playlist is also flashing strangely.
In this case, the indicator is flashing when the playlist has many songs, with estimated time for more than days. In a broadcast I use a single playlist with random tracks with a continuous duration for more than 5 days, and whenever a scheduled task is inserted, the information of this "i" indicator is flashing.


"Also tested on another PC. Yes, it occurs frequently. And I noticed that it happens specifically when "Scheduled events" are recently added to the playlist.
- The "Settings" tab, when clicked, flashes, adds the information and is sometimes completely clean and it also occurs to close itself, making it impossible to click on any option. The "i" indicator for the number of tracks and the playing time of the file below the playlist is also flashing strangely."

In my case the same thing happens since the beginning of the version 6 tests. I reported it by mail with a video of the error.
@djsoft 👆👆👆👆
It’s hard for me to explain in English but I hope you understand. This is a big problem for us, but also questionable behavior of Radioboss.

Now before Christmas we have big blocks of commercials. Sometimes when an event starts, if is at the time when a commercials block are playing the event gets in the middle of the commercials block and split it into two parts. Which shouldn't be. The commercial block should be compact with no possibility for anything to split it.
Or maybe at least add an option in Ads scheduler settings - 'Keep ads block compact' or 'Add scheduled event after ads block' (something like this).

Radio usually lives from commercials. So the behavior of commercials is the absolute priority. The client must be satisfied. It would be good to do something about this. And as we have already mentioned - the possibility shuffle ads and take into account priorities.
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Hello! To any Dj, I have a QUESTION"?
I can't access Broadcast, I'm a member now for for too Long with Radioboss, want to Broadcast my own radio on windows 10, computer, the software of the Radioboss is fantastic, but the year is allmost up and still I stuck on Broadcast having Very seriously problems in the settings Deep into Broadcast, I Brought Radioboss fm twice the first didn't work the first time, im on the second $10, the first was $45, so I followed configuration Wizard, I put all the information in to the Radioboss settings, the only one problem I'm having is on station info on body here understands what URL IS ? AND Aim,? IRC,? ICQ IS for Radioboss, I receive email login in details but the settings are tilling me the address is not right and the password is incorrect, but can anyone till me what's URL IS THANKS PADRAIC FORM IRELAND 🇮🇪

I do not use RadioBoss FM services, you would have to contact technical support
I hope I've helped.
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Is there already a Time/Date for the final release of V 6 ?
You can use the release. There are still some minor bugs to be fixed, and translations, but in terms of features, it's complete.

In my case the same thing happens since the beginning of the version 6 tests. I reported it by mail with a video of the error.
Does it stil happen? We tried many times to reproduce it but have never succeded. If possible, can you please send us a backup of RadioBOSS settings (menu Settings->Settings backup and restore), we'll try it here. It's possible that appearance of this bug requires a certain configuration while we fail to create here.
By using the undo function (Ctrl Z) of the playing list, the list returns to its initial version, formatting all the information previously collected.
Yes, this is how it works, the undo feature simply stores the entrire playlist. Unfortunately, there's little we can do about it without diving into over compicated solutions.

I can't access Broadcast
Please create a separate topic about this problem. This does not seem to concern beta testing.

Again, also tested on another PC. Yes, it occurs frequently. And I noticed that it happens specifically when "Scheduled events" are recently added to the playlist. If these events are removed, the tab will function as it should.
This is really odd. Doing the same actions as on your video, this does not happen here. I also do not see why playlist would affect menus :) Do you have any programs installed that alter how Windows work?
Now before Christmas we have big blocks of commercials. Sometimes when an event starts, if is at the time when a commercials block are playing the event gets in the middle of the commercials block and split it into two parts. Which shouldn't be. The commercial block should be compact with no possibility for anything to split it.
Use the "If there are scheduled events in the playlist, enqueue" option for the other events to prevent them breaking the commercial event.

OGG files are still not showing album covers are you still working on this??
We currently assigned this issue to RadioBOSS 6.0.2 as fixing this will require extensive testing and we can't do this when the release is about to happen.
Puede utilizar la versión Todavía hay algunos errores menores por corregir y traducciones, pero en términos de características, está completo.

¿Sigue sucediendo? Intentamos muchas veces reproducirlo, pero nunca lo logramos. Si es posible, puede enviarnos una copia de seguridad de la configuración de RadioBOSS (menú Configuración-> Configuración de copia de seguridad y restauración), lo intentaremos aquí. Es posible que la aparición de este error requiera una cierta configuración mientras no podamos crear aquí.
3 GB lo pasé por correo a Soporte.
i also experience issues with "new" intermediate bitrates, on aac format. when i uses 144k, it broadcast in 128k.
to broadcast in 144k, i must set the bitrate to 160k.
maybe a shoutcast issue not related to djboss.
but the 72k bitate looks less buggy. so weird problem.
Use the "If there are scheduled events in the playlist, enqueue" option for the other events to prevent them breaking the commercial event.
That's what I was afraid of. Of course this is not a solution.
As an event there already play a playlist so the scheduled event with "If there are scheduled events in the playlist, enqueue" would go to the end of the playlist and not after advertisements.

Is there any solution where scheduled event not break the advertisements block and play immediately after ads but not at the end of a playlist?
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Maybe the inserttrack option and '-3' - insert after scheduled tracks. You can schedule commands within RadioBOSS as well.
Thank you for help. But what if we must insert 3 tracks (1. jingle, 2. Info for drivers, 3. jingle)?
Is there a solution for command Insert a playlist?

I think the better option is that nothing can split the ad block? Simple and easy...
Thank you for help. But what if we must insert 3 tracks (1. jingle, 2. Info for drivers, 3. jingle)?
Is there a solution for command Insert a playlist?

I think the better option is that nothing can split the ad block? Simple and easy...

Ad scheduler allows you to insert groups of files in to the schedule. We've got ours set to Advanced setting (Settings > Options > Advanced configuration) to Events - Legacy behavior for "Do not action event when playlist is stopped" option). Not 100% sure if that affects your set up or not but just bringing it to your attention so you could test enabling/disabling the option when running your tests.

In ads scheduler you can set the priority of each track, and set it to start at certain times. We've got ours set up to insert scheduled breaks on the 19th, 39th, and 59th minute. 59th minute for news or top of the hour, and the others for sponsorships. We can adjust the priority of what is played based on how we configure them in ad scheduler. So we have top jingles (priority 1 for example), then the meat of the content (priority 4-6 depending on the content) and a tail jingle (priority 9). That sets the order of the files within the schedule. These then get compiled in to m3u8 playlists in the AdPlaylists folder (within where RadioBOSS resides on the computer - usually C:\users\(username)\appdata\roaming\\radioboss_(randomnumber)\)

You can configure the event properties within Ad scheduler - how they should enqueue, whether they should shuffle, things like that. I'll leave that for you to comment on if you have more questions as there's quite a few configuration choices, including randomising only specific parts of the playlist.

Once you've finished in Ad Scheduler you can click 'Create playlist and events' and it will create them within the RadioBOSS schedule.
One of these events you could duplicate and manually set how it should be played, and point it towards a playlist you created instead of one of the AdPlaylists.

If none of the playlist options suit your need, then the only way to do it would be via API command and some external controller/scheduler that you custom build. You could set it to do 'insert track' and insert individual tracks 1 second apart from each other for example, to build a playlist, and set the queue position within RadioBOSS. That would require a lot of timing to be right but it is possible. You could also remote command playlists to load if that makes sense (load xyz.m3u8 for example) and have it reference playlists out of the 'Playlists' folder with RadioBOSS.


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Many thank's again... I'll will try these setups... But a little complicated just to get it not to split advertisements.

My opinion is that advertisements are a priority and should not be possible to split it.
This is really odd. Doing the same actions as on your video, this does not happen here. I also do not see why playlist would affect menus :) Do you have any programs installed that alter how Windows work?
I have nothing installed on the machines in this regard. The main PC where I run my transmission for example, is only "Windows 10 Pro" and RB. The only change I make is in the standard view of the system, I always use the dark theme. But I already did the test with the standard Windows theme and the error occurs in the same way.
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