RadioBOSS 7.1 [beta]

There is a problem, it does not generate the playlist that is programmed. I hit the manual option and it doesn't generate the playlist either.

Same case for me. The scheduler doesn’t generate a playlist, meaning it doesn’t add any songs. In the Playlist Generator, when I press "Generate" it shows that everything is OK, and when I click below on "Export to Player", the songs appear correctly in the playlist.

The settings are the same in RadioBoss 7.0, and everything works fine there, but not in this test version.
Why are the ads in the playlist renamed to Advert - Ad1, etc., in Track Title?
Is there a way to disable this? It's important for me to see the ad names so I can have control over what is being broadcast.
Advert - Ad1, Advert - Ad2, Advert - Ad3 in the playlist don’t mean anything to me.

If there is nothing in the tag, let it take the name from the filename as it was before.
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If you see "RadioBOSS Ultimate" in the title bar, then it will work. The speed change will not be applied in case it's not possible to achieve the needed resilt. For instance, you have configured min/max speed change to +-5%, and required speed change to make the music end at the hour end is 7% - it will do nothing in this case.
A first test with single tracks and this seems to work well. It's very interesting. But the start time makes "some mistakes" when calculating the exact playback time. That added to several tracks can make the acceleration speed incorrect.
When imported into a database does the accuracy of calculating the time improve?
Constraints: specify rules, which tracks can follow which tracks
The current implementation is a step. But I would like to control for example "no more than two consecutive English tracks" (I have this assigned with tags). For now that is not possible except with rules of repetition in minutes, right?
Generador de listas de reproducción
  • Constraints: specify rules, which tracks can follow which tracks
I would like to know how the separation by minutes (language and gender) works since a while ago I also tried not to place two tracks in English in a row and it did not give me the result I expected.

Another question about this would be: does the following structure for the rules affect anything?

SONG (category1)
SWP-ID-JINGLE (ignores repetition rules) SONG (category2)
SWP-ID-JINGLE (ignores repetition rules) SONG (category 3)
SWP-ID-JINGLE (ignores repetition rules)

*each category has different separation rules*

Does it affect anything in this structure? since I don't know if the Playlist Generator ignores or skips "SWP-ID-JINGLE" and uses the rule only for songs.

I think these separation categories (gender and language) should be global.
Does it happen with all the auto intros, or it's random?

Does the track has an artwork? If possible, please send one of those tracks to

Settings, General, press "Advanced configuration" button, the settings are "Voice tracking - Bed fade in" (fade out).

Looks like there's a bug, will be fixed in the next update.
yes all the time
Thank you, we'll check what could be wrong there.

Makes sense, thank you, an option will be added to exclude the file types.

Voice tracks are positioned so they will end at the following track's Intro. Maybe in the future we'll add an option to start them at Outro point, but its not for this version, I'm sorry.

Thank you, we'll check what could be wrong there.
is it possible then with remote voice tracking to insert a voice track which would be placed between the songs with a bed?
I have just started testing the Remote Voice-Track module. Before I could really get into it, several issues regarding screen reader usage occurred to me. First, all buttons are not labeled but are only represented graphically. Second, the entries in the playlist are not read aloud by NVDA or Jaws—which I have on my test environment—even though the screen reader does read the entries on mouseover. First of all, thank you for releasing this feature and an Ultimate version at a truly fair price, and I look forward to an active exchange about the beta version.

Best regards,
As the module is currently implemented, it doesn’t make much sense. At present, you cannot remotely load any arbitrary playlist—only the one that is currently running. This does not allow for hosting a multi-hour show or recording voice tracks for a later playlist/show. The voice track must therefore always be recorded at the same time the playlist is on air. I would like the option to select any playlist. Our program is scheduled on an hourly basis, so I currently only have the schedule for the current hour in the tool.
Why doesn't the Voicetrack Recorder in the Remote Voice-Track module have a button to insert the voicetracks directly instead of just saving them, as is the case with the normal VT Recorder in Radioboss? That unfortunately makes the whole process very cumbersome in terms of workflow. Furthermore, I have no information about the playlist to help me design the show. For example, details such as the start time of a track are missing. I would have also expected better integration within Radioboss itself instead of having yet another separate program. But okay, why not if it eventually works. After all, remote voicetracking is meant to save time, and I don't see that here yet. Sure, it's still a minimal version, but I would consider it more of an alpha version than a beta version.
Since I installed 7.1 Beta (previously, my music beds are missing from the news. I have news at the top of the hour, followed by the weather. Both are implemented by an mp3 file—named news.mp3 and weather.mp3 respectively. These files are categorized under News and Weather, and these categories are set to use a music bed. The settings haven’t changed, but Radioboss no longer plays music beds underneath the news and weather reports. Additionally, voice tracks now run completely into songs. For example, if I have set an intro, the voice track doesn’t end after the intro but simply continues into the song without any regard for the consequences.

Why are the ads in the playlist renamed to Advert - Ad1, etc., in Track Title?
Is there a way to disable this? It's important for me to see the ad names so I can have control over what is being broadcast.
Advert - Ad1, Advert - Ad2, Advert - Ad3 in the playlist don’t mean anything to me.

If there is nothing in the tag, let it take the name from the filename as it was before.
Sorry, my mistake. Everything is fine. The tags were previously entered for some earlier testing. All good.
Type - Set the type of the ad track. The type is used for showing warnings in case two or more tracks of the same type are placed side-by-side (for example, two pizza commercials in a row).

I would prefer not just to receive a warning but for the Ads scheduler to automatically separate them during broadcasting. If two ads of the same type appear consecutively, the scheduler should insert an ad of a different type (if there is one in the same block) between them. That would help me more than just getting a red exclamation mark in the block.
Type - Set the type of the ad track. The type is used for showing warnings in case two or more tracks of the same type are placed side-by-side (for example, two pizza commercials in a row).

I would prefer not just to receive a warning but for the Ads scheduler to automatically separate them during broadcasting. If two ads of the same type appear consecutively, the scheduler should insert an ad of a different type (if there is one in the same block) between them. That would help me more than just getting a red exclamation mark in the block.
It's a good idea!
I think it would be better not to do it at the time of the broadcast, but rather at the time of creating a block.
Precisely to avoid that, I asked several times for the possibility of doing drag and drop in the list of ads of the block, for me that would be great!
It's a good idea!
I think it would be better not to do it at the time of the broadcast, but rather at the time of creating a block.
Precisely to avoid that, I asked several times for the possibility of doing drag and drop in the list of ads of the block, for me that would be great!
Yes, that's what I meant.
RadioBOSS beta


  • Fixed: top panel in minimal mode did not update track position
  • Fixed: playlist generagtor did not work from the scheduler
  • Fixed: music volume was not restored after Auto Intro has finished playing
  • Fixed other reported bugs
  • RemoteVT: shows playing track
  • RemoteVT: added Start Time column
  • RemoteVT: added DSP for voice track recording
  • RemoteVT: UI improvements
  • RemoteVT: added TLS connection option
Download links are in the first post.
Thank you. On second thought, since for most people the default outro is going to mostly be used for music tracks, probably better to be able to select the file types to include, rather than exclude. Since we are likely to exclude almost all other file types besides music anyway.
Music is not supposed to be under any file types, so excluding all file types is logical and it's the same as in other features e.g. Teaser also has exclude file types option.

There is a bug, or I don't know if it should work like that. I set a color for the background of a "File Type" (dark blue color). But when reproduced it still has the same color. I have activated the option to mark the played files (with dark gray). This only happens with the background set by the user. Since the text does work as it should.
It's a question of priorities and currently more specific option (file type) takes precedence over the general option (played track).

When you run a Remote Ads Update, the container name does not go anywhere, if you do it Local, it works fine
Thank you, we'll check it.
First, all buttons are not labeled but are only represented graphically. Second, the entries in the playlist are not read aloud by NVDA or Jaws—which I have on my test environment—even though the screen reader does read the entries on mouseover.

Confirmed here as of the latest beta posted about 30 minutes ago.
The settings are the same in RadioBoss 7.0, and everything works fine there, but not in this test version.
It's fixed in RB, please update.

Why are the ads in the playlist renamed to Advert - Ad1, etc., in Track Title?
Is there a way to disable this? It's important for me to see the ad names so I can have control over what is being broadcast.
Advert - Ad1, Advert - Ad2, Advert - Ad3 in the playlist don’t mean anything to me.

If there is nothing in the tag, let it take the name from the filename as it was before.
Can you please post a screenshot with this problem, also with Track Information panel visible. There should be no renaming.

A first test with single tracks and this seems to work well. It's very interesting. But the start time makes "some mistakes" when calculating the exact playback time. That added to several tracks can make the acceleration speed incorrect.
When imported into a database does the accuracy of calculating the time improve?
As it works based on the Start Time, you should improve start time calculation:

sometimes you don't want to hear the cartwall locally, especially when you're live on air, so it would be handy if you could mute it locally
There's a potential danger here to leave the cart wall playing and not knowing about it. I think we should wait and see what other users have to say about it.

The current implementation is a step. But I would like to control for example "no more than two consecutive English tracks" (I have this assigned with tags). For now that is not possible except with rules of repetition in minutes, right?
Yes, currently this, to some extent, can be done with repeat protection rules. I think constraints will be improved in the future, to allow what you say.