RadioBOSS 7.1 [beta]

Does it affect anything in this structure? since I don't know if the Playlist Generator ignores or skips "SWP-ID-JINGLE" and uses the rule only for songs.
Constraints are specified per-category, so they only work within a category. But when checking the rules, it actually checks the created playlist, so if CategoryA has no constraints, and CategoryB does have constraint rules, it may be checked with the track that was inserted from CategoryA.

yes all the time
It was fixed in RB update.

is it possible then with remote voice tracking to insert a voice track which would be placed between the songs with a bed?
When you insert a voice track it will follow the rules that are specified in RadioBOSS's voice track settings. The same as if you inserted a voice track locally.
I have just started testing the Remote Voice-Track module. Before I could really get into it, several issues regarding screen reader usage occurred to me.
Thank you. We'll start with accessibility once it's more or less in shape. This is to speed up the development.

Why doesn't the Voicetrack Recorder in the Remote Voice-Track module have a button to insert the voicetracks directly instead of just saving them, as is the case with the normal VT Recorder in Radioboss?
This is because the VT module is the same as in RadioBOSS (with minimal changes) and remote voice tracking has a different principle of inserting the tracks.

At present, you cannot remotely load any arbitrary playlist—only the one that is currently running. This does not allow for hosting a multi-hour show or recording voice tracks for a later playlist/show. The voice track must therefore always be recorded at the same time the playlist is on air. I would like the option to select any playlist.
The purpose it not to provide full remote control capability for RadioBOSS but to (as module is named) remotely voice track the current show. To make a show that's playing in automatic mode sound live, while not being in a studio. Maybe we'll extend what it can do in the future e.g. edit playlists, add tracks from the library etc.

Since I installed 7.1 Beta (previously, my music beds are missing from the news. I have news at the top of the hour, followed by the weather. Both are implemented by an mp3 file—named news.mp3 and weather.mp3 respectively. These files are categorized under News and Weather, and these categories are set to use a music bed.

Additionally, voice tracks now run completely into songs. For example, if I have set an intro, the voice track doesn’t end after the intro but simply continues into the song without any regard for the consequences.
Thank you for the information, we'll check those errors.
I would prefer not just to receive a warning but for the Ads scheduler to automatically separate them during broadcasting. If two ads of the same type appear consecutively, the scheduler should insert an ad of a different type (if there is one in the same block) between them. That would help me more than just getting a red exclamation mark in the block.
It may conflict with the Priorities. Still, we'll consider adding it as an option, thank you for the suggestion.

It's a good idea!
I think it would be better not to do it at the time of the broadcast, but rather at the time of creating a block.
Precisely to avoid that, I asked several times for the possibility of doing drag and drop in the list of ads of the block, for me that would be great!
Drag-n-drop is a manual operation and Ads Scheduler is supposed to be fully automatic. When you drag the ads it will work for some time, but some ads can be removed/added because of their dates/expirations so you'll have to rearrange them again. If we can do it automatically, then it will work. E.g. option to move the ads and ignoring the priority slightly to prevent two types following one after another.
were is It's fixed in RB, please update. did i miss it? its not updated in software

This is a bit odd
For some strange reason sometimes TimeStreach doesn't start when I open the program.
I set extreme values and I still don't see it start

It would be nice to see how much of the current track is left so I know how much time I have to record a vocal track..

It is also useful to see the color of the file types so I can easily visually identify where to record a track and where not (because there is an artist track)

I have seen that sometimes AutoIntro pauses the current track when the audio file is longer than the song intro, the question is how compatible is that with TimeStretch? since it should take it into account when calculating the adjustment.
1) I want to ask, is this configuration you establish correct? Would it work?

This so that the same gender is not placed twice.

2) A suggestion, I would like the list of all the genres that were established in the music library to be displayed. This in Constraints and additional separation rules.
I have a teaser at 0:45 every hour.
I realize this is a problem with Stretch, as any adjustments you make until the teaser starts are useless.
And if I could turn this feature on and off from an event in the playlist? so that it only adjusts the last 15 minutes (where nothing will break into the current list)
Hello, Dmitry. I bought an upgrade tonight from advanced to ultimate for three of my licenses. However, now that I log in to customer area it says I have six licenses. What happened there? I just installed a new version. I haven't started testing yet.
Hello Again. I think in Radioboss it is impossible to accurately calculate the duration of the playlist. What for me, for example, extends the list are teasers, radio id jingles, TTS announcements. If all this could somehow fit into the duration of the playlist then it would be quite accurate with those actions on the topic that Dmitry linked here.
Hi all,

Found a bug with this version when playing anything, the volume goes down at the beginning, like a fade in, but all crossfades are deactivated and haven't changed the presets. The song is with a low volume when ress play.
Hi all,

Found a bug with this version when playing anything, the volume goes down at the beginning, like a fade in, but all crossfades are deactivated and haven't changed the presets. The song is with a low volume when ress play.
I have also observed this.
It may conflict with the Priorities. Still, we'll consider adding it as an option, thank you for the suggestion.
Of course, this would not apply to the Priorities, but only to the ads within the same Priority. This would be a big step for customer satisfaction. For now, I do this manually quite often.
Constraints are specified per-category, so they only work within a category. But when checking the rules, it actually checks the created playlist, so if CategoryA has no constraints, and CategoryB does have constraint rules, it may be checked with the track that was inserted from CategoryA.

It was fixed in RB update.

When you insert a voice track it will follow the rules that are specified in RadioBOSS's voice track settings. The same as if you inserted a voice track locally.
Thank you, the issue with the volume during the playback of a voice track is indeed resolved with this update.
I’m still noticing an issue with the voice tracks.
On all my tracks, I’ve set mix points, outro, and intro points.
The voice track starts at the end of the song's intro.
To be more specific, I place a voice track between two songs. The songs transition from one to the other. I have the countdown for the intro on the song, and at the end of the intro, the voice track starts.
Hello, I am testing the Time Stretching feature. I enabled it using the default settings. Can someone tell me how it should work if a playlist is generated and added?