RadioBOSS 5.2 [beta]

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RadioBOSS 5.2 beta

What's new
Added "Dark" UI color scheme
Song Request API: allows to receive automated song requests
Listener number chart in Broadcasting Statistics
Tag Editor improved: fixed lots of bugs, faster artwork reading, ability to edit tags during playback
Cart wall improvements: hot keys, progress bar, grid resize, drag-n-drop
RadioBOSS can be accessible by keyboard only; improved compatibility with screen reader software
"DTMF Only" logic changed: now it only prevents event startup when there was no DTMF
"Next play" feature changed to Playback Queue
Track Tool redesigned
Scheduler Overlay player moved to bottom left corner
All tracks which were played in the Overlay player are now included in the report
VST and Winamp DSP plugins can be used for Microphone
Quick DSP configuration for microphone: right-click on MIC button
ASIO and WASAPI driver for pre-listen
Added a button to toolbar to record stream (activates the Stream Archive feature)
Stream Archive setting added: automatic start/stop when MIC is activated and deactivated
Added FLAC and OPUS support for Stream Archive
Level Meter and MIC button can be moved to the center of the window (View->MIC and VU meter in the center)
New columns added to the playlist: Play, Insert stop command
Playlist file name history for AUX players
Custom picture can be used as a picture for tracks with no artwork
Added ability to set Rating and File Type from the playlist
Notify when a track is going to end (flash in red)
"Tag from filename" right-click command added in Track Information panel
Notepad tab improved
Item spacing setting for library search
Library search: alternate colors in the result
Station logo (top right corner): preserves image proportions
"Skip after scheduled track" option for file types
Status bar shows listener numbers: current and peak
HTTP Request: %listeners variable to send listeners count

Event sweeper feature improved
New "getfile" scheduler command added: command allows to select one file from folder (newest, oldest or random) and, optionally, delete it after playback
Scheduler list can be filtered by day of week (List button->Show filters)
"Week Days" column added to event list
New "silencedetector (on/off)" command to contorol the silence detector from the scheduler
Warning when scheduler expiration date is in the past

Playlist Generator Pro
UI to generate multiple playlists
Maximum (MAX), Minimum (MIN) and Average (AVG or AVERAGE) variables to set playcount priority rules
Overlap amount can be set with fractions of second
Length filter improved (allows to specify seconds)
Preset rename: right click on preset name

Music Library
New feature: schedule automatic music library update (syncronize track with folder(s), update tags)
Multiple folders can be added at once from the Add Directory window
Improved the Check music tracks feature
Added "Scan BPM" feature (Tools menu)
Save search results as music library (xml) file
Added "item spacing" setting
Added Bitrate column

Advertisement Scheduler
Color indication in the advertisement list to show missed, expired and disabled tracks
Presets for grid
DTMF Only option for events
Added new feature: create report for advertisement track impressions within specified date range
Sweepers to make commercial blocks of desired duration

Report Generator
Split into pages/continuous report option added
Listener field to include the number of listeners in the record for each song

Fixes and minor improvements
scheduler off command did not turn off DTMF events
level meter shows MIC level with "Output to encoders only" option enabled
main windows library search sometimes failed on big libraries
main window library search: real track duration is shown
playback starts faster
fixed rare crash situation when tracks were added to the playlist
fixed bug: DSP was not applied to cart wall playback
fixed several bugs in Stream Archive feature
file name sorting for Track List and Playlist Generator now uses "natural" sort order (considers numbers in file names)
fixed scheduled events dragging between groups
fixed several "multiple action" scheduler event bugs
fixed: "makelibrary" command sometimes did not perform correctly
fixed bug: custom Segue Editor crossfade did not work with voice tracks
fixed: https:// streams did not play
fixed: "Do not mix" option for file types sometimes did not work
fixed: "stop" command bug in Playlist Generator
fixed bug when playlist columns were resized/reordered
fixed crash when video with no audio track was played
fixed: BPM filter sometimes did not work correctly in Playlist Generator
fixed: Music Library BPM sorting
improved repeat protection for Track List
fixed: scheduler and playlist columns sometimes were reordered when Windows Remote Desktop connection was used to control RadioBOSS
fixed: Music Library did not store the Last Played column
fixed: when files were dragged from Windows Explorer file size was detected as zero
fixed rare crash when RadioBOSS was closed
fixed: when sweepers was inserted gap killer was not taken into account
profile name is shown on the taskbar and tray icon
web browser is launched as a separate process for stability purposes
fixed scheduler list font bug
lots of other bugs were fixed

License key:
If you're a registered user, please use your key.

To request the free beta tester license key, please send an e-mail to (use the "RadioBOSS 5.2 beta" subject). The free key expires January 31, 2015.

RadioBOSS 5.2 beta: (11/22/2014, 25Mb)
RadioBOSS 5.2 release:

Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.

Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount - starting from 30% and up to 100% when the final version is released. Please contact regarding the discount.

Song Request System

The Song Request System consists of:
  • Remote Control API commands to add song requests and clear the requested songs list.
  • Song Request window which allows to manually insert requested songs into the playlist. To open the windows in the main menu click View->Song Requests (or press Ctrl+Y)
  • Scheduler command to automatically play the requested songs
Song Request API commands (general information on Remote Control API:, see part II - "Performing an action"):

Add song request.
"filename" - file name of a requested song
"message" - optional, message from a user who requested a song

Clears the requested songs list.

Song Request - scheduler command:
To automatically play the requested songs use the playrequestedsong command.
Optionally you can specify a minimum time interval (in minutes) to delay song request playback: sometimes it's required that request: some music licensing authorities require a delay before requested song can be played. Example: playrequestedsong 30 - delay requested song playback for at least 30 minutes. The scheduled event with the playrequestedsong command should be set up to repeat e.g. every 10 minutes during the time period when you want to accept song requests.

getfile scheduler command
This command adds one file from a folder to the playlist. It can select oldest or newest (by date added) file, or random file.

getfile C:\path_to_folder [/random|/newest|/oldest] [/delete]

Example 1: play one file from announcements folder (newest added) and delete it after playback
getfile C:\announcements /newest /delete

The /delete parameter can be omitted if you don't want to delete a file after playback.


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Large improvements !, great job.
I'm waiting for a little more information to take advantage of some of the new features.

Here some problems detected:
1- as a test, try using the same sound card as master output and cue. (using the new WASAPI). when trying to play a preview of a song the error message that appears attached. to accept the message breaks the main output until restart the program.

2-sweapers in the ADS Scheduler, do not take into account the time block intro and outo. (or there is another problem) always selects many files longer than needed.
It would also be great if every time lists advertising again generated (manually or via the "ADS Scheduler" command) select different sweepers. I have now seen that always chooses the same file again and again.

3-You do not name "playrequestedsong" nor "setencodersource" in the list of new feature. could bring it for?

4-pressing the "Statistics Relays" button, the attached report is generated.



In dark style text in Notepad is black. Is there any way to change the color of the text and background in Notepad?

For example I have my own dark theme. I cannot change background color; also text color. That concerns me deeply. My eyes blows out.


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May be a thing to think .
New overlay player is now good. But when event come , the player shows/appears at down left side , but is not the active window , the log window is showed all the time . Is it good when event comes , player window to switch automatically to show the play of event ( yes we can still click on Log when the event is active ) and then when event is over/ends , Log window to be again the active one . Just auto switching between them in the time of event ?

What other users think about this ? Let`s see what they will say first .
There is another BUG.
I saved My_Dark_Theme and contor has a problem.
See image:


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pety said:
There is another BUG.
I saved My_Dark_Theme and contor has a problem.
See image:
Moved back to Default Style and the problem is still there


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Button for Recording Broadcast: Excellent !
A very small problem:
After start Recording Start button is transforming in STOP button. The description should be the same: Stop Recording Broadcast. See images:


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Doesn't work.
I used "Select Music" Filter and after Preview error message.


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When I push on Stop Search (X) button there is no reset as in previous version.
Stop should reset search filter and populate with tracks that Categorie...


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Seque Plays but No Preview set up.
"Track Properties" alerts me.


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Record Stream Error - File name
When record with the same name of the file, RadioBOSS doesn't have a file check routine. So, Record Stream start to record and it gives an error message in Log window.

The right procedure should be:
Alert Window (You try to record with the same file name
  • Do you want to overwrite the existing one?;
  • Or start to record with different file name.


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nelson c said:
Large improvements !, great job.
I'm waiting for a little more information to take advantage of some of the new features.
Thank you! The detailed information on the new features will be published shortly.

nelson c said:
1- as a test, try using the same sound card as master output and cue. (using the new WASAPI). when trying to play a preview of a song the error message that appears attached. to accept the message breaks the main output until restart the program.
Yes, WASAPI as it's currently implemented in RadioBOSS can not be used, does not allow using the same sound card for multiple purposes.

nelson c said:
2-sweapers in the ADS Scheduler, do not take into account the time block intro and outo. (or there is another problem) always selects many files longer than needed.
It would also be great if every time lists advertising again generated (manually or via the "ADS Scheduler" command) select different sweepers. I have now seen that always chooses the same file again and again.
It does not take into account intro/outro currently. You can lower the "Desired block duration" setting in sweeper window to compensate for that. Currently it selects the best matching sweeper. How many sweepers do you have in your folder? Perhaps some sort of repeat-protection can be added for sweepers.

nelson c said:
3-You do not name "playrequestedsong" nor "setencodersource" in the list of new feature. could bring it for?
The setencodersource command was added in RadioBOSS 5.1.2, and the playrequestedsong command will be documented together with Song Request API.

nelson c said:
4-pressing the "Statistics Relays" button, the attached report is generated.
Thanks. This feature will not be available in RB 5.2, in the next update this feature will be temporarily removed.
klinsoft said:
May be a thing to think .
New overlay player is now good. But when event come , the player shows/appears at down left side , but is not the active window , the log window is showed all the time . Is it good when event comes , player window to switch automatically to show the play of event ( yes we can still click on Log when the event is active ) and then when event is over/ends , Log window to be again the active one .
Agreed on that. The change will be made in the next update.
pety said:
There is another BUG.
I saved My_Dark_Theme and contor has a problem.
See image:
Does it reappear if you restart RadioBOSS?

pety said:
Button for Recording Broadcast: Excellent !
A very small problem:
After start Recording Start button is transforming in STOP button. The description should be the same: Stop Recording Broadcast. See images:
Will be fixed, thanks.

pety said:
When I push on Stop Search (X) button there is no reset as in previous version.
Stop should reset search filter and populate with tracks that Categorie...
Yes, the problem does indeed exist, thank you for reporting.

pety said:
Seque Plays but No Preview set up.
"Track Properties" alerts me.
Yes, Segue Editor can work with no sound card. Playback in this case just goes nowhere.

pety said:
Do you have any plugins enabled?

pety said:
Doesn't work.
I used "Select Music" Filter and after Preview error message.
Please click the Details button in the error message and send the bug report - this will help a lot in fixing this.
About the new skin:
Excellent quality graphics (there are still some old icons that do not fit, such as Cue, paste, etc)
But what I do not like how it looks, are the edges of the panels (previous song, song in the air and next song).
Maybe change would be interesting to change the color of these panels.
I currently use radiocaster for the issue and would love to see the statistics on RadioBOSS (function that I have seen in Sam Broadcaster).
Apply for this feature for quite some time, may be included in this version? :)
not if it is very difficult to implement this, but I would like to have an auxiliary player in the new section tabs "Log".
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