RadioBOSS 6.0 [beta]

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English mixed with russian language

When install Radioboss Bitdefender alert me:

The file C:\Program Files (x86)\RadioBOSS Beta\Plugins\is-0FSK2.tmp is infected with Gen:Variant.Zusy.307885. The threat has been successfully blocked, your device is safe.
nelson c said:
Updating on the latest stable version there are some problems:
The most important is that the database becomes unusable. (Mysql)
Going back to the previous version of RB it doesn't work either. (Apparently some attributes are missing)
It appears that all the error messages you see about the database have the same root cause. From what version did you make an update? Do you have a database backup from previous version to revert to it (and if you don't mind send it to us to check why automatic upgrading did not work). Database should be backward and forward compatible, this version does not make any non-compatible changes.

nelson c said:
Dragging tracks in the list does not work: Copy the track that is being dragged. The same happens in the auxiliary players
Dragging works more or less the same as in the previous version. If you need to drag the track inside the list, drag it form anywhere except the first column.

nelson c said:
PS: We have a new audio engine? Mixing seems to work a lot better .. I'll come back to this topic later.
Sigue editor works great now!
Yes, brand new, completely rewritten. And the playlist window is also totally new.

nelson c said:
Delete tracks when playing, does not work.

Edit: Leave the first track on the list
Does not seem to reproduce here. Did you enable the option after the playback was started?
phs said:
Where is the database saved? Can we still share libraries over the network between instances?
It's saved in a SQLite/MySQL table so the file can't be shared anymore. You can export it as playlist and import on another computer.

NickPollock said:
Went to right click and click for Segue editor This was the message I got.
From the screenshot it appears that you called it for a file in the explorer window? There's no segue editor option - was it Track Tool?

nelson c said:
Is it possible to add an API command to see the last reproductions of a track?
Yes, it will be added for the readtag API command.

nelson c said:
Opening Sigue editor 3
Thank you.

southernfm said:
Bug (Language):
Right clicking on the RadioBOSS icon in the system tray, shows 'RadioBOSS' and what appears to be a Russian word (presumably 'Exit') when the English language is used
Thank you for reporting this.
In the Music library when I click Open it does not open the Database folder? Ctrl+O it also doesn't work.
All xml files are in the Database folder but there not show up in the pop up and there no way to import these files.

No days:
    In the Track tool add time when a jingle or song can play. Day (in week) and hour (beginning to end).
    Eg we have jingles for night, morning, weekend or friday etc...

This is an interesting idea, something like this was already proposed in the past by other users. We'll think of implementing it in the future updates.

Can you bring back
In previous versions when events drag-and-drop up beyond the edge the Schedule window would go autoscroll but in this version it not work anymore.
Can you bring this back too, becouse if is long event list it's a little complicated bring a event to top of the list.

Not implement in the Ads Scheduler this, but I think this is very imortant. Eg some clients want to be first or last in an Ad block:
The "Shuffle playlist" shuffles all tracks without any additional processing. We plan on adding a new feature in the future to shuffle tracks and take into account priorities.
southernfm said:
The music library is completely gone when upgrading to the new version. I understand there's been a significant change, but there should either be a way for the XML files to be converted in to the new system so we don't have to re-create the music library manually, or have backwards compatibility in the new version.

Where is the music library database physically located now? For our usage we have a master RadioBOSS computer which pushes out changes to our studios whenever that changes. This used to be the folder of XML files.
Yes, other people complained about this as well, we'll think of some solution. The library is saved in a SQLite/MySQL table (not to a file).

Daniel Oscar Flores Vargas said:
Hola, la nueva version BETA no reproduce videos me sale error #204
Video support is partially broken, we're working on it. Sorry.

nelson c said:
There is a little problem here, it only works with a 5 second buffer. if a larger buffer is set the preload starts late.
An option will be added to control this.

southernfm said:
The music library defaults to the first music library when RadioBOSS loads, instead lf (all). There also doesn't appear to be an (all) option to list.
The "All" option was removed because it worked painfully slow in the previous versions. We'll see if there'a demand for it and re-implement it properly if needed.

pety said:
NEXT and PREV doesn't work in Track Tool on Music Library
Thank you for reporting this!
pety said:
Search in Library doesn't work as expected.
It MUST list ONLY tracks which corespond.
It searches in a tag, but if a tag is empty, it searched in file name. Do track file names contain the word you search for?

tomimatko said:
When install Radioboss Bitdefender alert me:

The file C:\Program Files (x86)\RadioBOSS Beta\Plugins\is-0FSK2.tmp is infected with Gen:Variant.Zusy.307885. The threat has been successfully blocked, your device is safe.
This is a false positive. We'll update the installer in the next update to fix it.
djsoft said:
It appears that all the error messages you see about the database have the same root cause. From what version did you make an update? Do you have a database backup from previous version to revert to it (and if you don't mind send it to us to check why automatic upgrading did not work). Database should be backward and forward compatible, this version does not make any non-compatible changes.
From 5.9.4

Unfortunately I don't have a backup prior to the update.
Anyway the intro points, tags and metadata are also in its own software that stores in SQL Server. With the API and a little work I can rebuild the DB, except for the playcount field.

Attach current DB script
djsoft said:
Dragging works more or less the same as in the previous version. If you need to drag the track inside the list, drag it form anywhere except the first column.
I am seeing that the problem exists only with the title column.
In the attached image I am dragging track number 17, and instead of moving this appears


  • Sin t?tulo.png
    Sin t?tulo.png
    19 KB · Views: 518
djsoft said:
Delete tracks when playing, does not work.

Edit: Leave the first track on the list
Does not seem to reproduce here. Did you enable the option after the playback was started?
No, update the program from RB 5.9.4 where this option was activated.
Restart the program several times and it always does the same


  • Sin t?tulo.png
    Sin t?tulo.png
    13.9 KB · Views: 500
nelson c said:
No, update the program from RB 5.9.4 where this option was activated.
Restart the program several times and it always does the same
Manually deleting the track that RB "leaves"


  • Sin t?tulo.png
    Sin t?tulo.png
    12.1 KB · Views: 510
tomimatko said:
In the Music library when I click Open it does not open the Database folder? Ctrl+O it also doesn't work.
All xml files are in the Database folder but there not show up in the pop up and there no way to import these files.
The database no longer uses XML files, it's stored in a database.

tomimatko said:
when events drag-and-drop up beyond the edge the Schedule window would go autoscroll but in this version it not work anymore.
We'll fix it.

The other features are in the queue to be developed, please wait for new releases.
nelson c said:
I am seeing that the problem exists only with the title column.
In the attached image I am dragging track number 17, and instead of moving this appears
You need to start dragging by clicking the text (not the free space).

nelson c said:
Anyway the intro points, tags and metadata are also in its own software that stores in SQL Server. With the API and a little work I can rebuild the DB, except for the playcount field.
If possible, it would be great to have an example of the database that fails to upgrade as we're unable to reproduce it here.

nelson c said:
No, update the program from RB 5.9.4 where this option was activated.
Restart the program several times and it always does the same
To clarify, did it play the first track, then moved to the next but the first track was not deleted? Did it delete the second track after it was played?
cuando quiero cambiar una cancion el orden de reproduccion  en la lista de reproduccion le copia en ves de moverlo  mejor dico lo mueve pero lo copia pudieran corregir eso por favor
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