In Music library when OPEN can you solve that the order of librarys in the pop up appears alphabetically, not in the order of addition. If you have a lot of database it is easier to find.
OK, in Music library no more XML files, now all are in the database and the problem with re-create the music library is only when you migrate from 5.9.4 to 6. In the next versions this will no longer be a problem.
Maybe make some program that will convert old xml to database, but also correct libray path in the Playlist generator?
A bug in Auto intro. This bug also appears in 5.9.4. In Auto intro when the source of Intro track is from Folder sometimes it play all track's from folder and not just one track.
Here it is. I have 7 intros in the folder, every intro is 1, 2 or 3 seconds long, but sometimes (like now) it plays all the tracks from folder. Mostly it happens if it?s the first song in the playlist.