RadioBOSS 6.0 [beta]

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Patrick De Bruyn said:
No german translation wenn using rightklick on a title in the playlist
ildefonso said:
el radio boss esta en espa?ol pero cuando abro otras obsiones  sale en ingles deberia salir todo en espa?ol
mediosprodan said:
The translation is not yet ready, thank you for pointing out those issues.

ildefonso said:
cuando quiero cambiar una cancion el orden de reproduccion  en la lista de reproduccion le copia en ves de moverlo  mejor dico lo mueve pero lo copia pudieran corregir eso por favor
Please move the track by dragging by its title (not the first column). We'll fix copying the track in the next update.

nelson c said:
It works but the behavior is little strange
Agreed, I'll see what can be done about it.
Patrick De Bruyn said:
is it possible to make something to delete the Last played entry?s in the library just like the playcount?
Currently not. Can you please provide a use case for it?

nelson c said:
Dmitry i found a test database of an old version of RB, exactly the same thing happened. I attach a backup of before the update.
I would appreciate if you can fix this soon, as it damaged my production bd.
Thanks, this will help, thanks a lot. I'm sorry for the problems this cuased. This version is a real major update with lots of internals rewritten or seriously reworked - we should've put a warning about using this beta :) A fix should be ready within a day or two.

ildefonso said:
esta muy raro el comportamiento de esta nueva version sujiero que sea igual que ala version anterior 
Can you please elaborate, what does not work right?

mediosprodan said:
What happens if you select another track in the playlist, does it show the info? Please ensure that you have "Track information follows playback" option enabled in the View menu.

Stefan said:
Very annoying indeed. It doesn't leave the current track on top now
Do you also experience this bug when the first track is not removed?

StefanoM said:
Error in the report, the length of the song is that of the song that was first aired[/img]
Thank you, it seems that it uses the info for a wrong track.
Sasa Grbic said:
Hello. I installed a beta version of the program. Accessibility is very poor in this version. RadioBOSS works badly with Jaws, I haven't tried it with NVDA yet. I tried to navigate the menus and Jaws is doing badly there. I couldn't find an option to enable Accessibility mode through the menus at all. I had to remember a shortcut.
The menu did not change - it's the same as it was in the previous version. The accessibility option is located in the View menu (it was not changed too).

Lenok said:
'Music library' not translated?
Currently not, but we'll update the translation files soon.

southernfm said:
The 'insert stop' icon is confusing. That square icon has been around for many years and intuitively you expect it to stop playback immediately instead of 'inserting' the stop. There doesn't appear to be a way to go back to the old icon type.

Could you please either swap the icon back to the down arrow with line, or create an advanced option for the icon to be switched back
Yes, makes sense - the icon will be changed to like it was.

NickPollock said:
Even Seque Editor with two tracks isn't working.
This should be fixed in the next update.
RadioBOSS beta

  • Fixed Track Tool zoom bug
  • Fixed Segue Editor for 3 tracks
  • Last played history information is returned in "readtag" API
  • Preload time configuration (Settings->General->Advanmced)
  • Fixed playlist sorting did not work properly
  • Minor bugs fixed

Lovely Dmtri but some of the problems are outstanding AutoIntro does not function correctly . If you place two files in the playlist and set the AutoIntro with a wave or MP3 the system detects artist superbly but if the Position:End of Track is used and a figure of 230s is used on a 3:52 song the media is cut of when the new second track starts there is no overley like the cart uses. This also does not take a calculation in the seconds box such as %seconds-6 which could be used to position the intro at the end of last song correctly. It would be also helpful if it listened to BPM to get the intro on a quiet piece so the voice did not crash the music.



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I tried the problems still exist :

Lovely Dmtri but some of the problems are outstanding AutoIntro does not function correctly . If you place two files in the playlist and set the AutoIntro with a wave or MP3 the system detects artist superbly but if the Position:End of Track is used and a figure of 230s is used on a 3:52 song the media is cut of when the new second track starts there is no overley like the cart uses. This also does not take a calculation in the seconds box such as %seconds-6 which could be used to position the intro at the end of last song correctly. It would be also helpful if it listened to BPM to get the intro on a quiet piece so the voice did not crash the music.

I had time a created a music library  which I called test I found some songs and tried to drag drop these into the newly opened window nothing happened  and nothing was added . Does this test music library actually exist or is it a label . I tried to set a folder and instead of looking for mp3 this started through everything in same folder and seemed to take a long time for a few songs there .
In Music library when OPEN can you solve that the order of librarys in the pop up appears alphabetically, not in the order of addition. If you have a lot of database it is easier to find.

OK, in Music library no more XML files, now all are in the database and the problem with re-create the music library is only when you migrate from 5.9.4 to 6. In the next versions this will no longer be a problem.
Maybe make some program that will convert old xml to database, but also correct libray path in the Playlist generator?

A bug in Auto intro. This bug also appears in 5.9.4. In Auto intro when the source of Intro track is from Folder sometimes it play all track's from folder and not just one track.
Here it is. I have 7 intros in the folder, every intro is 1, 2 or 3 seconds long, but sometimes (like now) it plays all the tracks from folder.


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In the playlist when select a song can you put a lighter color because with this dark blue you can't see the name of the song. In 5.9.4 it is light blue and that is much better.


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Is there any chance to implement this in version 6? This is a very important option because we live from commercials.
Please  ;)

The "Shuffle playlist" shuffles all tracks without any additional processing. We plan on adding a new feature in the future to shuffle tracks and take into account priorities.
HMMMM said:
Lenok help works for me is it a new install

There was no help file in the Korean language folder.
I copied the help file and put it in.
Now it works!
Thanks HMMMM!

Please put the "help.chm" file in "...\RadioBOSS\Lang\Ko\help.chm".

Lovely Dmtri but some of the problems are outstanding AutoIntro does not function correctly . If you place two files in the playlist and set the AutoIntro with a wave or MP3 the system detects artist superbly but if the Position:End of Track is used and a figure of 230s is used on a 3:52 song the media is cut of when the new second track starts there is no overley like the cart uses. This also does not take a calculation in the seconds box such as %seconds-6 which could be used to position the intro at the end of last song correctly. It would be also helpful if it listened to BPM to get the intro on a quiet piece so the voice did not crash the music.

Just to clarrify all the mp3 or wav files do play if they are within the whole of the song only . I have several that will play ok and not over the next song this is the real bug!  The addition of %count+6 or a calculation would be really helpful too as it would enable much better control . If the software could detect slower parts of song  monitering volume might be possible . it could be preferential to use these .

I dont know about the music library i have 6.0.01 on a test laptop far away from anything it . I had a few songs in my documents and wanted to drag drop them into library this did nothing saddly.
tomimatko said:
In Music library when OPEN can you solve that the order of librarys in the pop up appears alphabetically, not in the order of addition. If you have a lot of database it is easier to find.

OK, in Music library no more XML files, now all are in the database and the problem with re-create the music library is only when you migrate from 5.9.4 to 6. In the next versions this will no longer be a problem.
Maybe make some program that will convert old xml to database, but also correct libray path in the Playlist generator?

A bug in Auto intro. This bug also appears in 5.9.4. In Auto intro when the source of Intro track is from Folder sometimes it play all track's from folder and not just one track.
Here it is. I have 7 intros in the folder, every intro is 1, 2 or 3 seconds long, but sometimes (like now) it plays all the tracks from folder. Mostly it happens if it?s the first song in the playlist.

We havent really used it in Music Library database in 5.9.40 as it messed up all bpm and sound levels and have been reuctant to use it . I build playlists manually for us . So havent relied on it since.
We rebroadcast news that starts and stops with a DTMF signal. The news is quieter than our program, so we put with Multiple event action the command "set autoamp on" before the news and the "set autoamp off" after the news.
The "set autoamp on" turns on the autoamp, but the "set autoamp off" does not turn off the autoamp?
We tried with command "setvol 100" but same thing.

Yeap, the commands do not work after rebroadcasting. I tested with other commands e.g. with clearplaylist and nothing heppen. In other cases they work fine.
This happens in 5.9.4 but in 6 also.
In 5.9.4 when you select multiple songs in the Playlist you can move all the selected with drag'n'drop but in 6 when you select multiple songs only one can be moved.
In Music library Edit>Track Properties do not open the Properties windows. And Alt+3 also not open the window.

I'm waiting for a surprise for the video out, such as output by NDI, this will be fantastic and of course add a lot of new users :)
HMMMM said:
Lovely Dmtri but some of the problems are outstanding AutoIntro does not function correctly . If you place two files in the playlist and set the AutoIntro with a wave or MP3 the system detects artist superbly but if the Position:End of Track is used and a figure of 230s is used on a 3:52 song the media is cut of when the new second track starts there is no overley like the cart uses. This also does not take a calculation in the seconds box such as %seconds-6 which could be used to position the intro at the end of last song correctly. It would be also helpful if it listened to BPM to get the intro on a quiet piece so the voice did not crash the music.
We have never promised that %seconds value will work there - you should not use it as it'll likely be treated as "not a number" and converted to zero. The idea is interesting, and I think we'll add an option to start the track based on its end.

HMMMM said:
I had time a created a music library  which I called test I found some songs and tried to drag drop these into the newly opened window nothing happened  and nothing was added . Does this test music library actually exist or is it a label . I tried to set a folder and instead of looking for mp3 this started through everything in same folder and seemed to take a long time for a few songs there .
Thank you it seems like a bug - will be fixed in the next update.

tomimatko said:
In Music library when OPEN can you solve that the order of librarys in the pop up appears alphabetically, not in the order of addition. If you have a lot of database it is easier to find.
Yes, you're right we'll make the vlist of libraries sorted.

tomimatko said:
Maybe make some program that will convert old xml to database, but also correct libray path in the Playlist generator?
Yes, reading old XML files will be possible again soon and using them in Playlist Generator will also be possible to avoid the need of recreating of libraries.

tomimatko said:
In the playlist when select a song can you put a lighter color because with this dark blue you can't see the name of the song. In 5.9.4 it is light blue and that is much better.
You can control the selection color in Settings->View->Style.

tomimatko said:
Is there any chance to implement this in version 6? This is a very important option because we live from commercials.
I'm not sure about it, sorry. This version is a lot of work already and we plan on releasing it soon.
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