several issues

Hi, there is a problem with the "makelibrary" command
When a track does not have metadata does not use the file name as "author and artist."
Then when searches are made, appear without any data tracks.
nelson c said:
Hi, there is a problem with the "makelibrary" command
When a track does not have metadata does not use the file name as "author and artist."
Then when searches are made, appear without any data tracks.
Thank you for reporting this bug. Will be fixed in the next update.
nelson c said:
Ok Thanks.

On this theme:,3543.msg14874.html#msg14874
Icecast just released a stable version in which already supports natively opus, so it should work with metadata in RB.
I still think there is something wrong RadioBOSS does not send metadata streaming opus.
Are you able to update metadata from the Admin interface? The last time I checked it, it was not possible for OPUS streams.
If he's right, can not even update the metadata from the web server interface.
I also found a post that confirms:

Really this is a point I found this new format that sounds fantastic.
I sent an email to Icecast, I hope to add support soon...

Take this opportunity to add two requests:
1 - I would like a new command in the api "Insert after tail", to develop a php script I program songs from the phone when I'm not on the radio. Always added after the current track.
But I had problem because sometimes unwittingly introduced songs in "advertising space" or programs.
This is solved by adding a very easy API command "Insert after the event queue"

2 - On the search would be great if you could sort the songs by "Last Played", this prevents the reproduction of always the same tracks.
Hello Dmitry,
I have a request
Would be great to be able to customize the space between each item (song) finder. (just as is done in the playlists)
Increased size separation helps a lot visually to locate tracks.
nelson c said:
Hello Dmitry,
I have a request
Would be great to be able to customize the space between each item (song) finder. (just as is done in the playlists)
Increased size separation helps a lot visually to locate tracks.
This will be added in RadioBOSS 5.2 update. Thanks for the suggestion.
Thank you.
These are my requests for improvements, I hope I can apply several in RB 5.2:

1- Option to run events that could not be run off by pc
  Closed or RB. (would be very useful for critical events. right now you have power outages often several hours)

2- Option to set multiple points up and down is volume in sigue editor, so you can work with voicetrack, more easily and more professional sound. (see attached)
It would also be able to view interezante points intro-outro there, so to make the work easier and faster.

3- Jingles on automated intro songs as Jazler (Old request)

4- CLIMATE ads from txt (including rain) (Old request)

5- DSP VST Microphone

6- API (Download File, Send File)

7- Command API: Insert after tracks in after the events the queue.

8- Drag something to a tab, the tab 5 sec BEGINS as chorme

9- Statistics show without needing the encode RB

Some of this can be seen in RB 5.2?  :)


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nelson c said:
1- Option to run events that could not be run off by pc
  Closed or RB. (would be very useful for critical events. right now you have power outages often several hours)
Can you please provide more information on it?

nelson c said:
2- Option to set multiple points up and down is volume in sigue editor, so you can work with voicetrack, more easily and more professional sound. (see attached)
It would also be able to view interezante points intro-outro there, so to make the work easier and faster.
Something like this is planned. May be in a more simple way, e.g. just insert voice track in the desired position and RB will automatically adjust the track volume.

nelson c said:
6- API (Download File, Send File)
Do you want to uoload music remotely?

nelson c said:
7- Command API: Insert after tracks in after the events the queue.
Is this for request system (to request songs from the web site)? If so, a new API commands will be added exactly for this.

nelson c said:
8- Drag something to a tab, the tab 5 sec BEGINS as chorme
More information is needed about this.

Most of those requests are planned for the future, some of them will be added in RB 5.2.
djsoft said:
nelson c said:
1- Option to run events that could not be run off by pc
  Closed or RB. (would be very useful for critical events. right now you have power outages often several hours)
Can you please provide more information on it?
The idea is an option in the scheduler, that every event that could not be executed because during runtime the pc was off or closed radioboss, run neither well radioboss opens.
For example, a backup event for all Friday, just on Friday has been off the pc hardware cleaning program. then the next time you start RadioBOSS execute that task could not run because he was off.

nelson c said:
2- Option to set multiple points up and down is volume in sigue editor, so you can work with voicetrack, more easily and more professional sound. (see attached)
It would also be able to view interezante points intro-outro there, so to make the work easier and faster.
Something like this is planned. May be in a more simple way, e.g. just insert voice track in the desired position and RB will automatically adjust the track volume.
Ok, I see it too simple (I understand it can be difficult to develop). anyway be much better than now.
what would be great if you can adjust the overall gain of the songs from here:
Sometimes when we are going to mix a track sounds louder than another. this is the option autoamp but provoke major difference between the cue mix, and air.

nelson c said:
6- API (Download File, Send File)
Do you want to uoload music remotely?
I would like to download and upload files.
Download would be very interesting to Cue songs remotely.
load and also to add songs to your computer from another pc

nelson c said:
7- Command API: Insert after tracks in after the events the queue.
Is this for request system (to request songs from the web site)? If so, a new API commands will be added exactly for this.
Interestingly, filtering options to prevent repetition of songs and artists are welcome.
But I was referring to:
I would like an option in the API to insert the songs after the files that are in the queue (those from events).
It has happened I program songs remotely and these are inserted between ads because it is just the schedule established in ADS Scheduler.

nelson c said:
8- Drag something to a tab, the tab 5 sec BEGINS as chorme
More information is needed about this.
see attached image

Most of those requests are planned for the future, some of them will be added in RB 5.2.
Thanks!  :)


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nelson c said:
The idea is an option in the scheduler, that every event that could not be executed because during runtime the pc was off or closed radioboss, run neither well radioboss opens.
For example, a backup event for all Friday, just on Friday has been off the pc hardware cleaning program. then the next time you start RadioBOSS execute that task could not run because he was off.
A similar request was made by other users as well. It will be implemented at some point in the future.

nelson c said:
Ok, I see it too simple (I understand it can be difficult to develop). anyway be much better than now.
what would be great if you can adjust the overall gain of the songs from here:
Sometimes when we are going to mix a track sounds louder than another. this is the option autoamp but provoke major difference between the cue mix, and air.
A very good approach to make files play at the same volume is to pre-scan them and set ReplayGain tag (and of course activate the ReplayGain feature in RadioBOSS). You can pre-scan tracks using foobar2000:

nelson c said:
I would like to download and upload files.
Download would be very interesting to Cue songs remotely.
load and also to add songs to your computer from another pc
OK, I'll add it to request list. This feature is somewhat dangerous as it allows to manipulate files on the PC...

nelson c said:
Interestingly, filtering options to prevent repetition of songs and artists are welcome.
But I was referring to:
I would like an option in the API to insert the songs after the files that are in the queue (those from events).
It has happened I program songs remotely and these are inserted between ads because it is just the schedule established in ADS Scheduler.
This is also planned.

nelson c said:
More information is see attached image
OK... but what should happen after you drag a file onto tab?
Hi Dmitry, I have a problem / feature request:

Playing streaming:
sometimes the image freezes before loading the buffer, problems or internet server. (see screenshot)
this is before you start loading buffer, and can not connect ends as continuing with the next track by the timeout.
The problem is that while both the txt "Network Stream" is not written. since this still is not loading the buffer.

I use this as a reference to find out by reading a txt if streaming is playing.
This is critical for us as the output goes to the main transmitter of FM radio.
and sometimes our listeners silences complain about this problem. actually is internet connection problems, but because RadioBOSS does not do write "Network Stream". I feed it with an external program that takes actions when the loading buffer to avoid silences, but not activated because radioboss never writes "Network Stream"
I hope I was clear, and to make possible a quick fix.

Once this is resolved we would buy the upgrade license immediately.

thank you very much



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nelson c said:
The problem is that while both the txt "Network Stream" is not written. since this still is not loading the buffer.
It should write "Network Stream" when stream is just started, no matter if buffering in fact happens. It could be a bug - we'll look into it.
nelson c said:
The problem is that while both the txt "Network Stream" is not written. since this still is not loading the buffer.
Investigating this issue revealed no problem in RadioBOSS. If you have the "Hide Stream URL" option activated in Settings (View category) it will immediately write "Network Stream" entry to the log, regardless if stream playback is successful or not. If this option is disabled, then it writes network stream address to the log - you can still identify it as a network stream if the entry starts with http://, https://, mms:// or ftp://.
Thanks for your quick response, i've tested now and I could not come up with the error.
But I'm sure there is a problem.
The option to hide URL is activated.
At the time that RB was like the screenshot shown, manually opened the txt and said "url = 8001 # 2700" which is the same as when you are playing streaming (as it is a streaming OPUS without metadata )
I cause that my external program fails to start.

I just thought of where he might be the problem:
The present problem streaming, has a longer duration. RB and just the streaming to be last "X" minutes when restarted present a problem.
I guess you reboot but "network Stream" never wrote.
I have not tried, but maybe that's the problem.
It writes "Network Stream" entry to the log immediately after stream playback is started. Actually it's written even before RB attempts to load the stream. So the "Network Stream" will always appear in the log, regardless if the stream playback was successful or not. What version you're using - is it the latest RB 5.1.3? If not, try how the latest version works for you.
nelson c said:
Hi, in a previous post (can not find the link), I reported the following problem:
I have two pc with RB a generated list and Broadcast PC.
Both work through a shared network drive.
Sometimes when a pc, one of the two pc does not access the network restarts. and the network is down.
the solution is to manually access computer-> network path.
Ahi network reconnects and radioboss can work properly.
While checking for this bug, it turned out that it's Windows issue, and there's the fix for it available from Microsoft:

To make things easier, the .reg file which does the modification is attached to this post. Restart the PC after applying the .reg file.

