several issues

djsoft said:
nelson c said:
Hi, in a previous post (can not find the link), I reported the following problem:
I have two pc with RB a generated list and Broadcast PC.
Both work through a shared network drive.
Sometimes when a pc, one of the two pc does not access the network restarts. and the network is down.
the solution is to manually access computer-> network path.
Ahi network reconnects and radioboss can work properly.
While checking for this bug, it turned out that it's Windows issue, and there's the fix for it available from Microsoft:

To make things easier, the .reg file which does the modification is attached to this post. Restart the PC after applying the .reg file.
Thank you very much for your help.  :)
I just set the record with the file attached.
djsoft said:
It writes "Network Stream" entry to the log immediately after stream playback is started. Actually it's written even before RB attempts to load the stream. So the "Network Stream" will always appear in the log, regardless if the stream playback was successful or not. What version you're using - is it the latest RB 5.1.3? If not, try how the latest version works for you.
I found the cause of the problem, looking at the event viewer:
23:38:26;;"Network Stream";"http://******* #2700";"<TRACK IDENT="""" ARTIST=""Network Stream"" TITLE="""" ALBUM="""" YEAR="""" GENRE="""" COMMENT="""" FILENAME=""http://****/Varios/NoIP/Index.php?url=8001 #2700"" DURATION=""45:00""  PLAYCOUNT=""1"" INTRO=""0.00"" />"
23:39:54;error;"Stream connection lost/unstable: reconnecting";

Description of the problem:
1- starts to play a stream with a duration of 45 min.
2-is immediately "Network Stream" is written in txt.
3-When filled buffer, playback starts and disappears the word "Network Stream".
4 at any given time there are problems with the connection. is written in the "Stream connection lost / unstable: reconnecting". as streaming has to last 45 min, RB starts again loading buffer, but never writes "Network Stream".
nelson c said:
Description of the problem:
1- starts to play a stream with a duration of 45 min.
2-is immediately "Network Stream" is written in txt.
3-When filled buffer, playback starts and disappears the word "Network Stream".
4 at any given time there are problems with the connection. is written in the "Stream connection lost / unstable: reconnecting". as streaming has to last 45 min, RB starts again loading buffer, but never writes "Network Stream".
Yes, it's how it should be - it will not write "Network Stream" each time it tries to reconnect. You should try catching the "Stream connection lost" messages in addition to "Network Stream" to perform your custom tasks.

nelson c said:
Thank you very much for your help.  :)
I just set the record with the file attached.
Good! I hope this will solve the problem.
ah .. but sensing the message "connection lost Stream" can only detect a cut, but I have no way to see if the connection is reestablished, to resume the air.

I think I need one of two things:
- Find a way to not reconnect to tracks which have a certain duration.
- Write in the txt "network stream", I see no reason not to write this in the registry if the streaming is restarted.
is more think would be the most correct behavior.

or have any other ideas for when it stopped loading buffer after "Stream connection lost"?

nelson c said:
- Write in the txt "network stream", I see no reason not to write this in the registry if the streaming is restarted.
is more think would be the most correct behavior.
It will just pollute log with unnecessary messages.
Currently it can look like:
- Network stream
- Stream connection lost, restarting
- Stream connection lost, restarting
With the changes you offer, it will look like
- Network stream
- Stream connection lost, restarting
- Network stream
- Stream connection lost, restarting
- Network stream
Doesn't look good, and also gives no idea if the stream was restarted automatically or someone manually double-clicked it in the playlist. I'm afraid we'll have to leave things as they are now.

nelson c said:
or have any other ideas for when it stopped loading buffer after "Stream connection lost"?
If it fails to reload, it will try reloading again until it succeeds. You can use Silence Detector do something if it fails to reconnect within, say, 20 seconds. Also, silence Detector will add messages to log, so you'll be able to detect if reconnection was successful or not.
What you say is true
But you are referring to the event log.
I meant I file "CurrentSong.txt" used to report the names of the songs that are in the air.
I rely on this file to see if this loading buffer or not.
Here did not open any problem writing "Network Stream" when it starts loading the buffer, it's more like I said earlier it would be right.  :)

provides the option you do not like it for two reasons:
- I must count "20 seconds", since the reconnection began to analyze the log again. and will make things more complicated for the programming, because the program actually controls two instances of RB. (each has a different connection to the internet and the volume low in each go up when there is any cut)
If I put a Sleep (20) I'll be freezing the program for 20 seconds and the other instance of RB could not be controlled.

-'Use the Event Log: used this in the past, but things become very complicated at 12 midnight because another file is created.
This complicated things a lot so I pass command API to get the current track number, etc. and everything works much better.

For the only thing that a file is read if this loading buffer, and as I said before I do the right through txt "currentsong.txt"
nelson c said:
What you say is true
But you are referring to the event log.
I meant I file "CurrentSong.txt" used to report the names of the songs that are in the air.
I rely on this file to see if this loading buffer or not.
Here did not open any problem writing "Network Stream" when it starts loading the buffer, it's more like I said earlier it would be right.  :)
I don't think it should write the buffer loading process to the "nowplaying" file - it's not the information listeners would like to see.

nelson c said:
- I must count "20 seconds", since the reconnection began to analyze the log again. and will make things more complicated for the programming, because the program actually controls two instances of RB. (each has a different connection to the internet and the volume low in each go up when there is any cut)
If I put a Sleep (20) I'll be freezing the program for 20 seconds and the other instance of RB could not be controlled.
You can perform a check and wait in another thread - this way your main thread will not be frozen.

nelson c said:
-'Use the Event Log: used this in the past, but things become very complicated at 12 midnight because another file is created.
It's just another file created - this situation can be handled e.g. in a timer.
I would like to have the options "maximum waiting time on the list" in ADS Scheduler.
Sometimes while emitting a very long thing me an assembled two commercial blocks.
nelson c said:
I would like to have the options "maximum waiting time on the list" in ADS Scheduler.
Sometimes while emitting a very long thing me an assembled two commercial blocks.
This will be added in one of the next updates - thanks for the suggestion.
djsoft said:
nelson c said:
What you say is true
But you are referring to the event log.
I meant I file "CurrentSong.txt" used to report the names of the songs that are in the air.
I rely on this file to see if this loading buffer or not.
Here did not open any problem writing "Network Stream" when it starts loading the buffer, it's more like I said earlier it would be right.  :)
I don't think it should write the buffer loading process to the "nowplaying" file - it's not the information listeners would like to see.

nelson c said:
- I must count "20 seconds", since the reconnection began to analyze the log again. and will make things more complicated for the programming, because the program actually controls two instances of RB. (each has a different connection to the internet and the volume low in each go up when there is any cut)
If I put a Sleep (20) I'll be freezing the program for 20 seconds and the other instance of RB could not be controlled.
You can perform a check and wait in another thread - this way your main thread will not be frozen.

nelson c said:
-'Use the Event Log: used this in the past, but things become very complicated at 12 midnight because another file is created.
It's just another file created - this situation can be handled e.g. in a timer.

The problem is that these checks should be done twice per second.
Imagine the consumption of resources go all the record many times.
I was looking for other options to avoid the registry and there are not.
For example api RB also says "Network Stream" when to reconnect the streaming

I ask a big favor:
I may compile a version of RB where the option "Restart if connection problem" you are disabled? (for tracks with a fixed period)
I need for a PC that only receives streaming, so it will not be necessary to update the program here. (receives  streaming and sends transmitter FM) so it is vital this.
This will make things a lot more easier.
Please remind about it when the beta version (5.2) is released - I think a hidden configuration option (in player.ini) can be added to control this.
djsoft said:
Please remind about it when the beta version (5.2) is released - I think a hidden configuration option (in player.ini) can be added to control this.
Thanks a lot! it will. :D

I have a question:
Recently by a power outage, when rebooting the PC was charged with the default profile.
When I heard about this problem (the radio was silent) I had to load it manually and everything worked well.

Save profile settings were:
-Save Profile automatically: Checked.
-Save Periodically profile: Disabled.

Changing any of these things I can avoid this ?.
I also according to the option on the hard disk. "Write Cache" ?disabling this can help too?

If no other option I have is freezar the pc, as it is only used for playing streaming, but would have to see that frozen program is stable enough for the PC runs 24 Hs.
(I have seen some changes that keep the RAM and this would be a big problem.)
A comment from the Sweepers.
Actually the calculation is very accurate (it is excellent)
But there is a problem, does not take into account the mixing time.
I have the mixing point at 3.5. and recently saw it for a second before the event continued with another track and the event was delayed 4 minutes. so the sweeper was useless.

If I could fix this would be great.
nelson c said:
I also according to the option on the hard disk. "Write Cache" ?disabling this can help too?
Yes, if you have Write Caching enabled, and your computer runs without UPS then there's a possibility that some data from hard drive will be lost/become corrupted on power failure. You should either use UPS or disable write caching.

nelson c said:
A comment from the Sweepers.
Actually the calculation is very accurate (it is excellent)
But there is a problem, does not take into account the mixing time.
I have the mixing point at 3.5. and recently saw it for a second before the event continued with another track and the event was delayed 4 minutes. so the sweeper was useless.

If I could fix this would be great.
It should take Mixing into account... I'll add it to the list of bugs - we'll check this issue.
nelson c said:
A comment from the Sweepers.
Actually the calculation is very accurate (it is excellent)
But there is a problem, does not take into account the mixing time.
I have the mixing point at 3.5. and recently saw it for a second before the event continued with another track and the event was delayed 4 minutes. so the sweeper was useless.
Please provide more information on this issue -  what track is playing, how much time left to its end, what sweeper is inserted -  if possible, with screenshots.
djsoft said:
Please remind about it when the beta version (5.2) is released - I think a hidden configuration option (in player.ini) can be added to control this.
Here a broader description of the problem.
It is all due to internet problems but RB does not respond as it should.

You can see in the screenshot that RB is approximately half an hour trying to upload streaming.

When reconnecting a streaming "time out" does not work (this is a bug).
As the silence detector was never disabled runway change.

But my problem lies in that I could never detect this cut in transmission.
I have an installation of RadioBOSS apart, with another internet connection to be assigned alternating for cuts. (the volume of a body is lowered and raised to the other)
One way to detect that a court is "Network Stream", but never here my FM radio then fell silent I wrote !.
To simplify things I think as above an option to disable pedi reconnections for tracks with an established duration, with all the problems I simplify this.

So here I am waiting for the RB 5.2 Beta, where you said you would provide me a solution :)

djsoft said:
nelson c said:
A comment from the Sweepers.
Actually the calculation is very accurate (it is excellent)
But there is a problem, does not take into account the mixing time.
I have the mixing point at 3.5. and recently saw it for a second before the event continued with another track and the event was delayed 4 minutes. so the sweeper was useless.
Please provide more information on this issue -  what track is playing, how much time left to its end, what sweeper is inserted -  if possible, with screenshots.

Tomorrow will brindare details about this.

Thank you very much for your help


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Hi Dmitry, here two things:
-Bug In 5.2.3: Sometimes the RB tag editor does not write the letters are pressed, you have to push twice the same letter to be written, this is very annoying. I think the problem is when it is typed faster. in the previous version of the program, this error does not exist.

-You can add "Maximum time waiting in queue to play" in ADS scheduler?
This is already the planner implenetado RB, so do not think it is very laborious.


nelson c said:
-Bug In 5.2.3: Sometimes the RB tag editor does not write the letters are pressed, you have to push twice the same letter to be written, this is very annoying. I think the problem is when it is typed faster. in the previous version of the program, this error does not exist.
Did you install any other programs recently? There were no changes regarding this in the latest RadioBOSS release. The only thing why it could be affected is hot key processing, but IIRC it wasn't changed neither. If you type in other edit boxes in RB, do you see the same bug?

nelson c said:
-You can add "Maximum time waiting in queue to play" in ADS scheduler?
This is already the planner implenetado RB, so do not think it is very laborious.
Yes, this is planned for RadioBOSS 5.3.