Chathizpano Radio
are there any "commercials" promoting radioboss that we could include in our playlists?
This would be a nice way to collaborate with the app, if it exists I will gladly include it.

are there any "commercials" promoting radioboss that we could include in our playlists?
Thank you, this appears to be a bug, "stop" commands are supposed to be removed - if you have enabled the "Remove stop commands" option in Settings->General.Or otherwise if it's intended for the stop to clear out, then I'm reporting a bug.
Currently there are none, I'm sorry.are there any "commercials" promoting radioboss that we could include in our playlists?
I think the bug is that we have been operating in queue mode and didn't have the 'Remove "Stop" commands after execution' option set in either our currently live versions ( or the test versions (, yet the behaviour was still taking place in the old version. With the version, the stops were deleting in queue mode, even with the setting unchecked.Thank you, this appears to be a bug, "stop" commands are supposed to be removed - if you have enabled the "Remove stop commands" option in Settings->General.
It's checked by default. We've also checked and there appears to be no bug - it removes the "stop" command if the option is enabled.Now with the latest version update, the setting is being listened to correctly. So this is not actually a bug, but I would recommend an advisory on the release notes to check the setting is 'checked' for the behaviour to continue, in case others fall into the same scenario we did.
When using version (connected to a MySQL database) and performing an initial database search with "(All)" selected, the application freezes for 10-15 seconds. Also I don't think the search delay is adhering to the expected behavior. The timer should begin upon the last character being entered in, not immediately after the first character has been typed. Using 'Eminem' as an example again, I get up to typing "emin" before the application freezes attempting to search for the tracks. Expected behavior would be for the counter to begin upon the last character being typed - e.g. typing "e", the 300ms (default setting) countdown begins, but if I type "m" (changing the patternt to "em") then the counter should begin at 300ms again, and so on and so forth, until no more data entry has been detected.RadioBOSS RC
- Added advanced option to use track preload for network streams only
- Added advanced option to control search delay
- Fixed incorrect occasional track title in the log
- Updated user manual
- Fixed track information layout bug
- Fixed item selection/dragging bug in lists (playlist, scheduler, etc)
- Minor issues fixed
Hi there,i find a LOT of artist or track repeats are due to very minor spelling variations between files, "Earth, Wind and Fire" compared to "Earth,Wind and Fire". The difference is the space after the first comma, the system views them as different artists. I have spent quite a few days going through my entire content folder and changing filenames from tags, removing tags, removing duplicates, and this is an ongoing editing task every week. In my experience, every time I find a repitition, i investigate, i keep a legal pad and jot it down and then in most cases i find it is a typo/spelling issue. just my 2 cents worth
I am VERY carefull with my music library... but even when RB fails, i always check my files first before reportingWe'll check this again, thank you. I'd suggest to install the latest update just in case. Also, please check if the files are properly tagged. Track List does not parse file names. If artist field is empty, or the tag does not exist, it will ignore the repeat protection rule for such track.
unactualizado con la nueva version y trabarando muy bien
Have you previously made a backup of your settings from previous version and then restore it from v.6?Hello,
I upgraded to the beta version,and did not retain all my custom style, the titles on the black player columns that were before the upgrade have now turned yellow.
So many updates but that hasn't changed.
In the final version will it be possible to see my titles on black columns as in my custom style?
Sì screenshot e di una vecchia versione ma è lo stesso problema sull'ultima versione beta v. RC putroppo con le mie impostazioni personalizzate appare un attimo blu appena iniziato (ma il mio era nero) e poi diventa gialloHai già fatto un backup delle tue impostazioni dalla versione precedente e poi lo hai ripristinato dalla v.6?
L'ho fatto ei miei titoli sono ancora neri, non capisco perché i tuoi sembrano gialli.
Lo sviluppatore ti dirà se si tratta di un bug o meno.
Un'altra cosa che ho apprezzato nel tuo screenshot è che stai usando una vecchia versione. Siamo attualmente sulla v. RC
Have you previously made a backup of your settings from previous version and then restore it from v.6? / Hai già fatto un backup delle tue impostazioni dalla versione precedente e poi ripristinato dalla v.6?Sì screenshot e di una vecchia versione ma è lo stesso problema sull'ultima versione beta v. RC putroppo con le mie impostazioni personalizzate appare un attimo blu appena iniziato (ma il mio era nero) e poi diventa giallo
It is strange but on the main PC, (Hosts MySQL server) it works fine.What does it show in the log? Multi actions or a single aciton should not matter, the commands are executed one by oe anyway. But if the event is inserted into the playlist (if one of the actions is not a command), it can action differently. The makelibrary command is not intended to be run from the playlist.
You can do this in the music library. Under Add > Import.Hello,
I have a suggest about the new music library System. Can you please implement an import tool from our Music Library in xml to the new database system? There are many work for rebuild all the infos 8intros and other info again ...
Otty Deejay ( ... working in the catalan translation ...)
This happens because it indexes all available databases. After this is done, the search will be near instant. The core problem here is the network, I suppose. It needs to send large packets of data, and therefore there are delays. You can significantly improve things if you move the database server (if it's possible) to the same computer where RadioBOSS is installed, this will remove all the latency.When using version (connected to a MySQL database) and performing an initial database search with "(All)" selected, the application freezes for 10-15 seconds.
Do you have any issues with repeated tracks in the latest ( update? There were some tweaks made in the past two updates regarding this issue.I am VERY carefull with my music library... but even when RB fails, i always check my files first before reporting
Can you please write in English?Sono passato alla versione beta e non ho mantenuto tutto il mio stile personalizzato, i titoli sulle colonne dei giocatori neri che erano prima dell'aggiornamento ora sono diventati gialli.
This is imported automatically from the music tracks. If you have stored the additional information in APEv2 tag (the default) this information will also be read by the latest update. Importing XML libraries is also possible using the Add menu in the Music Library.I have a suggest about the new music library System. Can you please implement an import tool from our Music Library in xml to the new database system? There are many work for rebuild all the infos 8intros and other info again ...