RadioBOSS 6.0 [beta]

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This does not reproduce here. Are you sure that the playlist path and library name are correct and that the playlist is not empty?
I'm researching this. At first I found one of the "Makelibrary" commands with the wrong path .. But there are others where it is correct (In the same event) and it doesn't work..

Executing a single command in a new event works fine
It queues only after the scheduled items (items with "clock" icon), not after the regular music tracks - if there are regular tracks, it will be inserted as the next track. There are no icons in your playlist so it's hard to tell what actually happens.

If nothing is playing, start time is not calculated by default. If you need it to calculate, right click the first item and select the "Calculate start time" option.
i cannot find the "select the "Calculate start time" option", where would this be?
i think you are making fun... The questions you ask would be avoided if you pay attention... the 2 last pictures i published here prove that separation artists happens a lot, 2 in 3 weeks at least and i don't check the log every days. The log doesn't light this error, only shows the track separation, so it's difficult to spot the errors, maybe this is why nobody reports the fails. (the fact the log doesn't report this error it's evident in the picture, there are 2 QUEEN tracks, but no error report on the log)
About the version, you can also see it on the picture (top left side)... as a professional you should pay attention.
i find a LOT of artist or track repeats are due to very minor spelling variations between files, "Earth, Wind and Fire" compared to "Earth,Wind and Fire". The difference is the space after the first comma, the system views them as different artists. I have spent quite a few days going through my entire content folder and changing filenames from tags, removing tags, removing duplicates, and this is an ongoing editing task every week. In my experience, every time I find a repitition, i investigate, i keep a legal pad and jot it down and then in most cases i find it is a typo/spelling issue. just my 2 cents worth
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Dimitry, here a bug in Interface

But there are others where it is correct (In the same event) and it doesn't work..
What does it show in the log? Multi actions or a single aciton should not matter, the commands are executed one by oe anyway. But if the event is inserted into the playlist (if one of the actions is not a command), it can action differently. The makelibrary command is not intended to be run from the playlist.

i cannot find the "select the "Calculate start time" option", where would this be?
It's in the right-click menu, on a playlist track.

i find a LOT of artist or track repeats are due to very minor spelling variations between files, "Earth, Wind and Fire" compared to "Earth,Wind and Fire". The difference is the space after the first comma, the system views them as different artists.
Yes, correct. Different spelling = different artist.

In my experience, every time I find a repitition, i investigate, i keep a legal pad and jot it down and then in most cases i find it is a typo/spelling issue. just my 2 cents worth
By the way, as it turned out, the Log window can sometimes show incorrect titles for certain tracks (we currently work on this issue). That is, the title as shown in the log is wrong, actually the other file was played. In case you see a "repeat", please enable the "Filename" column in the Log to check what track was actually played.
i found it, it only appears on the menu when the playlist is stopped or paused
Yes, because when it's playing it calculates start time from the currently playing track.

maybe cause by my new server firewall rules
It's very likely. The "Read time out" error means that the operation did not finish in time for some reason. You can check the server logs to see on what stage does it generate this error.

A little mistake. The columns are shifted in the Music Library.
Do you use the latest RadioBOSS
When the music library is updating (via API command line), database searching becomes slow within RadioBOSS, on the same system doing the music file updates and also other systems connected to the database.

When searching for artists and you start typing in an entry, you only get a couple of letters entered before the application freezes. The playback is unaffected, but the music library won't show anything for 5-6 seconds and then it'll appear with results.

My guess is that as you type each letter, it is hitting the database. For example we're entering 'eminem' so 'e' 'em' 'emi' 'emin' etc. is slowing down the speed in which the data returns to the music library search area.

Could we add in a slight delay for MySQL lookups, so it waits for you to enter the artist (even if it's only 500ms - 1000ms delay between typing data and before it actually hits the database server), before it returns results?

Or, for it to only begin hitting the database when 3 or more characters are entered in (and if any less, a timeout occurs, 2000ms for example, so it's only hitting the database once).

If that's an advanced option that needs to be switched on manually or something like that, I wouldn't mind needing to switch that option on for the behaviour to come out that way. I'd prefer that over the music library freezing if we do periodical music database updates during the day and the presenter is attempting to search for something at the same time. Maybe an advanced option for us to alter a delay ourselves, so we could fine tune it to our specific needs.

Also - separately, MySQL lookups are very slow when the database is hosted over a WAN link (24ms delay between server/client), which for most of your users won't be an issue, but it is unusable if we were contemplating setting up a 'work from home' set up.
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In the Playlist that is airing (the one that is playing) it is not allowed to use the keyboard functions nor to drag tracks within the list using the mouse. In my version some events and track cover continue to flash.
In the Playlist that is airing (the one that is playing) it is not allowed to use the keyboard functions nor to drag tracks within the list using the mouse. In my version some events and track cover continue to flash.

The drag and keyboard issue occurs from the middle of the list down.
i have now stopping trying to hide the log window that keeps popping up and now am working with it, just show all entries and just minimize to the last 4 entries thus

this works for me, its actually a good double check on what is going on
if i know there is going to be a news bulletin coming up that hasn't fired yet, i re-arrange the playlist manually to have an upbeat track just after the scheduled event thus


here i know that at 19:00 there will be a news sequence which will finish approx 4:45 after the hour, so it plays boogie wonderland just after the news, in this example
i haven't found a way to get this to be automated yet
When you highlight multiple tracks, you can drag them all up and down which is great. If you go too far up though, it stops having all of the tracks selected and drops down to only 1 track being selected. Expected behaviour would be for the track selection to 'hit' the top of the playlist and not advance any further. When dragging to the bottom of the playlist, it is slightly different behaviour but still not what would be expected.

For large playlists (we have 286 songs in 1 playlist), after track #150, multi select in the playlist isn't possible. The tracks just above may be selected (#148 / #149 etc.) occasionally, but it is intermittent.


  • tracklist1.png
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  • tracklist2.png
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For large playlists (we have 286 songs in 1 playlist), after track #150, multi select in the playlist isn't possible. The tracks just above may be selected (#148 / #149 etc.) occasionally, but it is intermittent.

This is also in short playlists with 70 titles
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